Chapter 8.1

Peter Walter Family


Copyright 2016 by Dorrell Boles and John Quanz

All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced, posted or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. If necessary you can reach the copyright holders through the webmaster of at


Special Note: The information presented here was gathered from many different documents over 35 years ago. The notes regarding the actual references have been lost. If any readers recognize the content and where it may have come from we would appreciate receiving that information so we can credit those references appropriately.


Fantasy and fact – 1810 to 1976

         It all started from reading a book “The Pioneers of Old Ontario” by W. L. Smith. This book was a gift from our Canadian government to Henry and Annie Walter on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Fantasy of the pioneer days inspired a research on the Walter Family. The following pages are the result of the facts revealed about our pioneers.

In compiling this history, information has been gathered from several sources: –

·       “History of the County of Perth County” by William Johnson.

·       Historical Atlas of various counties and townships.

·       The help of many cousins in Canada and United States was greatly appreciated.


         A very special thanks to Marjorie Silcox, who so kindly shared a wealth of information collected by Phillips Silcox, to whom we are greatly indebted. Phil spent many hours, drove many miles in search of family history. The good book tells us in John 4:36 – 37 - one sows and another reaps. Phil has passed on to his rewards – a greater life. We rejoice together for the benefits we have reaped from his labour here on earth.

         To all who helped with this project; to my parents – Gordon and Almeda Walter, who taught me to believe and trust in our great Creator; to my aunt Veronica (Frona) Quanz for her endless patience and loyal assistance, my sincere “Thanks”.



“Johann (George) Peter and Katharine Walter”

Children of this couple are we, but not that only,

It is our pride in a great heritage, our unspeakable joy

As we go on our way through life.

We are not children of men only, but children of God.

(Romans 8:14 – 17)


                                                                                                                             Dorrell Boles

         It has been a primary object of our enquiry to ascertain from what part of Germany the Walters migrated and under what circumstances.

         The family is believed to have come from the Province of Baden, Germany, on the east bank of the Rhine. The only precise information was obtained from Rev. John A. Bender, three weeks before he died, when he said: “I know my mother was born in Eschelbach”. Eschelbach is a rural cross – roads about 10 miles southeast of Heidelberg, near Sinsheim. Jacob Filsinger was also born in this district. It is not known if any other members of the Walter family migrated, other than Peter and his wife and children. Nor have we uncovered circumstances of that migration. As they came first to Buffalo, probably they first landed at New York. The Buffalo German community was formidable. Here was one of the magnetic centers for newcomers; a good place to pause and look around in search of good farmlands at reasonable prices. It may be possible to find their names on some ship list about the year 1845 – 46 as arriving at New York but we may never learn why they did not remain in Buffalo, but decided to cast their lot in the British lands across the Niagara River.

         Of Casper Kimpel we know even less. From what part of Germany he came, how, when, by what route, he came to Waterloo Township, whether he and Margaret Wolf where married here or in Germany we have not yet determined.

         It is well known that from 1830s to 1870s there were very extensive migrations from several states, duchies, and electorates of Germany. Tens of thousands of families poured into the United States and Canada by several routes and under various auspices, as part of an even more extensive mass – migration from northern Europe to the new world. Of the several factors causing migration from Germany, we do not know which concerned Peter Walter and his wife Katharine or Casper Kimpel and Margaret his wife. Economic distress in the Rhineland states was acute. Where, generation after generation, family holdings had been subdivided between sons, many farms were too small to provide a living for a family even in good years. Several years of adverse climate and poor harvest brought hunger to thousands. Political unrest was a large influence; both before and after the revolution of 1848. The growing might of Prussia was not so serious a threat until 1862 when Bismarck took control and the Kaiser wrestled with Parliament to extend the period of compulsory military service; but it was there. In some areas the freedom of religious practice was threatened and the influence of French anti-Christian thinking was a menace to the evangelicals.

         There are many stories to be told about the Canadian scene. The Walter story is but a small portion of one chapter – but one worth telling. Whatever faith the Walter family followed in Germany; they have been associated from the very beginning of the settlement of Wallace Township with the little powerhouse on the 6th Line – The Evangelical Church. It was later known as The Evangelical (United Brethren) Church and has joined with the United Church of Canada in late 1960s.


Family Tree Summary                                                                                  Page

George (Johann) Peter Walter & Katharina Bender                                           15

A.  Jacob Friedrich (Jake) Walter & Julia Arnold                                               17

A.1 - Katharine (Kate) Walter & Nicholas Krotz (Red Nick)            18

A.2 - Margaret Walter & Adam Wenzel                                           19

A.3 - Moses Walter – never married.                                               38

A.4 - Lydia Walter & Simon Stockfish                                              38

A.5 - Adam A. Walter & Christina Goebel                                       40

A.6 - Catherine Walter                                                                      40    

A.7 - George H. Walter & Kate                                                         40

A.8 - John Peter (Peter) Walter & Mary Sproule                            40

A.9 - Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter & William Klemmer                         42    

A.10 - William Solomon Walter                                                       42

A.11 - Julianne (Julia) Walter & William H. Gross                          42

A.12 - Joshua (John) Jacob Walter                                                   44

A.13 - Emma Walter & Jack Honeywell                                            48



B. John Ehrenfried Walter & Annie Drehmer                                                    49

B.1 - Jacob (Jake) David Walter & Annie Peiffer                             49

B.2 - Katherine (Kate) Walter & Conrad (Con) Neuret                   49    

B.3 - Mary Ann Walter & Marcus Bender                                        50

B.4 - Daniel (Dan) Walter & Esther Fallis                                              52

B.5 - Sarah Walter & Bob Ronalds                                                   52

B.6 - John (Johnny) Walter - Died when eight years old                52

B.7 - Margaret (Maggie) Walter – Unmarried                                 52

B.8 - Barbara Walter & Nicholas B. Krotz                                              52

B.9 - Joseph (Joe) Walter & Bertha Walker                                     55

B.10 - Anna Walter – Unmarried                                                     55


B.11 - Matilda (Tillie) Walter & William DeField                             55

B.12 - Abraham Walter - Was two years old when he died.          56

B.13 - Adeline Walter & Jack Duffy                                                  56

B.14 - Wesley Walter - Died an infant only 3 months old.             56


C. Margaret Walter & Valentine Welker                                                           57

C.1 - Bernhardt Welker                                                                     58

C.2 - Katherine (Kate) Welker & Jacob Miller                                 58

C.3 - Margaret Welker & John Elbert                                               59

C.4 - Peter Welker & Edith Estella Mallison                                    60

C.5 - Charles (Charlie) Welker & Emma Wagner                             62

C.6 - Mary Welker                                                                                  62

C.7 - Susan Welker & William Milligan                                            62

C.8 - Helen Welker                                                                            62

C.9 - John Welker                                                                              62

C.10 - Jacob John Welker (Jake) & Katherine Beese                       62

C.11 - Regina Victoria Welker & John McClung                              63

C.12 - Michael Henry (Harry) Welker & Margaret Seibel                64

C.13 - Clara Anna Welker & Alan Reynolds                                     64

C.14 - Otto Herman Welker & Mary Allan                                      64


D. Peter Walter Junior & Veronica Kimpel                                                        66

D.1 - Sarah Walter                                                                             76

D.2 - Henry Walter & Annie Schneider                                            78

D.3 - Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter & Henry Heinmiller                         89

D.4 - Cornelius Walter & Annie Berndt                                           94

D.5 - John Ehrenfried Walter & Mary Schneider                             100

D.6 - Daniel Wesley Walter & Adeline Schneider                           105


E. Katharine (Kate) Walter & Ehrenfried Bender                                              108

F. Gottfried Walter                                                                                             108

G. Michael Walter & Barbara Heinmiller                                                          109


The Kimple Family                                                                                               110


Walter Family Alphabetical List                                                                         114


Township of Wallace 1879 (Atlas of Perth County)

         All the school-houses in the Township were built within the same year, 11 in all, directly after it was laid out in school sections in 1857, which goes to show that the settlement of Wallace Twp., besides being very rapid, was of a progressive and liberal class of people. The first religious service held within its borders was at the house of Edward Taggart, Lot 3, Concession 5, the clergyman on this occasion being a superannuated Methodist minister named Armstrong, and soon after the Wesleyan Methodists built the first church in the Township at Mount Zion.

         Previous to 1858 Wallace Township had no separate municipal history. From its first settlement it formed a part of that district composed of Logan, Elma and Wallace. This large section of country was governed by one council, whose place of meeting was Mitchell, over 20 miles away. Rapid influx of population led to dismemberment. On January 18, 1858, Mr. D. D. Campbell, as acting clerk, presided over Wallace Township’s first Council.

The following gentlemen where elected to the Council.

Freeborn Kee                              - Reeve                   Salary

Officers: –

       C. M. Hemsworth                 - Clerk                     $45.00

       James Stinson                      - Collector              $40.00

       William Craig                       - Treasurer             $40.00

       William Henderson             - Assessor               $52.00


Jacob Walter served on the Council during 1885 and 1886.

         The people of Wallace Township have on several occasions displayed the public spirit by which they are animated, notably when called upon to assist in the construction of public enterprises. They granted a bonus of $25,000 to the main line of the Wellington, Grey, Bruce Railroad, and when the south extension thereof was constructed through Wallace Township, it was aided to the extent of $10,000 and a like amount has already been voted to assist in the extension northward of the Stratford and Huron Road.

         During the comparatively short time which has elapsed since this Township was first invaded by the adventurous settler, it has made rapid strides on the road to wealth, and to say that it’s people are a decidedly industrious and progressive class, possessing a full share of the intelligence characteristic of Canadians, it put a just comment on some of their many virtues, which will be fully borne out by observation.

         Mixed farming has been practically adopted throughout. There is no municipality in this county that has contributed larger sums in aid of railroads than Wallace Township.

         The shape of Wallace Township is almost that of a perfect triangle. Within the borders there is contained an area of 51,518 acres, of which, at the time of the last Dominion Census, there were 25,464 acres improved; but during the 8 years that have since elapsed the percentage of improved land has vary materially increased. By the same authority also the population of Wallace Twp. was at that time 3581, but her growth in this respect since then has been commensurate with the expansion of her farms and the diminution of her forests.

         Wallace Township was not surveyed or put in the market till 1855; still, as early as 1851, J. P. Brown, an American since removed, had been living a considerable time on Lot 1, Concession 6. He was the first settler in the Township, and a genius in his way. When settlers began to arrive, Mr. Brown would ascertain from them what locality suited their taste, and would then run the lines by aid of his pocket compass for their lots. When the Township was regularly surveyed, changes had to be made and regulated, at the cost of many who had been duped. Lots 17 and 18, Concession 6, settled in 1851 first by Robert Stinson, there being at that time no one settled farther west than this. (This was the farm owned by Simon Walter before he moved to Listowel). In 1853 Richard Strong settled on Lot 24, Concession 7, the same year John McDermott arrived and built the first sawmill in Wallace Township, on Lot 26, Concession 8. (Note: Mr. Strong’s farm was later Addison Wenzel’s farm during the 1940s) and McDermott was the Nelson farm south side of 8th Concession and Highway #23.) These areas where not yet supplied with roads. Richard Strong gathered a company of 15 men that fall and cut out a road from Gowanstown to Wallaceville, but it was not until about 1860 that the gravel road from Listowel to Palmerston was cut through the woods. In 1863 the central gravel road was in course of construction. Prior to 1867 the Township Wallace had no railways nearer than Stratford or Mitchell.


Palmerston – on the boundary of Wallace Township, was first known as Dryden post office, and opened in 1866, with Robert Johnson as postmaster. Through the construction of the Wellington, grey and Bruce and the Stratford and who run railways, Palmerston became a railroad center. In 1873, therefore, the name Dryden was changed to Palmerston, in honor of Lord Palmerston, who was for some time Prime Minister of Great Britain. Palmerston was incorporated as a town in 1875 (population 2000 was required for a town). The majority of the original settlers of Wallace came there from Simcoe County, where many of them were born, and all having had experience in bush life in the County named, they turned that experience to excellent use in their new homes, and as evidenced by the rapid strides which, from the very first settlement, Wallace Township took in the march of improvement.


Everybody knows that neither praying nor grumbling pulls the cart from the mire; the sure way is to set a shoulder to the wheel.

When the school board met one feller said “What’ll we do with the school house, when all the kids are grown?”

At a harvest supper, a new hand was asked if he had been served enough. He answered, “Enough, but not plenty”.                                   ****

Wallace – This municipality was last to be opened up in the north limit of Perth County. It was opened for settlement in 1855, (although a few pioneers had located previously). Price per acre was $2.00. In 1861 it had a population of 2,400, and the population in 1901 was 2,693.

There were no villages of much importance in Wallace Township, but the chief of such as there were are: –

                   Gowanstown – was named in honor of Thomas H. Gowan, who founded the place, and kept the first store and tavern. This post office was opened in 1871, with William Blackstone as first postmaster. Gowanstown, located 4 miles north of Listowel on the Palmerston Gravel Road, and in 1879 contained two hotels, a blacksmith shop, store and post office, and there is also a station on the W. G. & B. South Extension which runs close beside the hamlet.

                   Wallaceville (Wallace) – was named in honor of the municipality, and that, we are told, was named after Baron Wallace, Vice-President of the Board of Trade under Lord Goderich. This office opened in 1854, with Charles Burrows as first postmaster. This is a small village about 4 miles east of Gowanstown (3 crossroads east of Gowanstown on Concession 4) where are situated a sawmill, 2 hotels, harness shop, store and post office, which is served with a tri-weekly mail of Gowanstown.

                   Trecastle – in Wallace Township, was named in honor of a town in Ireland, by a number of Irish settlers in its vicinity. This office was opened in 1856 by Mr. Freeborn Kee as first postmaster. (Trecastle – 4 crossroads east of corner of 8th Concession and #23 Highway.)

                   Kurtzville – was named after John Kurtz, on whose farm the office was established in 1885, with Jacob F. Doersam as first postmaster.

                   Brotherson – was named in honor of Montezuma Brothers, who had taken an active interest in providing mail accommodation for this neighborhood. Mr. Brothers was honored for his efforts on behalf of the people in this section with the privilege of naming and giving his own name to the new office, which was opened in 1885, Montezuma Brothers first postmaster. (Located on the 6th Concession, 2 side roads west of Highway #23, one side road west of Uncle Fred Quanz’s farm.)

                   Shipley – was, it is believed, named in honor of the birth place of its first postmaster, Mr. E. Bristow. This office opened in 1858. Tri-weekly mail. (2 side roads west of Gowanstown on 4th Concession.)

                   Listowel – Now the town of Listowel was formally known as Mapleton and Windham. The Department subsequently set aside both names in favor of Listowel. This office opened in 1856 with William H. Hacking as first postmaster.


Last Time

Seems as though we’ve always had taxes, and maybe we always will, but no government yet has made us like it.

6th Line Evangelical Church (EUB Church)

         The Evangelical Church on Lot 30, Concession 6, was organized on January 1, 1863 by Rev. L. Rothermal, and a log building erected in 1866. Services were held here until the present brick church was constructed on Lot 26 in 1882. This congregation has been prosperous, having now about 200 members. Mr. L. Good as Superintendent conducts a Sabbath School with about 165 Pupils. Rev. L. Wittick was the pastor in charge in 1879.

         This church celebrated the 100th Anniversary in 1963 and the 150th Anniversary was celebrated in 2013. Many of our relatives have, and still worship in this church. Many have been married, baptized, and burial services conducted in this church. The cemetery is located on the 7th Concession (one block west of Highway #23 on Lot 31). Many of the Walter and Schneider families were laid to rest here. Peter Walter was one of the first three trustees when the church was organized in 1863.

         We possess the comforts of life, and enjoy the fruit of the vine planted by the hand of the loved ones who have passed away. Good fellowship and genuine hospitality are still part of today.

         Do you know how this great land became known as Canada? Well, the story goes that the Fathers of Confederation were having quite a time deciding what Canada should be called, back in 1867. Sir Leonard Tilley, one of the committee studying this problem, opened his Bible at verse 8 of the 72nd Psalm, “He shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth”. He told the other committee members of this, and the aptness of the phrase influenced them in the decision to adopt the name “Dominion of Canada”. The British North America act gave us Confederation, uniting Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

         May 22, 1867: – A Royal Proclamation decreed the Dominion of Canada should come into existence on July 1 of that year. The term “Dominion” was adopted.

         1858 – A failure of crops this year was followed by great hardships and distress in many backwoods homes throughout Perth County. In a Township so recently settled as Wallace, where the contest with poverty was at its crucial point between success and failure, losing a year’s labour fell on a struggling pioneer with crushing effect. Application was made for a share in the relief fund set apart by the County Council, which was demanded in all municipalities to a greater or lesser amount.


         Folks used to say, “Spring ain’t come until ye kin put yer foot on a dozen daisies at once”.

Here and there you meet a gentleman of leisure, but he is called a tramp.


Disasters in Canada

         A disaster is a sudden and extremely unfortunate event that affects many people. Herein are some of the disasters our pioneers suffered.

          1816: The county of Perth was not greatly inhabited if at all during the summer lists year of 1816. But other parts of Ontario suffered greatly that year. The spring of 1816 open with as fair prospects as have ever appeared at the same season since. But snow began to fall in June, and until spring came again the whole country was continuously covered by a wintry blanket. Practically nothing was gathered in the way of a crop. Everything rotted in the ground. There was no flour, no vegetables; people lived for 12 months on fish and meat. The next year harvests were bountiful. There was considerable migration in 1817 from Nova Scotia (who had escaped the affliction of Ontario). They brought with them the blue-nose of pointed potatoes. This provided potatoes to the people of Ontario and seed for the next crop. From the potatoes the name “blue-noses” passed to the Nova Scotians themselves. They should be proud of this name, for it recalls the time when help from that province proved the salvation of sorely stricken Ontario, and ended the nightmare of want.

         1818: Another part of what is now Canada suffered a disaster. July 18, 1818: the first shower of grasshoppers fell on the Red River District (West) hiding the sun and devouring every green thing.

         1833: Army worms came in countless millions and stripped trees bare and covered the ground. About the same time a deluge of frogs fell upon the land. In the hot weather they rotted and cholera developed, people died by hundreds. It has been recorded that there was a cholera epidemic in 1832.

         1852: During this year Smallpox took its toll. Winter food was potatoes and fish, or potatoes and cow cabbage, when supplies ran out.

         1860s: About 1885 farming in this county (Perth) had reached its highest point in success, and during the next 10 years suffered a period of depression. Previous to 1860 scarcely any winter wheat was produced in this county. In 1863 or ‘64 spring wheat was attacked by an insect midge and its cultivation had to be almost abandoned. Winter wheat was introduced.

         1870s: Research indicates there was a diphtheria epidemic.

         1890s: When electricity became general as a motive power on streetcars, thousands of horses were thrown on the market. This had a depressing effect on agriculture from 1890 to 1895. More wheat was grown depleting the soil of its fertility, and weeds could scarcely be controlled. Improved machinery became available.


Johann (GEORGE) Peter Walter

         George Peter Walter is believed to been born in Michelfeld, Baden, Germany, on August 2, 1810. (We sometimes see his name as Johann Peter Walter.) Ron Walter in California found the Walter family on a passenger list from Europe. They sailed on the ship “Banca” from Amsterdam in 1847 arriving in New York. Peter Walter then migrated to Buffalo, New York and from there to Ontario with his wife Katharina, and their elder children. Katharina Bender, who was often referred to as Katharine, was born about the end of November or early December 1810 and passed away in 1887.


         Two Legends have been passed down concerning incidents in Germany which suggest that he was a sheep breeder or dealer. One has to do with some arrogant aristocratic youth who drove a carriage through a herd of sheep, lashing at them with his whip, while Johann and companions where herding them along the road. Somehow they sent someone ahead to the next town, by a cutoff, to notify the police of this illegal conduct and the young fool was apprehended as he drove into town. The other related a method used by rustlers to catch passing sheep in a pit, dug in the road and covered over, which on a certain occasion was nullified by the alertness of the sheepdog. Yet a third story is told of Peter having been obliged to detain a shepherd and his flock under bond all night, to be released the next morning, when someone came to identify him and lift the bond. All of these legends are lacking in detail and to the best of our knowledge have not been committed to writing.


         In the provincial archives, Toronto, among the Township papers for Wallace is to be found an affidavit taken jointly by Adam Dechert and Ehrenfried Bender, both of the Township of Wallace, in the county of Perth, yeoman, in 1865:

“ ….. Each for himself taketh oath and saith that he is well acquainted with Lot No. 29 in the 7th Concession of the Township of Wallace, that is now occupied by Peter Walter and has been continuously occupied by him for three years last past; that there are 50 acres of it cleared and had under crop and a habitable house of the dimensions of 23 feet x 25 feet erected on the same; that these improvements were made by and on behalf of Peter Walter and that he, the Deponent, is not aware of any adverse claim to or occupation of said lot.”


Sworn before me at Wallace,

this fifth day of September,                       (signed)  Adam Dechert

A. D. 1865.                                                                 Ehrenfried Bender

       C. M. Hemsworth,                               I have reason to believe the

       A Commissioner etc.                           affidavit to be true,

                                                                    J. Sharmon, Crown Lands Agent.


         This document led to the “Crown Sale” No. 18095, Wallace Township and clearly indicates when Peter first came to the 6th Line – 1862. It is not perfectly clear, however, whether this is Peter Senior or Peter Junior.


Note: Peter Walter was named one of the three first trustees elected January 1, 1863, when the Evangelical Church was organized on the 6th. The first log church, opposite the Cemetery was built in 1866. The present church constructed of brick was built in 1882. In the mid-1930s the church floor was raised and a basement installed, Rev. G. N. Mohr was minister at this time; many of our relatives helped on this project.


         The first documentary evidence of Peter and Katharine’s arrival in the New World is found in the 1851 Census Returns for Waterloo County, Woolwich Township. In the Agricultural Census Peter is located on Lot 95, Concession D, where he was occupying 175 acres of wood or wild land; with nothing under cultivation or pasture. The Personnel Census, District 4, Folio III, records them as living in a one-story log cabin; as all their neighbors were doing. The family consisted of;

Peter Walter                            aged   42

Katharine Walter                               42



Jacob                                            14

John Ehrenfried                           12

Margaret                                      10

Peter                                            8

Catharine                                     6

Gottfried                                      4


They were described as Lutherans and all except Gottfried, were born in Germany. He was born in the USA in 1847.


         Examination of land records for Lot 95, however, reveals no trace of Peter having any equity in it. This means that he may have been given permission to “camp” on the property, or that he rented accommodation, while possibly he went to work for established farmers, or engaged in lumbering or clearing the land. Many newcomers worked for a wage during the first few months, or years until they could buy land of their own. We simply do not know what Peter did.

         Lot 95 is a 350 acre block straddling the axis road which runs north from Elmira, just south of North Woolwich.


         The 1851 Census was Canada’s first, and was held late in that year or early in 1852. Peter Winger, the enumerator for District 4, Woolwich, made his oath of affirmation at Berlin, January 24, 1852; so the ages quoted would have been given to him not later than the middle of January, and this column is headed “Age Next Birthday”. Little Gottfried would then have been born, probably in the Buffalo District, some time during 1848 the move to Upper Canada could have been any time between then and 1851.


         By the time of the 1861 Census, little Gottfried had apparently left them and may have been laid to rest in the churchyard at North Woolwich. The church was not built until 1868 but the congregation of the Evangelical Association had grown out of a Sunday School organized here in 1854. No stone appears with his name.


         The 1861 Census was held earlier in the year; the oath of attestation being dated in February 1861. The family is recorded in Enumeration District No. 9, School Section No. 9, on folio 84 –

George Peter Walter (Sr), farmer, “Evangelist”  aged 51

Katharina (Bender) Walter                                  aged 51


Their children:

John Ehrenfried Walter                                22

Ehrenfried Bender                                        age not given – Note: He may have just

                                                                       arrived here and lived with the family

                                                                       a short while. Benders lived in the same

                                                                       area of Germany.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Peter Walter                                                  18

Kathy Walter                                                 15

Henry Bender                                                12

Michael Walter (born in Upper Canada)     6



A document was found regarding the sale of property, recorded on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1857, wherein it states the following: –

A Memorial to be registered, of an indenture, Tripartite, made the thirtieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six (1856) in pursuance of the act to facilitate the conveyance of real property between John Diller, of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo and Province of Canada, Gentleman of the first part, Nancy Diller of the same place, wife of the said party of the first part, of the second part, and Peter Walter of the Township of Woolwich, in the County  – and Province aforesaid, Yeoman, of the third part, whereby the said party of the first part, in consideration of One Hundred and Fifty pounds, of lawful money of Canada, then paid by the said party of the third part, to the said party of the first part, the receipt whereof is thereby acknowledged, did grant unto the said party of the third part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Township of Woolwich in the County of Waterloo of the Province of Canada, containing by a measurement, Ninety-six acres and one road of land be the same, more or less, bring composed of a part of Lot number Sixty-One, of the German Company tract, in the Township of Woolwich. --- [The rest of the printing was very faded, but was apparently a description of the lot area and measurements.]


Records were found that indicate Peter sold some land; as follows –

         In 1860 (# of memorial instrument 717 – folio 773)   Lot #61.

December 29, 1860 to Jacob Walter          50 acres          (# of memorial 1427)

December 29, 1860 to Frederick Bender   60 acres          (# of memorial 1428)

December 29, 1860 to George Arnold       46 acres          (# of memorial 1429)

         Sales were recorded – January 2, 1861.


         How many of Peter and Katharine’s children had been married in Woolwich Township has not yet been ascertained. The little house, 23’ x 25’, would have been rather crowded, even if Jacob and Margaret were in homes of their own.



Peter and Katharine Walter with their Children

(Picture from Janet Brown)Johann Peter Walter, Wife and Children - copy.jpg



Their children: –

Jacob                   born in Germany                           August 28, 1837

John Ehrenfried  born in Germany                           November 1, 1839

Margaret             born in Germany                           September 22, 1841

Peter Junior         born in Germany                           December 7, 1843

Katharine (Kate) born in Eschelbach, Germany       October 4, 1844

Gottfried             born in Buffalo, U.S.A.                  in 1847; died as a child

Michael               born in Woolwich Township        June 18, 1855.









Peter & Katharine Walter’s Children – about 1880

W-002 - John Peter Walter Children.jpg

Back Row: Michael Walter, Peter Walter, John Walter and Jacob Walter.

Front Row: Margaret Welker, Katharine Bender.





Margaret Welker - Listowel

Katharine (Katie) Bender (nee: Walter) – Rev. John Bender’s mother.

Mike Walter – Grandfather of Margaret, Pearl, Idona, Edna, and Roy – Noah & Simeon’s father – 6th Line.

Peter Walter – Grandfather of Veronica Quanz and Gordon Walter – 6th Line.

John Walter – Grandfather of Louise and Freida – Ralph Krotz Grandpa - 6th Line.

Jacob (Jake) Walter – Grandfather of Addison Wenzel – Part-time preacher, Listowel.



A Summary of the Family History of Johann Peter Walter

         Johann Peter Walter, believed born somewhere in Baden, Germany, was born in 1810. Mary Katherine Bender, his wife, was born in November or December 1810 in Germany, south west area. They migrated with their elder children to America, Buffalo, New York, about 1847. A son Gottfried was born in Buffalo. They moved to Waterloo County, Woolwich Township on 175 acres of land, Lot #61, north of Elmira. The log house was 23’ x 25’.

The family was listed in the Canadian Census of 1851: –

Peter Walter                                                   aged 42

Katharine Walter                                           aged 42

Jacob                                                                        14

John Ehrenfried                                                       12

Margaret                                                                  10

Peter                                                                          8

Catharine                                                                   6

Gottfried                                                                    4


A son Michael was born in Woolwich Township in 1855.

Peter bought the land in 1856, from a Mr. Diller. In late 1860 Peter sold: Jacob Walter 50 acres; Frederick Bender 60 acres; George Arnold 46 acres of this lot.

Gottfried is not included in the 1861 Census; it is believed he died as a young child before 1861, though no stone located.

Children of Johann Peter and his wife Katharine Walter: –

1.  Jacob - born August 28, 1837. Died Nov. 23, 1914; married Julia Arnold born 1837. She died Apr. 12, 1920.

2. John Ehrenfried - born 1839 (Married three times so they say).

1st wife – Annie Drehmer

2nd wife – Carrie Krotz (a cousin)

3rd wife – Mrs. Margaret Miller, Kitchener (wife of Jake Miller)

3. Margaret - born September 22, 1841, died April 25, 1893; married Valentine Welker born February 3, 1833, died October 2, 1897.

4. Johann Peter Junior - born December 7, 1843 in Baden Baden, Germany, died June 3, 1929 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada; married Veronica Kimpel born 1844, died 1910.

5. Katharine (Kate) - born October 4, 1844 Eschelbach, Germany; married Ehrenfried Bender. It is said they had 14 children - seven sons and seven daughters.

6. Gottfried - born about 1847 – died before 1861.

7. Michael - born June 18, 1855, died September 27, 1932; married Barbara Heinmiller born November 28, 1853, died February 18, 1915.

A.  Jacob (JAKE) Friederich Walter

W-004-4 - Jake Walter.jpgThe Reverend Jake Friederich Walter was born in Alsace Lorraine, Germany, born August 28, 1837, and was about eight years old when brought to Canada.  He was about 24 years old when his father settled in Wallace Township, (was in Wallace by 1866).  On an 1879 map, he is located on the 6th Line of Wallace Township – Lot 28, one farm south east of the old homestead.  About 1860 in Woolwich Township, Waterloo County, Jacob married Julia Arnold, who was born on August 1, 1838 in Baden, Germany.  There are some records of Jacob and Julia having bought land in Woolwich Township in 1860 (or about that time) from his father Johan Peter Walter - 50 acres of Lot 61 north of Elmira. 








Jacob (Jake) and Julia Walter






         Jacob was listed as a member of Zion Church in 1866, and in 1867 was named “Exhorter”.  This is understood to mean a Lay Preacher, but we do not know about the ordination into the full ministry of Word and Sacrament at a later date.  His name appears in the Centennial Book published by the Canada Conference of the Evangelical E.U.B. Church published by the Canada Conference of the Evangelical E.U.B.  Church in 1964, in the complete Memorial Role of Ministers who have ended their earthly tasks; and the use of the title “Reverend” both on tombstone and obituary suggest that he was fully ordained.  He is named as Township Councilor for 1885 and 1886.  We think they may have moved to Listowel from Wallace Township about 1895.  Jacob suffered a paralytic stroke three years before he passed away at home, on November 23, 1914.  Julia survived him until April 12, 1920.  Both buried in Fairview Cemetery, Listowel.



Children of Jacob and Julia Walter:


1.   Katharine (Kate) Walter – born August 24, 1859 in Wallace Township, Ontario.  She married Nicholas Krotz (Red Nick) and they resided in Listowel and moved to Huntingdon Park, California in the 1920s.  She collapsed and died leaving church on November 10, 1940 in Huntingdon Park, Los Angeles, California, USA.  She is buried in Inglewood Park Cemetery, where Nick had previously been interred.  No further information on Nicholas.



Children of Katharine and Nicholas Krotz:

a.   Herman Krotz – He went to California; the first of the family to go there. He went to Sydney, Australia and while there was contacted by Canadians in 1946. (See the latest Walter History Book 2014, on page 257, for more information on Herman.) Herman was killed by sharks off the coast of Australia.


b.   Harry W.  Krotz – born November 26, 1887. Harry married Myrtle Swanberger. He was a Realtor in Glendale, California. Harry died on February 26, 1971 in Los Angeles, California.

Children of Harry and Myrtle Krotz:

                                                            i.        Harry Krotz – born December 9, 1913.

                                                          ii.        Evelyn Krotz – born 1915.

                                                         iii.        Betty Jean Krotz – born July 18, 1922.

                                                         iv.        Patricia Krotz – born August 15, 1926.

                                                           v.        Richard Krotz – born November 27, 1927.


c.    Lena Krotz – born January 30, 1883. She married Jack Harry Dugan of Palm Springs California.  Jack was born on July 23, 1915 and he died on January 30, 1946. Lena died on January 18, 1944. Both are buried in Orange, California.

Children of Lena and Jack Dugan:

                                                            i.        Son – he became a Doctor.

                                                          ii.        Other children – don’t know how many in the family. 


d.   Bertha Krotz – born August 11, 1892. She married Clifford Hartson who was born on March 26, 1886.  They resided in Huntington Park, California.  No family.  Clifford died on June 22, 1962. Bertha was about 92 years old when she died on December 22, 1978.


e.   Lydia Krotz – born January 12, 1885. She married her second husband, Frank Cross, in San Diego, California. Lydia died on December 10, 1955.

Children of Lydia and Frank Cross:

                                                            i.        Neil Cross – born 1917 in Canada.

                                                          ii.        Ruth Cross – born 1919 in Canada.

                                                         iii.        Frank Cross – born 1921 in California.


f.     Irene Krotz – born July 16, 1898. She married Clarence Smith.  Irene died a few years prior to 1976.



2.   Margaret Walter – born December 25, 1861 in Woolwich Township.  She was the daughter of Jacob Friederich Walter and Julianna Arnold. She married on April 18, 1882 to Adam Wenzel who was born on September 27, 1857 in Woolwich Twp, Ontario, Canada.  They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township. 

Adam & Margaret Wenzel - Retired in the 30's and live in Gowanstown - GG - P1010032_edited-5.jpg











Adam & Margaret Wenzel

Retired in the 30's and

lived in Gowanstown

GG - P1010032-5




Adam died September 12, 1936 at the age of 78 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.  Margaret died, following a fall and broken hip at her Gowanstown home, in Listowel Memorial Hospital on March 6, 1941 at the age of 79 in Listowel Memorial Hospital, Listowel, Ontario.  Both are interred in the 6th Line Cemetery.

            Children of Margaret and Adam Wenzel:

a.   Norman Wesley Wenzel – born May 21, 1885 in Listowel, Ontario Canada.  He was married twice; (1) Catherine Rose; (2) Nellie Bair Erskine –they’ve lived in Beaverlodge, Alberta.

Norman Wesley Wenzel and Catherine Rose were married on 18 Jun 1913. Catherine Rose was born on 6 Oct 1888 in Collingwood, Ontario Canada. She died on 21 Nov 1949 at the age of 61 in Beaverlodge, Alberta Canada.

Children of Wesley and Catharine/Nellie Wenzel:

                                                            i.        Clarence Wenzel – born April 27, 1914 in Pence, Saskatchewan. He died on 14 Jul 1992 at the age of 78 in Beaverlodge, Alberta Canada.

                                                          ii.        Darcey William Wenzel – born January 2, 1916 in Saskatchewan, Canada. He died on 7 Oct 1981 at the age of 65 in Bowden, Alberta, Canada. Darce William Wenzel and Anne Mabel Ratledge were married on 17 Aug 1954. Anne Mabel Ratledge was born in 1915. She died in 2012 at the age of 97 in Innisfail, Alberta, Canada.

                                                         iii.        Margaret “Hazel” Wenzel – born April 17, 1922 in Kleskun Hills, Alberta. She died on 27 Dec 2017 at the age of 95 in Grande Prairie Alberta, Canada.

                                                         iv.        Norma Ailene Wenzel – born on 11 Jun 1925 in Rio Grande, Alberta, Canada. She died on 21 Jan 2000 at the age of 74 in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Norma Ailene Wenzel and James Glenn Walker were married on 31 Mar 1951. James Glenn Walker was born on 26 Jul 1924 in Halcourt, Alberta, Canada. He died on 21 Jan 2000 at the age of 75 in Dawson Creek BC.


Norman Wesley Wenzel and Nellie Bair Erskine were married on 9 Jul 1959. Nellie Bair Erskine was born on 8 May 1895 in New Brunswick, Canada. She died Halcourt, Grande Prairie Census Division, Alberta on 13 Feb 1988 at the age of 92 in Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada.


b.   George “Emerson” Wenzel – twin - born September 29, 1887 on Con 3, Lot 25, Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario.  Emerson married Lillian Marie Krotz on July 20, 1921 in Gowanstown in the Home of the Bride’s parents in Wallace Twp. County of Perth, Ontario. Lillian, daughter of Nicholas B Krotz and Barbara Walter, was born on November 11, 1899 in Wallace Township, Ontario. She died at the age of 79 on April 17, 1978. Emerson died August 8, 1970 at the age of 82 and was buried in the 6th Line Cemetery.  No family.


c.    Jacob “Addison” Wenzel – twin – born September 29, 1887 on Con 3, Lot 25, Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario.  Jacob Addison Wenzel and Ella Elizabeth Wolfe were married on 8 Mar 1922 in Perth County, Ontario at Concession 7, Lot 12 of Wallace Twp. That is a few farms east of Adam Wenzel's place at Con. 6, Lot 23 beside Hwy 23. Addison took over Adam's farm and later moved to Con. 7, Lot 23, north of the 6th Line road in 1950. Ella was born on 24 May 1898. She died on 31 Jul 1992 at the age of 94 in Palmerston, Ontario.  Addison died on 11 Jun 1979 at the age of 91 in Ontario.   They lived on a farm on the 6th of Wallace Township.


Family of Jacob “Addison” Wenzel

Rear L-R: Minerva Wolfe (Ella’s younger sister), Annie Wolfe (Ella’s mother), Ella Wenzel (nee: Wolfe), Clayton Wolfe (Ella’s younger brother), Addison Wenzel

Middle Row L-R:  Gladys, Kenneth,

Front L-R: Mildred, Marguerite, Mervyn


               Children of Addison and Ella Wenzel:

                                                            i.        Kenneth Wenzel – born June 6, 1923.  Kenneth Frederick Wenzel and Norma Helen Telfer were married on 5 May 1962. Norma Helen Telfer was born in 1930. She died in 2009 at the age of 79. He died on 24 Sep 2014 at the age of 91 in Palmerston, Wellington, Ontario.


Children of Kenneth and Norma Wenzel:

1.   Calvin Wenzel – born November 15, 1965.

2.   Carol Anne Wenzel – born March 31, 1968.


                                                          ii.        Gladys Vinerva Wenzel – Gladys was born August 2, 1924.  She married Percy Earl Gedcke on Jun. 12, 1946. Percy was born on March 7, 1918.


Wenzel - Gedcke 4 Generations – 1948/49

L-R: Lorraine Gedcke, Gladys Gedcke (nee: Wenzel), Ella Wenzel

(nee: Wolfe), Ella’s mother, Annie Wolfe (nee: Schneider)









Wenzel Sisters - Mildred, Marguerite, Gladys, Bernice

Taken about 1944




Percy and Gladys farmed at RR #3, Palmerston. Gladys passed away on September 4, 2011. Percy passed away at Chateau Gardens, Elmira on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.


Wenzel - Percy & Gladys Gedcke Wedding.jpg







Percy & Gladys Gedcke

Wedding Day

Jun. 12, 1946






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Percy Gedcke passed away

Sep. 7, 2010



Wenzel - obituary-listowel-gladys-gedcke-1172327-ea3fd84e-195.jpg




 Gladys passed away

Sep. 4, 2011





Children of Gladys and Percy Gedcke:

1.   Lorraine Gedcke – She married Richard Wright. Lorraine worked at the Co-operators Insurance in Guelph. Richard worked at an Accounting Firm in Waterloo and also farmed at Fergus.

Children of Lorraine Gedcke and Richard Wright;

a.     Melanie Jane Wright

b.     Peter Michael Wright



2.   Gerald Percy Gedcke – Gerald worked at Goodwill in London, Ontario.



3.   Marie Elizabeth Gedcke – She married Peter Allen Woodliffe. Allen worked for The Ministry of Natural Resources at Chatham.



4.   Ronald Glen Gedcke - He married Carol Marie Dettweiler. Ron worked at Home Hardware in Elmira, Ontario.

Children of Ronald Gedcke and Carol Dettweiler;

a.     Timothy Scott Gedcke

b.     Stephanie Lynn Gedcke
















Gedcke Family.jpg
Gedcke Family – Year 2006

L-R Rear: Ron, Carol, Stephanie, Melanie, Gerald, Richard, Lorraine, Marie, Kristin, Allen

Front: Gladys and Percy Gedcke




                                                         iii.        Mervyn Wenzel – born July 12, 1926.  Parents lived with him. Married Fran Fotheringham.


                                                         iv.        Marguerite Wenzel – born November 8, 1927. She married Roy Hartung.  They resided near Gowanstown, Ontario and raised their family there.


                                                           v.        Orville Addison Wenzel – born December 16, 1931.  He died September 25, 1939.  He was 7 years, 9 months, 9 days old. Orville died as the result of a car hitting him as he started walking home to their farm on the north side of the 6th Line just east of Hwy #23. The church minister had given a number of children a ride from school to Highway #23 and the 6th Line. It is thought that Orville had been given a candy and was so excited about the candy that he was not paying attention as he crossed the road. Orville died on September 25, 1939. He was just 7 years, 9 months old.


                                                         vi.        Mildred Wenzel – born August 4, 1929. She married William Rivers and they lived on a farm near Woodstock, Ontario.

Children of Mildred and William Rivers:

1.   Kevin Rivers

2.   Gail Rivers


                                                       vii.        Bernice Wenzel – born November 18, 1936. She married Elwin Askett.

Children of Bernice and Elwin Askett:

1.   Brian Askett

2.   Karen Askett

3.   Gary Askett


                                                      viii.        Earl F Wenzel – born August 26, 1934 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., OntarioHe died on 7 Jan 1993 at the age of 58 in Listowel, Ontario.


d.   Edwin Ephraim “Ed” Wenzel – born February 20, 1891 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario.  He married Nora Kerr. Nora Kerr was born on November 22, 1895. She died on May 4, 1958 at the age of 62.  (Nora was a widow with one son named Ford.) They lived in Countess near Brooks, Alberta and then later at Beaver Lodge.  Ed died on July 5, 1987 at the age of 96.

Children of Ephraim and Nora Wenzel:

                                                            i.        Alma Wenzel – born August 30, 1926.

                                                          ii.        Edgar Wenzel – born April 14, 1928.

                                                         iii.        Irene Wenzel – born March 21, 1930.



e.   William “Harvey” Wenzel – born February 24, 1893 in Ontario.  He married Leona May Shilling on December 21, 1929. Leona was born on August 10, 1909 in Dallas County, Iowa, United States. She died on June 12, 2005 at the age of 95 in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada.  They lived at Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. He died on September 9, 1986 at the age of 93 in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan.



Children of Harvey and Leona Wenzel:

                                                            i.        Melvin Wenzel – born September 26, 1929.

                                                          ii.        Della Wenzel – born 1930 at Home in Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States. She died on 24 May 1930 at two months old at Home in Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States.

                                                         iii.        Kenneth William Wenzel – born July 6, 1936 at Home in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Kenneth married on 24 Mar 1958 but we don’t know her name. He died on November 15, 2009 at the age of 73 in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Child of Kenneth William Wenzel:

1.   Donna Dalleen Wenzel was born on February 25, 1960. She died on May 16, 1976 at the age of 16. She was buried in 1976 in Saskatchewan, Canada.


                                                         iv.        Lilla Wenzel – born May 22, 1942.

                                                           v.        Darlene Wenzel – born February 26, 1953 at Home in Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States. She died August 10, 1956 of cancer at the age of 3 at her Home in Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States.



f.     Solomon “Reuben” Wenzel – born December 16, 1895 in Ontario.  He married Mary Jane “Mayna” Miller. She was born January 26, 1895 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.  They lived at Tisdale, Saskatchewan. Mayna died on July 8, 1940 at the age of 45 in Eldersley, Saskatchewan, Canada. She was buried at Tisdale, Saskatchewan

        Reuben remarried to Marjorie Flowerdale in August 1942.  He died on July 15, 1964 and was buried in Saskatchewan.


Children of Reuben and Mayna Wenzel:  (First Family)

                                                            i.        Harold Robert Wenzelborn on December 4, 1922 in Consul, Saskatchewan. He was married to Yvonne.  They lived in Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  He died on April 27, 1992 at the age of 69 in Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada. They had no family.


                                                          ii.        Russell John Wenzelborn on May 2, 1923. Russell married Nora Nielson on June 30, 1949. He died on August 28, 1985 at the age of 62. He was buried in Rock Creek, British Columbia, Canada.

Children of Russell and Nora Wenzel:

1.     Neil Wenzel

2.     Daryl Wenzel

3.     Larry Wenzel

4.     Cheryl Wenzel


                                                         iii.        Roy Walter Wenzelborn on July 24, 1930 in Eldersley, Saskatchewan. He married Marvel Chappel. They lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Roy died on November 12, 2009 at the age of 79 in Eldersley, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Children of Roy and Marvel Wenzel:

1.   Kirby Wenzel

2.   Tracy Wenzel

3.   Keary Wenzel

4.   Kevin Wenzel


                                                         iv.        Margaret Wenzel – born November 18, 1916.  She married George Fraser.  George died on December 25, 1969.  Margaret lived in Coquittlan, British Columbia.

Children of Margaret and George Fraser:

1.   Douglas Fraser – born June 21, 1937.


                                                           v.        Esther Wenzel – married Larry Barter and they lived in British Columbia.

Children of Esther and Larry Barter:

1.   Gwen Barter



Solomon Reuben "Reuben" Wenzel and Marjorie Constance Rose Curtis Flowerday were married in Aug 1942. Marjorie was born on July 20, 1910 in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. She died on May 8, 1996 at the age of 85 in Tisdale, Saskatchewan Canada.

Children of Reuben and Marjorie Wenzel:   (Second family)

                                                            i.        Doreen Beatrice Wenzel – born June 13, 1943. She married Fraser Redman.

Children of Doreen and Fraser Redman:

1.   Bradley Redman


                                                          ii.        Dorothy Carroll Wenzel – born September 23, 1945. She married Floyd Pickering.

Children of Dorothy and Floyd Pickering:

1.   Leanne Pickering

2.   Brent Pickering – born July 21, 1971.  Brent died on October 24, 1974 at the age of three years, three months, and three days.


                                                         iii.        Charlotte Sylvia Wenzel – born January 3, 1950.


                                                         iv.        Alvina Lona Wenzel


                                                           v.        Graham Wenzel – born April 4, 1947. He was married to Susan Kopellar.

Children of Graham and Susan Wenzel:

1.   Tammy Jeanetta Louise Wenzel

2.   Jennifer Wenzel


                                                         vi.        Melba Violet Wenzel



g.    Simon “Clarence” Wenzel - born on November 5, 1898 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. Clarence and Una Verdella Krotz were married on January 3, 1923. Una was born on March 19, 1903. They lived in Palmerston Ontario. She died on July 5, 1984 at the age of 81 in Ontario, Canada. She was buried in Palmerston, Wellington County, Ontario. He died on January 31, 1987 at the age of 88 in Ontario, Canada.

Children of Clarence and Una Wenzel:

                                                            i.        Olan Grant Wenzel – born June 1, 1923. He married Margaret on September 16, 1944. He died about 2000 at the age of 77 in Palmerston, Ontario.

Children of Olan and Margaret Wenzel:

1.   Marilyn Wenzel – married Wayne Petrie and lived out west.

2.   Sandra Lee Wenzelborn on May 29, 1948. She married Ray Gilmore and lived in Harriston Ontario. She died on February 26, 2006 at the age of 57.

3.   Leroy Wenzel


                                                          ii.        Grace Wenzel – married Ross Bridge.

Children of Grace and Ross Bridge:

1.   Verna Jean Bridge – July 25, 1949.

2.   Judith Lynn Bridge


                                                         iii.        Ruth Wenzel – born June 21, 1925. She married Lloyd Nuhn.  They resided on the 4th Line of Wallace Township.

Children of Ruth and Lloyd Nuhn:

1.   Karen Marie Nuhn

2.   Ronald Lloyd Nuhn


                                                         iv.        Elna Wenzel – married William Schmitz.

Children of Elna and William Schmidt:

1.   William Darcy Schmidt

2.   Catherine Lee Schmidt



h.   Saloma Lydia Wenzel – born May 20, 1889 in Ontario.  She married, on June 18, 1913, to Alex McKelvie. Alex was born on September 2, 1889. He died on June 13, 1969 at the age of 79. Lydia died March 1, 1972 at the age of 82 in Consul, Saskatchewan.

Children of Lydia and Alex McKelvie:

                                                            i.        Merril Harvey McKelvie – born July 13, 1915 in Pense, Saskatchewan.  Merril was hurt in a combine and died on August 22, 1952 at the age of 37. He was buried in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada.

                                                          ii.        Howard McKelvie – born July 26, 1930.

                                                         iii.        Phyllis McKelvie – born October 29, 1933.



i.     Elizabeth “Adeline” Wenzel – born April 6, 1883 in OntarioOn June 20, 1911 in York, Ontario she married Edward Andrew Davis who was born on April 21, 1890. Adeline died on August 19, 1970, in her eighties. Edward died on September 24, 1972 at the age of 82.  They lived in Toronto.

Children of Adeline and Edward Davis:

                                                            i.        Delphine Davis – born October 16, 1914.  She married William Coneybear on April 17, 1943.

                                                          ii.        Walter Davis – born March 29, 1918 in Ontario, Canada. Walter was married on June 2, 1944. He died on March 25, 1983 at the age of 64.


2.1 - Sebastian Wenzel & Catherine Heinmiller

Information from Klein/Wenzel Family Tree - Philip Wenzel -

Pictures provided by Elaine (nee Klein) Frey.


               Adam Wenzel had a brother Sebastian who lived in the same area as Adam. Both were part of the German community in Wallace Township, Ontario. The families of the area were connected by marriage as well as their church and community.  Sebastian’s son, Philip, had a Sugar Shack on his farm were they boiled down the sap of the Maple trees to make Maple Syrup.


In these pictures we see a number of friends and family gathered at the Sugar Shack in early spring.


25. Sugar bush2(named).jpg

Philip Wenzel Sugar Shack - Taken April 10, 1937

Left - Right: Olive Wenzel, Beulah Hood, Edna Kroft, Marjorie Hood, Bernice Dechert, unknown, Walter Quanz, Allan Hood.


The maple trees were tapped with a metal spigot that caused the sap to drip into a metal pail or bucket. The sap was then collected in a large barrel that was pulled on a sleigh by a team of horses. The sap was taken back to the Sugar Shack where it was boiled down in an evaporator to make the Maple Syrup. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.


Sugar bush3.jpg

At the end of the season the sap buckets were washed and stored ready for the next year.


Washing sap buckets.jpg


Q-625-0 - Boiling Maple Syrup at Philip Wenzel (named).jpg

Philip Wenzel Sugar Shack - Taken April 10, 1937

Back Row: Susannah Wenzel, Philip Wenzel, Harry Quanz, Olive Wenzel, Bernice Dechert, Marjorie Hood, Edna Kroft, Beulah Hood.

Front Row: Frona Quanz (nee Veronica Walter), Walter Quanz, not known, Allan Hood.



1630258394708_Mrs Mohr's Sunday School Class (named).jpgElaine (nee Klein) Frey’s aunt Ruth (Klein) Hartung was able to identify most of the people in the sugar shack picture. Her daughter, Marlene (Hartung) Mueller entered the names on the people. Ruth remembers that Philip had a large bush and made a lot of syrup. Elaine noted: The girls in the picture were classmates of Mom. Beulah and Marjorie Hood were twins and Allen was their brother. They lived at the top end of the 6th. The Dechert girl lived across from the school.








A Sunday School Class at 6th Line EUB Church


Descendants of Sebastian Wenzel

Source: Klein/Wenzel Family Tree - Philip Wenzel -


2.1. Sebastian Wenzel was born on 28 Jul 1848 in Woolwich Twp, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 12 May 1920 at the age of 71 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine Stricker were married. Catherine Stricker was born in 1849. She died in 1876 at the age of 27.
            Children of Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine Stricker:

i. David Wenzel – born 25 Oct. 1876 - died on 26 Nov 1959.

ii. Emma Wenzel – born on 8 Dec. 1874 in Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 12 Jan 1922 in Almena, Van Buren, Michigan, United States.

Sebastian married again after Catherine Stricker died. Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine (Katherine) Heinmiller were married on March 5, 1878 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.

Sebastian & Catherine Wenzel.jpg






Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine Heinmiller




Catherine (Katherine) Heinmiller was born on September 28, 1849 in North Easthope Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Katherine was the daughter of Philip Heinmiller and Margaret Gruss.


Katherine Heinmiller had a son, Henry, before she married Sebastian. We do not know Henry’s father’s name or any other information about him.

            Child of Catherine Heinmiller;

     a. Henry Heinmiller – Born on February 4, 1972 in East Zorra Township, Ontario. He married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter on April 4, 1897.

Katharine died on November 4, 1916 at the age of 67 in Palmerston, Wellington, Ontario. 

            Children of Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine Heinmiller:

a. Philip Wenzel was born on 24 Jan 1879 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 2 Mar 1942 at the age of 63. Philip Wenzel and Susannah Elizabeth Wenzel were married on 11 Jun 1913 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Susannah Elizabeth Wenzel, daughter of Leonhardt Wenzel and Barbara Kammer, was born on 24 Feb 1882 in Howick Township, Ontario, Canada. She died on 15 Mar 1957 at the age of 75.

Child of Philip Wenzel and Susannah Elizabeth Wenzel:

                                                                                            i.      Olive May Klein.jpgOlive May Wenzel was born on 24 Feb 1924 in Howick Twp, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 7 Mar 1994 at the age of 70 at Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.



Morris Lester Klein.jpgOlive May Wenzel





Morris Lester Klein



5. Mom and Dad wedding May 8, 1948.jpg


Morris Lester Klein was born on 9 May 1919 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 11 Jul 1984 at the age of 65 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.




Olive May Wenzel and Morris Lester Klein were married on May 8, 1948 in Listowel, Ontario.







9. Mom and Dad wedding.jpg
Olive May Wenzel and Morris Lester Klein

Wedding - May 8, 1948

Best man: Lloyd Klein (brother of Morris)

Maid of Honour: Inez (friend of Olive) (wife of Laverne Heinmiller)

Flower girls (left to right) Elsie Emke, Ruth Emke (nieces of Morris)




Children of Olive May Wenzel and Morris Lester Klein;

                                                            i.         Brian Laverne Klein – Married Barbara Jean Orth.

                                                          ii.         Elaine Marie Klein – Married Tobias Frey

                                                         iii.         Paul William Klein - Married Jean Marie Blythe

                                                         iv.         Gary Lloyd Klein - Married Darlin Ann Stacy

                                                           v.          Alan Morris Klein - Married Bonnie Jean Newson.




Gladys Wenzel, Lillian Bowman, Olive Wenzel.jpg



Gladys Wenzel, Lillian Bowman, Olive Wenzel

Friends working in Listowel.





Mom and Grandma Wenzel2.jpg








Olive Wenzel and her mother Susanna Wenzel





b.   Edward Wenzel was born on 15 Nov 1880 in Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 16 Oct 1956 at the age of 75.


c.    Marion Wenzel was born on 25 Mar 1882 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 11 Jan 1910 at the age of 27 in Wellington, Ontario, Canada


d.   Ezra Wenzel was born on 3 Feb 1884 in Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. He died in 1948 at the age of 64 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


e.   Ida Lavina Wenzel was born on 31 Dec 1885 in Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 11 Nov 1966 at the age of 80.


f.     Lydia Ann Wenzel was born on 18 Apr 1889. She died on 29 Jun 1889.




3.   W-004 - Walter - Moses Walter - Colour 2 002.jpgMoses Walter – born January 18, 1863. He died out west on October 8, 1899 of typhoid.  Never married.









Moses Walter








4.   Lydia Walter – born July 16, 1864 in Woolwich Twp., Waterloo Co., Ontario, Canada. She married Simon Stockfish.  Simon had two daughters by a previous marriage – Mary Ann and Minnie.  They lived in the Hepworth. Lydia died October 17, 1933 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Lydia and Simon Stockfish:

a.   “Emma” Louisa Stockfish – born April 11, 1890.  She married Watson Lambe.  They lived in Harriston, Ontario and had five children.  Four of them were still living in 1976.

Children of Emma and Watson Lambe:

                                                            i.        Kenneth Lambe – born July 10, 1911, died September 29, 1919.

                                                          ii.        Helen Lambe – born December 19, 1913.

                                                         iii.        Eula Lambe – born April 11, 1915 – has family.

                                                         iv.        Betty Lambe – born May 19, 1922 – has family.

                                                           v.        Doris Lambe – born June 17, 1924.


b.   John “Edward” Stockfish – born 1892.  Edward was married twice. The name of his first wife is not known.  His second wife was Henrietta MacDougall.

Children of Edward and Henrietta Stockfish:

                                                                   i.          Stewart Stockfish – born August 21, 1928 – has family.

                                                                 ii.          Watson Stockfish – born July 2, 1930 – has family.

                                                                iii.          Rhoda Stockfish – born April 24, 1933. No family.

                                                                iv.          Barbara Stockfish – born February 12, 1942 – has family.

                                                                  v.          Ronald Stockfish – born February 11, 1944.


c.    “Harvey” Walter Stockfish – born January 19, 1894.  He married Lena Adams.  No children.


d.   Julia Stockfish – born December 28, 1895.  She married Robert Goudie who was born in December 29, 1885.  Robert died on May 21, 1928.

Children of Julia and Robert Goudie:

                                                            i.        Ruth Goudie – born September 21, 1922.  She married Donald Schaeffer of Waterloo, Ontario.

Children of Ruth and Donald Schaeffer:

1.     James Schaeffer

2.     Douglas Schaeffer

Note: See Page 128 of the 2014 issue of the Walter History.


e.   “Mabel” Loretta Stockfish – born December 2, 1897.  She married Victor Sholdice who was born October 25, 1897.

Children of Mabel and Victor Sholdice:

                                                            i.        Willard Victor Sholdice – born April 8, 1926. He married Ruby McKinnon.

Children of Willard and Ruby Sholdice:

1.     Karen Sholdice – born February 9, 1957.

2.     David Sholdice – He married Angela Hopewell.


f.     Kathleen (Kay) May Stockfish – born January 1, 1900.  She remained unmarried and lived with her sister Julia, on Water Street in North Kitchener, Ontario.


Note: If anyone in these families would like further Note: See Pages 125, 126, 127 and 128 of the 2014 issue of the Walter History.

5.   W-004-2 - Walter - Mrs Adam Walter.jpgAdam A.  Walter – born June 4, 1865. In 1895 Adam lived on lot 27, 6th of Wallace Township.  He married Christina Goebel and they lived in Kitchener and then Brantford in 1941. Adam died on March 4, 1947.  Christina died on June 30, 1954.








Mrs. Christina Walter

(nee: Goebel)







Alternate spellings of Christina's maiden name are Gable and Gabel. Her grave stone shows her maiden name as Goebel.

More information about their family can be found on Page 128 of the Walter History 2014.



6.   Catherine Walter – born June 1867. She died very young.


7.   George H. Walter – born January 27, 1870. He lived in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A.  George married twice, his second wife was Kate.  No children. He died on March 30, 1947.


8.   John Peter Walter – born December 3, 1871 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario.  In Perth County, Ontario, on June 18, 1902 he married Mary Alexandria Sproule who was born on July 29, 1876.  John Peter Walter was a prominent merchant in menswear and shoes for 40 years in Listowel; he was a member of Municipal Council and the Board of Education.  He was an active member of the United Church and a Past Grandmaster of Listowel Lodge I.O.O.F.  He was a director of the Listowel Amateur Athletic Association.  In later years he retired to Toronto, where he died at his home at 85 Crescent Road, suddenly on January 5, 1947; and was interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.  Mary survived him until 1960.

Note: For more information see Page 131 of the Walter History 2014.


W-004-3 - Walter - Peter Walter Jakes Son.jpg








Peter Walter –

Jake Friederich Walter’s Son











Children of John Peter and Mary Walter:

a.     Graham A. Walter – born in Listowel on March 29, 1905.  He taught school for some years in Toronto.  Then he became an executive of Canada Life Insurance Company.  He married twice and with his second wife, Elizabeth Reed, lived at Folly Farm, R.R. #2, Maple, Ontario.  Graham died on September 23, 1974 in Maple, Ontario.

Children of Graham Walter:

                                                                    i.        Peter Walter – born about July 27, 1939.  MD?

                                                                  ii.        Lisa (Ceci) Walter - Twin born May 15, 1950 – adopted.

                                                                 iii.        Rosemary (Mimi) Walter – Twin born May 15, 1950 – adopted.



b.    Margaret Walter – Born August 25, 1906. She graduated in medicine and was a Medical Doctor in Listowel.  Margaret married a doctor named Kenneth D.  McEachern, Physician.  They resided at 66 Roxborough Drive in east Toronto.

Children of Margaret and Kenneth D. McEachern:

                                                                   i.          Mary Jane Walter – born on January 9, 1940.

                                                                 ii.          Katherine Ann Walter – born on January 30, 1942.


c.     John (Jack) Walter – M.D.  He was born November 6, 1908 in Canada. He was a medical doctor. On April 24, 1937 he married Gertrude Ernestine (Trudie) Webber born on February 5, 1909 in Hanover, Pennsylvania, United States. They had two or three children.  Jacob was an Attorney in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, U.S.A. and lived on New York Avenue.  Jack died when about 48 years of age. Trudie died on March 11, 2005 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States.

Children of John and Gertrude Walter

                                                                   i.          Margaret Jane Walter – born February 2, 1941.

                                                                 ii.          Jacqueline Lucy Walter – born January 18, 1945.

See Walter History 1995, Page 84.



9.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter – born December 16, 1873 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., Ontario Canada. She married William John Klemmer on January 27, 1897 in Perth County, Ontario.  Lizzie died on March 8, 1900 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., Ontario Canada

Children of Lizzie and William Klemmer:

a.   Walter Klemmer – born May 1899 and died March 13, 1900.


William John Klemmer was born on 26 Aug 1871 in Conestoga, Ontario, Canada. After Lizzie’s death he married Mary Anne (Marion) Zurbrigg on 22 Apr 1910 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Marion was born on 24 Sep 1886 in Perth County, Ontario and died on 27 Dec 1977 in Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Canada. William died on March 14, 1951 in Rosetown, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.



10.  William Solomon Walter – born June 4, 1875.  He lived in Ladner, British Columbia.  William married Eula Gifford. He died in Vancouver on May 4, 1942.



11.  Julianne (Julia) Walter – born on October 8, 1876 in Wallace Township.  She married William H. Gross (his surname could be spelled “Grosz”) on December 4, 1907.  William was born in 1880 or 1881 in Wallace Township.  For many years he was the proprietor of a furniture store and funeral business in Kitchener, and at one time a manufacturer’s agent for Deluxe Upholstering Company and a director of John Boshart and Sons, Seaforth, Ontario, a member of the Canadian Travellers Association and adherent of the Lutheran Church.  Julianne was a member of Calvary E.U.B.  Church in Kitchener.  She died at their residence at 180 Becker Street North, Kitchener, on December 24, 1956.  William died in the Kitchener Waterloo Hospital on August 1, 1958.  Both are interred in Woodland Cemetery.


Children of Julianne and William Gross:

a.     Gerald Gross – born January 19, 1918.  He married Trudy (Gertrude).  Gerald died on June 18, 1967.  Trudy lives in Forest Hill area of Kitchener.  No family.


b.    Esther Gross – born January 12, 1909.  Her surname could be spelled “Grosz”. She married George R.  Aletter who was born on September 16, 1907.  They resided in Kitchener.  Esther died in 1973 and George died on January 22, 1976.

Children of Esther and George Aletter:

                                                                   i.          LuAnne Aletter – born January 25, 1934.  She married John MacDonald.

Children of LuAnne and John MacDonald:

1.     Heather MacDonald

2.     Cam (Cameron) MacDonald

3.     Leslie MacDonald

4.     Jeffrey MacDonald

                                                                 ii.          George “Craig” Aletter –born December 12, 1938.  He married Donna Knechtel who was born November 16, 1941.

Children of George and Donna Aletter:

1.     Danny Aletter

2.     Karen Aletter


                                                                iii.          John Aletter – born November 10, 1944.  He married to Joanne Steinke who was born on September 23, 1944.  They lived in Waterloo on Havelock Drive.

Children of John and Joanne Aletter:

1.     Kimberly Aletter

2.     Kari Aletter



c.     Dorothe Gross – married Clarence J. (nickname Sam) Schlosser and they resided in Stratford, Ontario.

Children of Dorothy and Clarence (Sam) Schlosser:

                                                                   i.          Steven Schlosser

                                                                 ii.          Sandra Schlosser

                                                                iii.          Susan Schlosser


d.    Evelyn Gross – born December 1, 1910. She married Henry E.  O’Shant.  They lived in Montant, U.S.A. and then in Calgary, Alberta.

Children of Evelyn and Henry O’Shant:

                                                                   i.          Peter O’Shant



12.  Joshua Jacob Walter (John Jr.) – born August 19, 1878. Jacob was the youngest son of the Jake Walter (Jake Friederich Walter) family.  He too lived in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A.  We are not sure if he went there in 1914 but he was still living there in 1941.


Jacob married Mabel Florence Terhune on August 26, 1908 in Listowel, Ontario. Florence was born in 1888. After he and my grandmother were married, they went out to the Crows Nest Pass area, to the town of Bellevue, where his brother George and he started a Mercantile store. On Friday December 9, 1910 an explosion occurred in the West Canadian Collieries' No. 1 of the coal mine. Twenty-one of the town’s residents were killed and a number of miners were trapped. My grandfather helped in the rescue and got trapped himself in the mine for a few days. For several hours he was waist deep in water as a result of a second explosion blocking the entrance. It was after this that he developed consumption and the family returned to Listowel Ontario. He passed away when my mother was five and my grandmother was seven months pregnant with their third child.

             By Bev McTigue


Jacob died on February 26, 1919 in Listowel, Ontario. Florence died in 1970 (or March 17, 1969) in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.







Joshua Jacob Walter and Florence Terhune.jpg
Joshua Jacob Walter and Florence Terhune

(picture from Perry Brisbin – Walter Family History)



Information about the mine disaster at Bellevue, can be found at


Children of Joshua and Florence Walter;

a.     Rowan Donald Walter – born February 15, 1912 in Crows Nest Pass, BC.  Rowan married Elizabeth Scott Minchin born on May 27, 1920 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.  Rowan was with the RCMP.  Both he and his wife died of cancer.  After Elizabeth died, Shirley and her husband raised her sisters until they were of age.  The family all lived in Victoria, B.C.  Rowan died on June 28, 1972 in Victoria BC and Elizabeth died October 13, 1973 in Victoria, British Columbia.



Children of Rowan and Elizabeth Walter:

                                                                   i.          Shirley Walters - born May 30, 1947.  Shirley married Fred Metters.

Children of Shirley and Fred Metters;

1.     Karen Elizabeth Metters

2.     Christina Maria Metters


                                                                 ii.          Robert Scott Walters - born March 31, 1949. Robert married Maria Stewart.  Robert died May 7, 1974.  Robert was killed in a helicopter crash.  Maria remarried to an RCMP officer and her children go by the surname Vrooman.

Children of Maria and husband Vrooman;

1.     Tamara Walters Vrooman

2.     Rowan Charles Walters Vrooman

3.     Robert Scott Walters Vrooman


                                                                iii.          Richard Rowan Walters


                                                                iv.          Brenda Elizabeth Walters - Brenda married a Dwight Plaxton.

Children of Brenda and Dwight Plaxton;

1.     Andrea Elizabeth Plaxton

2.     Rowan Charles Plaxton


                                                                  v.          Karen Patricia Walters – Karen married Bruce Edgar.



                                                                vi.          Dorothy Gayle Walters – Dorothy married Doug Cheeke.




b.    Dorothy Mae Walter – born June 5, 1913 in Spokane City, Spokane, Washington, USA. In 1921 she lived in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada and in 1943 she was living in Beverly, Atlantic, New Jersey, USA. Dorothy married Norman Edgar Peter Hardy. Norman was born in January 4, 1917 in Toronto, York, Ontario. He passed away on November 22, 1997 in London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada. He was buried on November 25, 1997 in Toronto, Ontario. Dorothy passed away on January 10, 2015 in Zurich, Huron County, Ontario. She was buried on January 13, 2015 in Toronto, Ontario.

Children of Dorothy and Norman Hardy;

                                                                   i.          Eleanor Gayle Hardy – born January 5, 1940 in Toronto, Ontario. She married Waters.

                                                                 ii.          Beverley Hardy - born February 11, 1947 in Toronto, Ontario. She married McTigue.


c.     IMG_20210926_164444056.jpgJack Walter – born Mar. 17, 1919 in Listowel, Ontario. He was born three weeks after his father’s death. Jack married Audrey Waite. Jack died February 20, 1958.









Jack & Audrey Walter


Jack & Audrey Walter - Picture.jpg












Jack Walter in Uniform






Children of Jack and Audrey Walter;

                                                                   i.          Rowan Walter

                                                                 ii.          Laurie Walter



Jack Walter in Military Uniform - Picture.jpg









Rowan Walter








Pictures and information from Perry Brisbin.



13.  Emma Walter – born January 28, 1885 in Wallace Township.  She married Jack Honeywell of California.  Years ago they lived in Waterloo, Ontario.  They had no family.  Jack died (no data available) and was possibly buried in California.  Emma died on January 19, 1967 at 82 years of age. Emma was buried in Woodland Cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. . (Note: Emma was the last of her sisters and brothers to pass away.)



Note: Graham and Jack are said to have been internationally famed at one time in track athletics.  They held Canadian records and represented Canada at the Olympics.



W-006 - John Walter.jpgB.  John Ehrenfried Walter

         John Ehrenfried Walter was born in Germany on November 1, 1839 and died on September 15, 1918. He apparently was married three times and had 14 children.








W-006 - John Walter





       Marriages: –

First wife - Annie Drehmer – Annie was born on August 11, 1845, and married John on May 28, 1863. They had 14 children. Annie died December 9, 1882 and was buried at 6th Line Cemetery.

Second wife - Carrie Krotz – John married Carrie in 1883. They didn’t have any children.

Third wife - Margaret Miller – Kitchener. John married Margaret on July 5, 1915. They had no children. Margaret Miller was the widow of Jake Miller.


Children of John E and Annie Walter:

1.   Jacob (Jake) David Walter – Born April 14, 1864 and died June 28, 1918. He married Annie Peiffer. Their son Joseph was killed at Vimy Ridge in 1917.

Children of Jake and Annie Walter:

                                       i.     Joseph Walter


2.   Katherine (Kate) Walter – Born April 21, 1865. She married Conrad (Con) Neuret. Katherine died on April 1, 1923.

Children of Katherine and Conrad Neuret.

                                                    i.     David Neuret - Believe had a son David

                                                  ii.     Minnie Neuret – married David Geiger

Children of Minnie and David Geiger:

1.     Cora Geiger – married Ralph Tompkins.

Children of Cora and Ralph Tompkins:

a.     Chureb – She married Paul Kowtecky.


3.   Mary Ann Walter – born May 20, 1866 in Wallace Township; married March 12, 1895 to Marcus Bender who was born in Germany on February 11, 1867, the son of George Bender and Regina Krotz, who arrived from Germany about 1888. Their wedding was “Double” with her sister Barbara and Nicholas Krotz. They farmed on the 6th Line until his retirement 1940, when he moved to Kitchener.  Mary Ann had died 10 years earlier on March 3, 1930 and was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Kitchener.


         Marcus died in Kitchener March 25, 1961, at the age of 94, a member of Calvary Evangelical Church. (A brother Henry, born June 10, 1881, predeceased him in Listowel December 1960. Henry was the father of Mrs. Roy Walter.) Marcus also had brother Herman, Gowanstown, and sisters - Regina (Mrs. William H. Good, Listowel); Carrie who was born March 11, 1879 and died at 81 years of age sometime between Henry and Marcus.

Children of Mary Ann and Marcus Bender:

a.     Clarence John Bender – born December 31, 1895, married Pearl Bender. Pearl was no relation to Clarence, but was a sister of Gordon Bender. Clarence remarried to Mrs. Forester (formerly Miss Hargrave). Mrs. Forester was also Carl Bender’s mother-in-law.

       Children of Clarence and Pearl Bender:

1.     Carl Bender – born March 28, 1925 married Merle Forester. Merle died May 6, 1965 (cancer?). Carl remarried to Esther. They resided at Bloomington, Ontario and their mailing address was Box 6.

    Children of Carl and Merle Bender:

                                                              i.     Mervin Bender – married October 20, 1967 to Linda Runa Russwurm.

                                                            ii.     Linda Pearl Bender – married Kenneth Russwurm.

                                                           iii.     Edith Bender – married Wayne Huehn.

                                                           iv.     Donald Bender

                                                             v.     Nancy Bender

                                                           vi.     Janet Bender


b.     Daniel Herman Bender – born January 7, 1896, unmarried; lived in Palmerston in Nursing Home as of 1976 and since passed away.


c.      Anna Louise Bender – born June 20, 1898; unmarried; lived with father until his death; lived with her sister Frieda until Louise passed away.

d.     Margaret Regina Bender – born December 20, 1905, unmarried. Lived with father and sister Louise until his death; and with Louise lived with sister Frieda and husband in Listowel. Margaret died December 1, 1966.


e.     Frieda Bender – born March 26, 1900 in Wallace Township. Married May 20, 1933 to Harvey Quanz (brother of Fred, Ervin, Vera – Mrs. Elwyn Krotz), son of John Quanz and Caroline (Carrie) Zinn). Harvey was born in Carrick Township, Bruce County, on February 23, 1897. They farmed in Wallace Township on the 6th Line, until retirement to Listowel in 1962. Added note: – that Harvey was in the Army during the First World War of 1914 – 1918, but the war ended before he was sent overseas.

Children of Frieda and Harvey Quanz:

1.     Eldon Quanz – born July 19, 1934 in Wallace Township. Moved to Listowel with his parents and was employed at Jackson Service Station in Listowel. He also enjoyed curling. He married Betty (Elizabeth) Russman, born January 20, 1942, who was an x-ray technician at Listowel Memorial Hospital. They resided in Listowel. No children. Betty died on June 16, 2013. Eldon died October 29, 2014.


2.     Shirley Quanz – born March 23, 1936. Married Robert (Bob) Nelson on November 6, 1954. (Bob, born October 15, 1934, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Nelson, Gowanstown.) Bob worked on construction. They resided at Rural Route #2, Parry Sound, Ontario. Shirley later lived in Waterloo. Bob died January 4, 1985.

     Children of Shirley and Robert Nelson:

                                                              i.     David Nelson

                                                            ii.     Paul Nelson – Married Bev Finnigan. They have a son Chad

                                                           iii.     Gail Nelson

                                                           iv.     Susan Nelson


3.     Lorne Quanz – born August 7, 1937. Married Cleila Clark of Shelburne Ontario. Lorne was employed with Canada Packers, believed residing in Bramalea, Ontario. Lorne and Cleila were divorced.

     Children of Lorne and Cleila Quanz:

                                                              i.     Garvin (Gary) Quanz – died September 1962.

                                                            ii.     Kimberly Quanz

                                                           iii.     Larry Quanz


4.     Daniel (Dan) Walter – Died August 18, 1911. Dan married Esther Fallis. They had one son.



4.   Sarah Walter – Born June 1869. Sarah married Bob Ronalds of Listowel. Sarah died on April 23, 1896. Bob died November 4, 1931.



5.   John (Johnny) Walter – Born January 15, 1870. He died when eight years old on August 27, 1878.



6.   Margaret (Maggie) Walter – Born August 19, 1872. Maggie was in poor health for many years and died June 19, 1897. Maggie was buried in the 6th Line Cemetery. Unmarried.



7.   Barbara Walter: Born April 17, 1873 on the 6th Line Wallace Township, where she lived all her life. Married 1895 to Nicholas B. Krotz (known as “White Nick” to distinguish him from Nicholas J. Krotz called “Black Nick” and Nicholas Krotz (Red) of California. “White Nick” was born in Germany in 1870 and came to Canada as a young man, settled in Wallace Township. He was a patron of the Marion Beaver Cheese and Butter factory from its beginning in 1896, was made a Director and eventually served as President for over 25 years. Barbara died June 30, 1927 after a long period of ill health. One child, a son Howard Nicholas Krotz predeceased her – he was born on March 1, 1909 and died February 13, 1915. Barbara was buried in the 6th Line Cemetery.


         Later Nicholas remarried to Elizabeth Bender, daughter of George and Katharine Bender, who died at Kitchener September 15, 1949. They had retired from farm to Palmerston in 1939 and five years later moved to Kitchener. Nicholas was still a resident there, when he was killed with his youngest son Ralph, in an automobile accident, collision, on 3rd Line of Wallace Township, July 12, 1958. He was buried at 6th Line Cemetery, as was Ralph. (It was not noticed if Elizabeth was buried there.)

         Children of Barbara and Nicholas Krotz:

a.   Walter F. Krotz (The Reverend) – Born June 12, 1898. He earned a B. A. Degree and was Ordained to Ministry in the Evangelical Church, 1922. Married April 30, 1924 to Violet Schinbein, daughter of Adam Schinbein. She was born September 30, 1896. They served the church in Regina and Melville, Saskatchewan; Edmonton, Alberta; until they returned to Tavistock in 1943. Here she died June 23, 1945 after a long period of ill health. Buried 6th Line Cemetery. He survived her until May 21, 1964, when he died suddenly while serving in Golden Lake, and was brought home to the 6th Line for burial.


b.   Wesley Krotz – Cheese maker and Manager of Marion Beaver Cheese and Butter Factory. Married November 19, 1925 to Rhoda Ann Berlett, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berlett) at her parent’s home on 6th Line. Rhoda died April 20, 1968. Wesley and Rhoda Krotz had three children. Wesley died September 24, 1983.

Children of Wesley and Rhoda Krotz:

                                           i.     Kenneth Krotz

                                          ii.     Francis Krotz

                                        iii.     Barbara Krotz


c.    Lillian Marie Krotz – Married Emerson Wenzel of Crediton, Ontario on July 20, 1921. Emerson is a twin brother of Addison Wenzel. After Emerson died on August 8, 1970 Lillian moved to Listowel. No children. (Believe Emerson was buried in Listowel.) Lillian died 1899.


d.   Flora Caroline Krotz – Graduate of Seminary of North Central College, Naperville; married on January 16, 1929 at 6th Line Zion E.U.B. Parsonage in Wallace Township to George Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond of Palmerston. Flora and George Richmond had two children. Flora died May 6, 1993. George died May 20, 1999.

Children of Wesley and Rhoda Krotz:

                                                    i.     David George Richmond – born 1970, died 1976

                                                  ii.     Hilda May Krotz.jpgSon Richmond


e.   Hilda May Krotz – was born on 2 May 1903 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 28 Jul 1998 at the age of 95 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Hilda May Krotz and Alexander "Alec" Wolfe were married on 18 Feb 1925 at her parent’s home in Wallace Township, Ontario.


Hilda May Krotz




They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township. Alex died March 2, 1989. Hilda died July 28, 1998.

Alexander "Alec" Wolfe, son of William Frederick Wolfe and Anna Eva Schneider, was born on 21 Aug 1901 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 2 Mar 1989 at the age of 87 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Hilda and Alex Wolfe:

                                       i.     Muriel May Wolfe.jpgMuriel May Wolfe – born May 11, 1927. Muriel married Andrew Gottfried. Andrew Percy Gottfried, son of Edwin Charles Gottfried and Susannah Matilda Filsinger, was born on 10 Jun 1922. He was born on 6 Oct 1922 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario. He died on 2 Aug 1999 at the age of 77 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario.  They had resided at Barber Street North in Listowel, Ontario.






Muriel May Wolfe





Children of Muriel and Andrew Gottfried:

1.     Wayne Gottfried – born August 20, 1947. Married Betty Wallace born June 21, 1953.

Children of Wayne and Betty Gottfried:

a.     Kevin Gottfried


2.     Elwood Gottfried – born June 25, 1949. Elwood lived on the Walter homestead farm.


3.     Sharon Gottfried – Married Wayne Martin born August 11, 1949.

Children of Sharon and Wayne Martin:

a.     Ryan Martin


4.     Rodney Gottfried

5.     Kathryn Gottfried


                                      ii.     Gertrude Joyce Wolfe – married to Robert Wesley (Bob) Brisbain. Gertrude and Robert Brisbane had four children.

Children of Robert and Gertrude Brisbain:

1.     Perry Brisbain

2.     Douglas Brisbain

3.     Judith Ann Brisbain

4.     Joyce Brisbain


                                    iii.     Harold Wolfe – Born June 4, 1934 and died December 30, 1952.

                                    iv.     Ruby Wolfe – Born November 24, 1941. She married William Naylor on May 14, 1965. They had 4 children.


f.  Ralph D Krotz – Born May 6, 1910. Married Idona Walter born April 7, 1914. They were married October 7, 1939 at Zion Church, 6th Line, Wallace Township. They farmed in Wallace Township. He was a Sunday School Teacher for many years and Superintendent, also Church Secretary of Zion E.U.B. Church. Ralph and his father were killed in an auto collision on the 3rd of Wallace Township on July 12, 1958.

Children of Ralph and Idona Krotz:

                                       i.     Larry Joseph Krotz – Married Gail. Reside in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Larry and Gail divorced. Larry remarried to Stephanie Leontowitsch.

                                      ii.     John Michael Krotz – John married Hilda Epp.



8.   Joseph (Joe) Walter – Born July 26, 1874 and died February 14, 1913. Joe married Bertha Walker. Bertha was born in June 1880 and she died on October 9, 1913 in Buffalo, NY. No children.


9.       Anna Walter – Born April 14, 1876 and died October 11, 1925. Anna went to USA. She was the first nurse to graduate from Park Avenue Clinical Hospital and became a Registered Nurse. Unmarried. Died in the USA on October 11, 1925.


10.    Matilda (Tillie) Walter – Born March 31, 1877 and died after 1930. Tillie married William DeField and lived in Rochester, NY.



11.    Abraham Walter – Born March 5, 1878 and died October 1, 1879. Abraham was two years old when he died.



12.    Adeline Walter – Born in 1880 and died before 1918. Adeline married Jack Duffy and lived in Rochester, NY.



13.    Wesley Walter – Born March 14, 1881 and died on June 18, 1881. He died an infant only 3 months old.



Note: The information about the dates mentioned above were sourced and/or confirmed in the Walter History Book, 2014 edition, written by Perry Brisbain. See pages 135, 137 and 138 in the Walter books. We thank Perry Brisbain for sharing this information with us.








C.  Margaret Walter

W-001Marg - Margaret Walter.jpgMargaret Walter was born in Germany, September 22, 1841 (or September 2, 1841).  She married Valentine Welker, who had been born on February 2 or 4, 1833 in Meckesheim, Germany (province of Baden), in the Rhine Valley near Mannheim.  It is situated in the Black Mountains of southwest Germany and twelve miles from Heidelberg.






Margaret Walter



         Valentine’s parents were Bernhardt Welker, born May 8, 1806 or May 6, 1806, and Margaretha (Ludwig) who was born January 17, 1809.  Both were born in Germany.  The parents had 14 children; three died in Germany when they were very young – those three were Elizabeth, Charles and Henry.  The names of their other children were Leonard, Elizabeth (second), Charles (second), Katherine, Michael, Jacob, Valentine, Susan and Barnhardt.


         Bernhardt and Margaretha Welker came to America in 1847 from Meckesheim.  On the way over, Michael died and was buried at sea.  They settled on a farm in Bennington, New York.  Two other daughters were born there – Mary and Helen.  Bernhardt died on May 23, 1889 at the age of 83 years, 15 days.  Margaretha died on May 16, 1871 at the age of 62 years, one month.  Both were buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


         Margaret and Valentine Welker were married on June 16, 1858.  They came to Canada at the outbreak of the civil war in the USA.  Margaret died on April 25, 1893 and Valentine died October 2, 1897.  Both were buried at the 6th Line Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario.


         Valentine is named as one of the signatures to the constitution of Zion Evangelical Church, on January 1, 1863.  Near the 6th Line Cemetery a parsonage was built in 1882 (south end of lot).  In 1889 this parsonage was sold to Valentine Welker for $9.50.  During these years a number of new arrivals from Germany spent their first days and nights in this building in Wallace Township, having little or no money.



Children of Margaret and Valentine Welker:

1.     Bernhardt Welker – died in infancy and was buried in 6th Line Cemetery.


2.     Katherine (Kate) Welker - born June 18, 1861.  She married Jacob Miller in June 1884.  Their home was in Moorefield, Ontario.  Mr. Miller died June 2 1927.  Katherine died on July 27, 1936 following a stroke.  Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph, Ontario.

Children of Katherine and Jacob Miller:

a.     Bertha Miller - born December 9, 1885.  She married William Stahlbaum.  Bertha died March 16, 1943 of uremic poisoning.  She was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph.

Children of Bertha and William Stahlbaum:

                                                                                            i.      Ernst Stahlbaum - born April 10, 1912.  He married Isabel Pender of Guelph, Ontario.

Children of Ernst and Isabel Stahlbaum:

1.     William Herbert Stahlbaum


                                                                                          ii.      Mabel Stahlbaum - born April 12, 1916.  She married Theodore Leader and lived on Victoria Lane, Guelph.

Children of Mabel and Theodore Leader:

1.     Mary Ann Elizabeth Leader - born November 5, 1939.

2.     Milton Leader - born February 9, 1920 in Guelph Ontario.


b.    Sybella (Bella) Miller - born October 27, 1888.  She married William Curtis who died November 14, 1941.  They lived at 87 Sterling Avenue, Kitchener.  No children.  After Williams' death Sybella married William Koch of Waterloo Ontario in 1947.

c.     Arthur Miller - born September 21, 1892.  He married Viola Mary Campbell of Guelph Ontario.

Children of Arthur and Viola Miller:

                                                                                            i.      Donald Arthur Miller - born October 3, 1922.  Donald went overseas in World War II.




3.     Margaret Welker - born July 19, 1862.  She married John Elbert.  Residence was Zurich, Ontario.

Children of Margaret and John Elbert:

a.     Clara Joanne (Josie) Elbert - born August 27, 1888 at Marlborough, Ontario.  She married Herbert Axt.  They resided at 2612 Lycaste Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Children of Clara and Herbert Axt:

                                                                                            i.      Edward Elbert Axt - born May 10, 1907 at London, Ontario. Unmarried. Lived in Detroit, Michigan.


                                                                                          ii.      Margaret Kathryn Axt - born August 15, 1909 at Exeter, Ontario.  She married Maynard LeRoy Crandall who was born on March 27, 1907 at Pontiac, Michigan.  They resided in Detroit, Michigan.

Children of Margaret and Maynard Crandall:

1.     William Roy Crandall - born November 9, 1929 at Grosse Pointe Farms.  He died November 9, 1929.


2.     Robert Allen Crandall - born November 9, 1929 at Grosse Pointe Farms and also died November 9, 1929. William and Robert were twins.


3.     Shirley and Crandall - born August 19th, 1931 at Detroit Michigan.


4.     Doris Pearl Crandall - born March 25, 1934 at Detroit, Michigan.


5.     Donald Kenneth Crandall - born July 27th, 1937 at Detroit it, Michigan.


6.     Marilyn Arlowene Crandall - born November 20, 1940 at Detroit Michigan.


7.     Marvin Roy Crandall - born November 20, 1940 at Detroit Michigan.


                                                                                        iii.      Kenneth Harrington Axt - born August 29, 1914 at Exeter, Ontario.  Kenneth married Dorothy Clara Kobey who was born at Detroit, Michigan.  They resided in Detroit, Michigan.

Children of Kenneth and Dorothy Axt:

1.     Sally Joanna Axt - born August 17, 1941 at Detroit, Michigan.


Margaret Welker Elbert later married Peter Bender.  Margaret Bender died May 3, 1909 and was buried at Zurich, Ontario. Peter Bender is deceased.

a.     Walter Peter Bender - born August 20, 1898 at Zurich, Ontario.  Whereabouts for most of his life are unknown but later may have lived in Battle Creek, Michigan.


4.     Peter Welker - born March 1, 1864.  He married Edith Estella Mallison who died May 21, 1908. Peter lived in Warsaw, New York and died June 7, 1943 following a stroke.  He was buried in the cemetery at Wethersfield Springs, New York.

Children of Peter and Edith Welker:

a.     Ethel Welker - born October 15, 1896.  She married Duncan Riley.

Children of Ethel and Duncan Riley:

                                                                                            i.      Dorothy M. Riley - married William H. Rather, Houston, Texas. 

Ethel Welker Riley’s second marriage was to Fred Meinhold.  No children.


b.    Earl Welker - born February 19, 1898.  Unmarried.  Warsaw, New York. Earl died in July 1936 as a result of an accident on a farm.  A team of horses ran away with him holding on the lines.  He was dragged around and around the field.  A kidney condition set in.  He lived about 10 months.  He is buried in Weathersfield Springs, New York.


c.     Elva Welker - born October 1, 1899.  She married John W. Faber, of 604 Elvin Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio.

Children of Elva and John Faber:

                                                                                            i.      William (Bill) J.  Faber – born February 12, 1921.  He married Kathryn M. Ebbing and lived at 1204 Chestnut Street, Hamilton, Ohio.


Children of William and Catharine Faber:

1.     Susan Faber

2.     Mark Faber

3.     ???


                                                                                          ii.      John B. Faber – born April 31, 1922.  He enlisted in the U.S. Marines and was sent overseas.  He was discharged about December 1945.  He was married on December 19, 1946 to Betty.

Children of John and Betty Faber:

1.     One child adopted.


                                                                                        iii.      Edward (Eddie) J. Faber: - born December 28, 1931.  Eddie was a Korean veteran, radio man on the U.S.S.  Silverstein, Hawaii service.  He was discharged in 1954.  Eddie was married on February 8, 1958 to Joyce Ann Williams.


                                                                                         iv.      Mark William Faber – born May 22, 1944.



d.    Forrest Welker – born February 17, 1901.  He married Marie Koch.  They had no children.  They had resided at 577 East North Street, Buffalo, N.Y.


e.     Walter Welker – born June 2, 1903.  He married Carrie Hammond and lived at 253 Herkimer Street, Buffalo, N.Y.

Children of Walter and Cary Welker:

                                                                                            i.      Richard W. Welker – born August 24, 1925. 

·   In 1946 and 1947 he played for the Terre Haute Phillies in Indiana.

·   Position: Outfielder
Bats: Left, Throws: Unknown
Height: 5' 9", Weight: 175 lb.

·   In 1949 he played for the Toronto Maple Leafs (Baseball Team) which was a Class AAA team which was in the 1949 International League.

·   See Baseball Reference.Com at


                                                                                          ii.      Jean Welker – born February 9, 1928.


                                                                                        iii.      Shirley Welker – born September 22, 1929.


f.      Arthur Welker – born March 7, 1905.  Unmarried.  Warsaw, N.Y.  Arthur died May 22, 1939.  He is buried in Weathersfield Springs, N.Y.


Peter Welker – second marriage was to Eva A. Warner of Darien Center in 1920.  Eva died January 1, 1946.


5.     Charles (Charlie) Welker – born July 19, 1865.  He married Emma Wagner who was born in 1866.  They had no children.  They’ve lived on Alma Street in Kitchener Ontario.

Note: We have a note that said Charles was born in Batavia, N.Y. and he married in 1901.  Anna lived at Lisbon, Ontario near Tavistock.  Charlie died about October 22, 1945.  He was buried October 25, 1945.  Emma died May 14, 1946.  Both are buried in Woodland Cemetery, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


6.     Mary Welker – born 1867.  She died in infancy and was buried in the 6th Concession Cemetery of Wallace Township.


7.     Susanna Louise (Susan) Welker – born June 13, 1868.  She married William Milligan who died June 14, 1939.  They resided at 5 Myrtle Street, LeRoy, N.Y.  There was an adopted son, Harold Milligan, unmarried, of LeRoy, N.Y. who died September 2, 1946 of “apoplexy”. He was cremated and buried at the Pavilion Cemetery, Pavilion, N.Y.


8.     Helen Welker – born June 7, 1870. Unmarried.  She was a nurse and practiced in New York City and environs.  Due to ill health, she went to California where she lived 12 years with her sister, Clara and husband until she died April 13, 1931.  She is buried in Inglewood Cemetery, Los Angeles, California.


9.     John Welker – born probably 1872.  He died in infancy and was buried at the 6th Line Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario.


10.  Jacob John Welker (Jake) – born April 31, 1874.  He married Katherine Beese in 1898.  Katherine was born October 18, 1898 and died February 1, 1925.


Children of Jacob and Catharine Welker:

a.     William (Bill) Valentine Welker – born December 21, 1900.  Bill married Mildred Watson in August 1926 and they lived in Milwaukie Wisconsin.

                                                Children of William and Mildred Welker:

                                                                                            i.      William (Billy) Welker – born November 11, 1928.

                                                                                          ii.      Jacqueline Welker – born September 11, 1943.


Jacob J. Welker – second marriage was to Mary Ross on March 22, 1926.  Mary was born February 2, 1876 and died June 14, 1938. 


Jacob J. Welker – third marriage was to Lillian Bauer on May 2, 1942.  Lillian was born November 3, 1884.  They lived at 40 Brock Street, Kitchener, Ontario.



11.  Regina Victoria Welker – born September 1, 1875.  She married John McClung of R.R. #2, Thornloe, Ontario.

Children of Regina and John McClung:

a.     James Valentine McClung – July born July 9, 1908.  He married Roma Rosyn. James had been in charge of Air Cadet Boys and was a pilot about to receive his commission.  They lived in Petrolia, Ontario.  This information was listed some years ago but we have no further information.

Children of James and Roma McClung:

                                                                                            i.      Murray James McClung – born April 17, 1934.

                                                                                          ii.      Elizabeth Diane McClung – born March 25, 1943.


b.    John Henry Colin (Colin) McClung – born April 19, 1912.  He entered service in World War II and was sent overseas in November 1942 as a rear gunner in a bomber.  On June 12, 1943 he married Evelyn Fergus in England.  He was reported missing since July 10, 1943.  A cablegram October 6, 1943 stated that he is believed to have lost his life July 10, 1943.


c.     Margaret Bernice McClung – born June 24, 1913.  She married Steve Stratford in July 1942.  He was overseas with the R.C.E.V. since April 1943 in World War II.  Margaret was Assistant Principal in public schools at Virginiatown, Ontario for many years.  Steve returned home in December 1945.

12.  Michael Henry (Harry) Welker – born October 12, 1876.  He married Margaret Seibel and they resided at Lambeth, Ontario.  Both died in 1954 or 1955.

Children of Michael (Harry) and Margaret Welker:

a.     Bruce Welker – born July 8, 1915.  He was in the Naval Service of Canada.  As of 1976 he was believed to be living in Toronto, Ontario.


13.  Clara Anna Welker – born January 4, 1879.  She was a Nurse in Buffalo, N.Y.  Clara married Alan Reynolds.  They had no children.  Alan was a Retired Engineer.  A source told that Alan had worked in the Panama area.  Allen died on February 24, 1952 following a second stroke on February 23, 1952.  They resided at 2819 Cudahy Street, Huntingdon Park, California.  Clara had been in the California Sanitarium.


14.  Otto Herman Welker – born January 4, 1882.  Otto married Mary Allan.  They lived on Weldon Street, Moncton, New Brunswick.  Mary died on December 15, 1945.

Children of Otto and Mary Welker:

a.     Allan Davidson Welker – born September 23, 1912.  He married Mae June Kelly.  They’ve lived at 38 Norwood, Moncton, New Brunswick.  On V-J Day, his rifle accidentally discharged killing him, August 1945.

Children of Allen and May Welker:

                                                                      i.      Ronald Arthur Welker – born about November 1942.




Obituary – Mrs. W. J. (Elizabeth) Kirkpatrick.


         In the sudden death last evening of Mrs. William J. (Elizabeth) Kirkpatrick, 326 Cameron Street, there is removed from the community a woman who for 19 years has taken a prominent part in the social and religious life of the city.  She was held in universally high esteem by all who knew her and her death will be mourned by a great number of Fort William people.  Her death came suddenly after a brief illness and occurred shortly after eight o’clock last evening in the McKellar Hospital.  She was 52 years of age.


         Mrs. Kirkpatrick came to Fort William nineteen years ago from Palmerston, Ontario.  She took a prominent part in social work and was active in lodge circles, holding office in various orders.  She had a genuine interest in the welfare of those around her and by her fine initiative and executive ability soon won a high place of esteem in the hearts of a host of friends.  She was a member of the Greenstone Rebekah Lodge, Eastern Star, White Shrine, Royal, Purple, Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, and Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (or sometimes Railway Trainmen).


         Her husband and two sons - Lorne, employed as a railway mail clerk and Gordon of the post office staff, survived her.  Three sisters and two brothers are also left to mourn her loss.  They are Mrs. W.  E.  Collison, 333 Harold Street; Mrs. L.  Herman, Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. W.  K. Cummings, Bain Avenue, Toronto; Rev. J.  E.  Bender, Pembroke, Ontario; J. A. Bender of Stratford, Ontario.


         The funeral will be held on Monday afternoon.  A short service will be conducted at two o’clock at the family home, 326 Cameron Street, under the auspices of the Greenstone Rebekah Lodge and will be followed by the services at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, at 2:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Hugh R. Grant.  Interment will be made in Mountain View Cemetery.



Additional Notes:

This was passed on by Mrs. Lillian Kirkpatrick of Windsor, Ontario.  She states this was 50 years ago (as of 1976), so this happened sometime in 1926.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Kirkpatrick, nee: Bender, was born about 1874. She died on February 28, 1926.  Elizabeth Bender was the daughter of Katharine (Walter) and Ehrenfried Bender.


Fort William is now known as Thunder Bay.


Note: William Kirkpatrick remarried on February 18, 1931 to Minnie Schweig.  She died June 7, 1973 at age 94 years, and is buried in Thunder Bay.  William died July 5, 1948 and is buried at Thunder Bay.

The above was forwarded to Dorrell Boles in May 1976.


Dorrell Boles P.S.: I am writing to Mrs. Gordon Kirkpatrick.  She has now given much information for our family.  Her daughters had a double wedding in 1950.  She gave addresses for John Collison in U.S.A.  and Avis (Cummings) Vickers, Toronto and Beulah (Ankermann) French in Florida. 




D.  Peter Walter (Junior)

         Peter Walter Jr. was born in Germany, December 7, 1843; he is a son Johann Peter and Katharine Walter. They were, it is believed, born about 1810, and must have lived in several areas in the province of Baden, Germany. Peter was born in Baden – Baden, Germany, (pronounced BAH-dun), which is located midway between Karlsruhe and Strasbourg, to the southeast. Today, in 1976, Baden – Baden is a world-famous resort town in the northeast corner of the Black Forest of West Germany. Many hot springs in and around the city have mineral waters that range from 117 to 154°F in temperature. Today Baden – Baden is a city with a population over 40,000 at least. It appears that the Walter family came from the area of Sudwest – Deutschland, Southwest Germany. We are told from folks recently arrived from Germany, that this area is beautiful country. Peter’s sister Kate (Katharine) was born in Eschelbach, Germany. Eschelbach is a rural crossroads about 10 miles southeast of Heidelberg, near Sinsheim. Jacob Filsinger was also born in this district. It is not known if any other member of the Walter family migrated other than Johann Peter, his wife Katharine and their children.


Special note:

Johann Peter Sr. and Katharine and children migrated to Buffalo, New York, about 1845. The following is a list of the children and birthplace.

1. Jacob                             born in Germany - August 28, 1837

2. John Ehrenfried            born in Germany - November 1, 1839

3. Margaret                       born in Germany - September 22, 1841

4. Peter Junior                  born in Germany - December 7, 1843

5. Katharine (Kate)           born in Eschelbach, Germany - October 4, 1844

6. Gottfried                       born in Buffalo, U.S.A. - 1847; died as a child

7. Michael                        born in Woolwich Township - June 18, 1855


Documents have been found that tell us Johann Peter bought land in Township of Woolwich in 1856, that being a part of Lot #61, of the German Company Tract. He later in 1860 sold 50 acres to Jacob Walter; 60 acres to Frederick Bender; 46 acres to George Arnold. We do not know how many children were married in Woolwich Township. But the family moved to Wallace Township settling on Lot 29, 6th Line in 1862.


         Peter Walter Junior, born 1843, lived with parents on Lot 29, and no doubt helped to clear the land. In the provincial archives in Toronto among Township papers for Wallace Township and affidavit shows that in three years 50 acres of land was cleared and under crop, and a habitable house of the dimensions 23’ x 25’ erected on same. This document led to the “Crown Sale” No. 18095 Wallace Township. We are not sure if this sale and document refer to Peter Senior or Peter Junior. A second house was built alongside and very close to the first house and a big clay oven was erected for baking bread, not far from both houses.


         Peter Junior married in 1866 to Veronica Kimpel born June 20, 1844 in Wilmot Township, Canada. Veronica is also known as Franik or Franke, and the name Kimpel has many varied spellings – Kimble, Gimbel, etc. She was a daughter of Casper Kimpel born July 21, 1805, and Margaret Wolf, born January 7, 1815. They lived on 4th Line Wallace Township, east of Gowanstown. Casper died May 9, 1888, Margaret died on April 25, 1889; both buried at 6th Line Cemetery.

W-005 - Walter - Peter Walter & Veronica Kimple - Gr Gpa Walter & Wi 001.jpg













Peter Walter & Veronica Kimple

 - Great Grandpa Walter & Wife






          “Vader and Mutter” (Johann Peter and Katharine) Walter lived on with young Peter and his wife Veronica (Kimpel), after their marriage. Someone once had a record of how the families had worked out a system wherein all profits and costs were figured out in percentages. So there were no arguments as to what belonged to whom, as all was spelled out on the list. The father and mother – Johann Peter Walter died September 4, 1880 and Katharine on September 1, 1887, both buried in 6th Line Cemetery, Wallace Township.



Peter Walter and Veroncia Kimple & Children - copy.jpg

Peter Walter and Veronica Kimple & Children

Back Row: Henry?,  Sarah Filsinger,

Front Row: Peter Walter, Cornelius?,   Veronica Walter (nee: Kimple),    John?,  Lizzy Heinmiller

Not sure of the individuals

Picture from Janet Brown


Children of Peter and Veronica Walter:

1.     Sarah                           born August 22, 1867

2.     Henry                          born October 6, 1869

3.     Elizabeth (Lizzie)        born June 19, 1873

4.     Cornelius                    born July 7, 1875

5.     John Ehrenfried          born February 14, 1880

6.     Daniel                         born August 9, 1885



Also three others who appear to have died in infancy: (No dates on gravestone).

7.     Ezra

8.     Martha

9.     Maria

W-001 - Peter Walter Family - About 1880.jpg




Peter and Veronica (Kimple)

Walter Family                 

about 1889




Back Row: Great Aunt Sarah Filsinger, Great Uncle Cornelius Walter, Great Grandpa Henry Walter, Great Aunt Lizzy Heinmiller

Front Row: Great Great Grandpa Peter Walter, Great Uncle John W, Great Uncle Daniel, Great Great Grandma Veronica Walter nee: Kimple




         No doubt the Peter Walters were clearing their land when the gravel road was blazed through the forest, and construction completed in 1863. Today this road is known as No. 23 Highway. Traveling north from Listowel on Highway 23, there are several concession roads. These are the 3rd Line, 4th Line, 6th Line, and so on to Palmerston. Gowanstown is located at the intersection of the 4th Line and Highway #23. Farms on the 6th and 7th Concessions faced fronting on the 6th. Many of the Walter family later farmed around this area. Each generation improving in some way, leaving it a little better for having been there. (Note: The concession roads are now numbered differently.)


         Peter Junior built the big red brick house approximately 1900, on Lot 29. We cannot be sure of the exact date. This house still stands today, 1976. The farm was later occupied by Daniel Walter, John Walter, Ervin Quanz, and believed a son of Andrew Gottfried owns it now.

Peter Walter Bible - Mar 18, 2022 - 1.jpg









Peter & Veronica





         Many of our ”Freundschaft” relatives remember good times spent at this house, when it was occupied by Dan, John Walter and Ervin Quanz. Relatives took part in the various “Bees”, quilting, butchering, etc. also the Weddings and Reunions. How many weddings were held at this home is not known, nor do we know if Peter and Veronica’s daughters were married here. Rose bushes, shrubs, and flowers formed a perfect setting for the Bridal Party at Doris Walter’s Wedding in August 1939 (the first wedding I attended) and her sister Myrtle’s wedding September 1939. Marguerite Quanz also left this home as a bride.


         Peter and Veronica Walter lived the remainder of their lives on the 6th Line. Veronica died July 17, 1910 at 66 years and 27 days. Peter died in his 86th year on June 3, 1929. Both buried at 6th Line Cemetery, Wallace Township.



Treasures of Peter and Veronica Walter

         They shared the pioneer homestead with his father, Johann Peter Walter and wife, and succeeded to it upon death of the older man. As mentioned previously, two log houses were built here, with an outdoor clay bake-oven standing nearby. They must have baked many loaves of bread there. Later the red brick house was built and can be seen today.


         On searching for information from the various relatives, one hears repeatedly “They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township”. From this central area, families have spread out all over Canada and the United States. Farming was the principal occupation and the accomplishment of a lifetime, or a large part of it. No one but a farmer can appreciate all that such words in the quoted phrase express. From dawn till after dark, day–after–day, month–after–month, in blistering heat and bitter cold, in sickness and in health, the endless chores are tackled. Thus our pioneers laboured on, tending livestock, clearing land, building fences, planting and threshing crops, not to mention endless miles walked during plowing of the fields, all this and more, that the family would be cared for and fed.


         Veronica used to do a good deal of spinning on a big wheel; but took the wool to Listowel for washing and carding, and she did not weave. At night, after she had sung the children to sleep, she would go on singing while spinning. They had no organ or other musical instrument. She would get some women to come in for making clothes for the children. She was of medium size, with black hair.


         Peter obtained his money from sale of logs or firewood, cattle, wheat, etc. Raised sheep for wool and meat, but had problems with wolves. There were foxes about too; but Peter had no gun. They did not use rabbit meat.


         One day while some men were working on Peter’s farm, an argument broke out between two fellows. In due course the fists were flying. Peter notice the event, calmly walked over to the two fighters and said “you two better stop this right now, this is enough, if you don’t I will set you both down”. The two men backed off, knowing full well that Peter could indeed have handled them. From this we can understand that Peter was a strong, powerful man.


         A most dramatic story of Peter’s children is that three of his sons married three Schneider sisters; another of the Schneider sisters married a first cousin of these boys. Otherwise, we find in an endless list of names connected with the Walter family. Courtship was limited, for practical reasons, to the distance a good horse could travel after evening chores were done.







From Janet Brown and Dawn Lang

Photos from Peter and Veronica's Family Bible - 3.jpgPhotos from Peter and Veronica's Family Bible - 1.jpgI have the family Bible that belonged to Peter and Veronica.  The Bible is written in German though it was printed in Paris, Ontario.








Peter and Veronica’s

Family Bible







Photos from Peter and Veronica's Family Bible - 2.jpg






The Bible is written in German. It is the translation of the Old and New Testament made by Martin Luther.




Walter Brothers Thrashing Outfit

         The Walter Brothers, Henry, John, Dan (Cornelius was a partner) had a threshing machine in the early 1900s. The three brothers did custom work. Gordon Walter later took his father’s (Henry) place, and tells that they sometimes did threshing for 60 barns during one season. The first machine was a horsepower machine. The second machine was a horse-drawn steam engine. They had purchased one of the first steam powered threshing units in the area. The steam engine was moved from location to location by a team of horses and the straw was moved from the unit by a carrier. The third was a traction engine which ran on its own power.

W-011 - Walter Thrashing Outfit at N J Krotz - Walter Harvest Team - Michal Bender, Earl Walter, Dan Walter, William Bender, Nick Krotz, John Walte.jpg 

W-011 - Walter Thrashing Outfit at N J Krotz  -  Walter Harvest Team - Michal Bender, Earl Walter, Dan Walter, William Bender, Nick Krotz, John Walter.


         Horse Powered Threshing Unit – in the late 1800s the method of generating power for threshing grain was the horse powered unit. Several teams of horses were hitched to a mechanical unit similar to a small merry-go-round. The above picture, brought into The Banner Office by Mrs. Veronica Quanz of Palmerston, shows such a machine in operation on the farm of N. J. Krotz located on the sixth line of Wallace Township. In the picture from left to right are Michael Bender, Earl Walter, Henry Walter, William Bender, Nicholas Krotz, John Walter, and Jake Krotz. – This text is from a picture in the Listowel Banner - date unknown.

Note: Yes, we do know that the picture shows a horse-drawn stream engine that was used to power the threshing machine using a long belt as shown in the pictures below.

W-012 - Walter Threshing Crew.jpg










W-012 - Walter Threshing Crew









W-013 - Walter Brothers Steam Threshing Crew already has one wagon load of grain finished.

W-013 - Walter Bros Steam Threshing.jpg


W-014 - Walter Threshing Machine.jpg






W-014 - Walter Brothers Threshing Machine





W-015 - Walter Threshing -Henry, Philip Reist, Dan, Herman Bender.jpg







W-015 - Walter Brothers Threshing - Henry, Philip Reist, Dan, Herman Bender (Bert Bender’s brother)



W-016 - Walter Steam Tractor - Uncle John beside wheel.jpg








W-016 - Walter Steam Tractor - Uncle John Walter beside wheel.


W-017 - Walter Bros Steam Threshing.jpg








W-017 - Walter Brothers Steam Threshing





W-018 - Walter Brothers Steam Threshing Crew

W-018 - Walter Bros Threshing Crew.jpg


Children of Peter and Veronica Walter:

1.     Sarah Anne                 born August 22, 1867

2.     Henry                          born October 6, 1869

3.     Elizabeth (Lizzie)        born June 19, 1873

4.     Cornelius                    born July 7, 1875

5.     John Ehrenfried          born February 14, 1880

6.     Daniel                         born August 9, 1885

D.1 - Sarah Anne Walter

W-002S - Sarah Walter Filsinger.jpgSome information is from Sarah Silcox Family Tree


Sarah Anne Walter was born on 22 Aug 1867 in Wallace Township, Ontario. She died on 26 Sep 1891 at the age of 24 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.

Sarah Anne Walter and Jacob Filsinger were married. Jacob Filsinger, son of Frederick Filsinger and Katharina Krotz, was born on 30 May 1860 in Eschelbach, Hohenlohekreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on 24 May 1942 at the age of 81.

Children of Sarah Anne Walter and Jacob Filsinger:

a. Susannah Matilda Filsinger was born on 9 Mar 1890 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario. She died on 19 Jun 1983 at the age of 93 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario. Susannah Matilda Filsinger and Edwin Charles Gottfried were married on 24 Feb 1907 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario. Edwin Charles Gottfried, son of Jacob Samuel Gottfried and Louisa Spies, was born on 11 Nov 1877 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 4 Feb 1957 at the age of 79 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Susannah Matilda Filsinger and Edwin Charles Gottfried:

i. Jefferson Kenneth Gottfried was born on 22 May 1911 in Gowanstown, Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 13 Aug 2005 at the age of 94 in Fergus, Ontario, Canada.


ii. Laura Charlena Gottfried was born on 12 Nov 1914 in Gowanstown, Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 4 Jan 2000 at the age of 85 in Kitchener ON.


iii. Gladys Gottfried was born on 11 Oct 1917 in Gowanstown, Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died about 2006 at the age of 89 in Ontario, Canada.


iv. Andrew Percy Gottfried was born on 10 Jun 1922. He was born on 6 Oct 1922 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 2 Aug 1999 at the age of 77 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


Andrew Percy Gottfried and Muriel May Wolfe were married. Muriel May Wolfe, daughter of Alexander Wolfe and Hilda May Krotz, was born on 5 May 1927 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 4 Jul 2020 at the age of 93 in Palmerston, Wellington, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Andrew Percy Gottfried and Muriel May Wolfe:

1. Wayne Gottfried was born on 20 Aug 1947. Wayne Gottfried and Betty Wallace were married. Betty Wallace was born on 21 Jun 1953.

Children of Wayne Gottfried and Betty Wallace:

a). Kevin Gottfried.


2. Elwood Gottfried was born on 25 Jun 1949.


3. Sharon Gottfried was born on 13 Sep 1951. Sharon Gottfried and Wayne Martin were married. Wayne Martin was born on 11 Aug 1949.

Children of Sharon Gottfried and Wayne Martin:

a). Ryan Martin was born on 20 Oct 1975.

b). Rodney Gottfried was born on 2 Sep 1954.

c). Kathryn Gottfried was born on 23 Sep 1960.





D.2 - Henry Walter Family

W-020 - Henry and Annie Walter Wedding - Jan 2, 1895.jpgHenry Walter – Born October 6, 1869, in Wallace Township. He was married on January 2, 1895 to Annie Catharine Schneider, daughter of Henry Schneider born January 22, 1846 and wife Catherine Roppel born August 21, 1847. Annie was born in Port Elgin on August 2, 1873.





W-020 - Henry and Annie Walter Wedding - Jan 2, 1895





They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township, second farm northwest of the church, where their two children were born. Later they moved to the farm on Highway number 23, formerly owned by Mr. Anderson. Their children attended SS #7 Wallace School. In 1928 they moved to Kitchener, and built a home on Glasgow Street. Henry drove a team of horses to aid in clearing the area for construction of new houses on Duke and other Kitchener streets.


         In 1931 they returned to Wallace Township, farming on 50 acres on the 6th Line, (one farm north west of the church). Here they remained until retirement in 1941 then moving to Listowel, corner of York and Blake Streets. Many friends and relatives gathered to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. On the eve of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, New Year’s Day 1955, Annie suffered a fall, fracturing her hip, which resulted in months of hospitalization, and a condition for the rest of her life. Henry was also in poor health over a period of time; both being patiently and affectionately nursed over a period, by Fred and Frona, who were living with them. Henry died January 28, 1959 and Annie November 4, 1961; both being laid to rest in Fairview Cemetery, Listowel. They were faithful members of the Evangelical Church, and their home was noted for hospitality.



Children of Henry and Annie Walter:

1.   W-040 - Fred and Veronica Quanz - Wedding - June 13, 1917.jpgVeronica Catharine Walter – Born December 29, 1895 in Wallace Township. Married on June 13, 1917 to Frederick Marvin Quanz, son of John Quanz and Caroline Zinn, his wife, of Wallace Township. Fred was born on    March 5, 1895. They farmed for some time in Wallace Township and elsewhere, then moved to Listowel with her parents. They were active members of Calvary Evangelical Church in Listowel. Later moved to Palmerston. Many shared in the celebration of their       50th Wedding Anniversary. A family dinner was held at their 55th Anniversary. Fred died November 7, 1972 and was buried at 6th Line Cemetery.


W-040 –

Fred and Veronica Quanz Wedding

 - June 13, 1917











Fred, Veronica, Harry and Walter Quanz





Children of Veronica (Walter) and Fred Quanz:

a.     Marguerite Quanz – born November 4, 1918 on the 6th Line of Wallace Township. She passed away the same day and is buried at the 6th Line Cemetery.


b.     Harry Laverne Quanz – born September 2, 1922 at Concession 6, Wallace Township, Ontario. Married at Palmerston United Church on October 15, 1941 to Elizabeth Marie (Betty) Zurbrigg who was born September 22, 1921 in Palmerston, daughter of Harold Zurbrigg and his wife Elsie Alder. They resided in Fort Erie after their marriage. Harry served in the Air Force as Sargent, Air Gunner, in World War II. As of 1976 they resided in Waterloo, Ontario where they built their house. Harry was employed as a manager in Distribution and Warehousing at J. M. Schneiders and Betty at Anaesthesia Associates.  Betty died on February 4, 1987 and is buried in Parkview Cemetery, Waterloo, Ontario.


            Harry remarried to Jean Ankerman Bender on August 30, 1990. Jean was born on March 19, 1920. She died on May 16, 1996 and is buried 6th Line United Church Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario.

            Harry died on October 21, 2005 at Heritage House, St. Jacobs.


Children of Harry and Betty Quanz:

                                                    i.     Karen Elizabeth Quanz – born December 11, 1943. She married on October 14, 1964, to Allan Lee Grover who was born April 29, 1943 in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Divorced. Karen lived in Waterloo, Ontario until she passed away on January 17, 2009 in Waterloo.

Children of Karen and Allan Grover:

1.     Lee Harry Grover – Lee married Jennifer Dieter in Kitchener, Ontario.

Children of Lee and Jennifer Grover:

a.     Sarah Marie Grover – Sarah married Cole Schneider.

         Children of Sarah and Cole Schneider:

1)     Sadie Marie Schneider – born at Lee & Jennifer Grover's (Grandparents) House on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

b.     Thomas Lee Grover - born in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

c.      David Donald Grover – born in Nanaimo, British Columbia.


2.     Dawn Marie Grover – born in Prince George British Columbia. Married to Graham Roderick Stone in Kitchener, Ontario. Graham was born in LaChien, Quebec, Canada. Graham Stone was an Engineer at Raytheon in Waterloo. Divorced 2001.


                                                  ii.     Kenneth Laverne Quanz – born in Kitchener. Graduated from Stratford Teachers College and taught at Centennial Senior Public School, Waterloo. Ken married Lily “Lil” Mae Johnson. Lil graduated from Teachers College, London, and taught at New Hamburg Elementary Public School. They reside in Baden, Ontario.

Children of Ken and Lil Quanz:

1.     Peter Laverne Quanz – born in Kitchener Ontario. Peter is a Ballet Choreographer working with ballet companies in Canada, United States, Germany, Russia and China.








Peter Quanz





Peter has two very different artistic bases, where he is involved with two companies: one in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he runs his own group, Q Dance, and one in Harbin, the provincial capital of Heilongjiang province in Northern China, where he works with Harbin Ballet.   See


2.     Catherine “Kate” Elizabeth Quanz – born in Kitchener Ontario.





c.      Walter John Quanz – Born in Wallace Township on March 13, 1928. Married in Zion E.U.B. Church, Wallace Township, on July 16, 1949 to Ruby Bramhill born May 31, 1930, daughter of Clendon Bramhill and his wife Violet Bridge. Walter and Ruby “doubled“ their wedding with their first cousins Marguerite Quanz and Donald Bridge. They resided about 1 mile west of Palmerston, where Walter was in partnership in the Bramhill Service Centre Farm Equipment dealership. Walter died on July 5, 2015 in Palmerston, Ontario. Ruby died on February 5, 2016 at the Listowel Memorial Hospital, Listowel, Ontario.


Children of Walter and Ruby Quanz:

                                                    i.      Richard John Quanz – born May 22, 1951. Married Elaine Parker born September 26, 1950. Both attended Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener where they met. They married on August 26, 1972. They reside in Markham, Ontario.


                                                  ii.      Joanne Mae Quanz – Accompanied her grandmother Frona on a trip to the Holy Land.


                                                 iii.      Janice Marie Quanz – Janice graduated as a registered nurse and moved to the United States to work in a hospital. She married James Nelson who passed away from a heart attack and then married Garry Ramsey. Jan and Garry reside in North Carolina.


                                                 iv.      Quinton James Quanz – born October 23, 1962 in Palmerston Ontario. Stillborn.





2.   W-039 - Walter Family 1918 - Henry, Gordan, Veronica and Anna Seated.jpgGordon Cornelius Walter – Born May 30, 1898 in Wallace Township. Married September 26, 1922, to Almeda Lucetta Quanz, daughter of Adam Quanz and his wife Mary Voelzing, at the bride’s home on the 10th of Carrick Township. Almeda was born October 11, 1899.











W-039 - Walter Family 1918 - Henry, Gordon,

Veronica and Anna Seated




          Gordon worked with his father Henry on the farm, also helped him with milk delivery to the Marion Beaver Cheese Factory, and joined the Walter Brothers Threshing Crew. He took over the farm when Henry’s moved to Kitchener. He and Almeda built their house on a corner lot on the farm along Highway #23, when they retired in 1963.


Children of Gordon and Almeda Walter:

a.     Ivan Weldon Walter – Born March 5, 1929. Married Audrey Self, daughter of William Self and his wife Elva Fleet. Audrey was born July 27, 1928. They lived for a few years on Highway #87 west of Harriston, later moving to Harriston, where Ivan was employed with Canada Packers. In 1973 they moved to their new house in Palmerston. Ivan was in charge of the maintenance department of Palmerston General Hospital; Audrey was working at the Palmerston nursing home.


Children of Ivan and Audrey Walter:

                                               i.          Wayne Weldon Walter – born March 23, 1948. B. A. Graduate of Western University, London Ontario.


                                             ii.          Bruce Darwin Walter – born September 6, 1950. Married to Heather Anne Reading. After their marriage they resided in Palmerston, later moving near Clifford, Ontario.

Bruce married Beverly Leith.


He was the son of Ivan and Audrey Walters of Sauble Beach and brother of Wayne Walters of London, Diane Ballantyne of Listowel, and Barbara and Chris Wakeford of Palmerston.  Son-in-law of Charles and Ivy Leith of Clifford, and brother-in-law of Daniel and Heather Leith, George and Kathy Leith, Patricia and Trevor Axtman, Bill and Stacey Leith, Raymond Leith, Jennifer and Corey Casemore, Trevor and Carla Leith, and Heather Leith.  Bruce was predeceased by his brother Larry Walters. 


Bruce retired from Rothsay Concentrates, having worked as a millwright for 44 years. He was involved with his community serving on Council and was the last Reeve of Clifford before amalgamation with Minto. He became a member of Harriston Masonic Lodge No. 262 in 2006 and served as Master in 2013-2014.


Bruce Darwin Walters of Clifford passed away at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener on Saturday, July 9, 2016 in his 66th year.  Interment in Clifford Cemetery. Bruce was the father of Angela Walters and Lionel Heffernan of Belleville, Nicholas Walters and Melissa Kohorst of Clifford, and Rebecca Walters of Clifford.  Missed by his grandchildren Rachel, Destiny, Trent, Michael, Corey and Ashley.  His funeral was at the Hardy-Lee Funeral Home, Harriston on Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. with a Masonic Lodge memorial service held at 6:30 p.m. The funeral service was held from Clifford Community Church on Wednesday, July 13th at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Doug Bott officiating.


Children of Bruce and Heather Walter:

1.   Angela Lorraine Walter

2.   Nicholas Walter

3.   Rebecca Walter




                                            iii.          Diane Audrene Walter – She married John Ballantyne.

Children of Diane and John Ballantyne:

1.     Stacey Ballantyne – born in Cambridge, Ontario.

2.     Matthew Ballantyne – born in Cambridge, Ontario.

3.     Ashley Ballantyne – born in Cambridge, Ontario.


                                            iv.          Larry Ivan Walter – Born October 3, 1954. Honour Student at Palmerston High School until killed in a car accident. Died October 4, 1972. Interred in Harriston Cemetery.


                                              v.          Barbara Walter – She married Christopher Wakeford.

Children of Barbara and Christopher Wakeford:

1.     Joshua Rayvan Christoph Wakeford – in Palmerston, Ontario.



b.     Ila Dorrell Walter – Born November 2, 1933. Graduate of Lougheed Business College, Kitchener, in 1954. Married September 23, 1961 to Kenneth Earl Boles, son of Earl Boles and wife Laura Spicer, near Fergus. Dorrell frequents the Kitchener Market with her wares. Ken established his business A-V Communications of Kitchener in 1970, and travels throughout various sections of Ontario. They reside in Kitchener Ontario. Ken passed away September 1, 2014 in Kitchener.


Children of Ken and Dorrell Boles:

                                               i.          Christopher Michael Boles – He married Wendy Caroline Horman.

Children of Chris and Wendy Boles:

1.     Kira Ann Boles – born in Kitchener, Ontario.

2.     Chelsey Summer Boles – born on in Kitchener, Ontario.



                                             ii.          Duane Evan Boles – Born in Kitchener, Ontario. He married Anita Joy Gingerich on May 12, 1990. Duane was a musician and exceptional bass guitar player and led the music at his church. He passed away September 13, 2015 in Kitchener, Ontario.

Children of Duane and Anita Boles:

1.     Tyler Cole Ahern Boles – born in Kitchener, Ontario.

2.     Eden Olivia Lynn Boles – born in Kitchener, Ontario.



3. Darwin Ezra Walter – Born March 2, 1910. Died the next day. Buried in 6th Line Cemetery. He was the son of Annie and Henry Walter.


Listowel Couple Mark Diamond Anniversary

January 3, 1955

The following newspaper article was published in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record on January 3, 1955 the day after Henry and Annie celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary.


Listowel – Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter, Listowel, whose marriage was the first of a series of four which resulted in three brothers and a fourth sister marrying a cousin of the three brothers, observed their diamond wedding anniversary yesterday.

         A family dinner party at their York Street home featured the celebration.

         Henry Walter and his wife, the former Annie E. Schneider, were married January 2, 1895 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider, in Wallace Township.


Others Present

         Later Mary Schneider, sister of Annie, became the bride of John Walter of Wallace Township, brother of Henry. Adeline Schneider married Dan Walter, now of St. David's, while Rachael Schneider married Simon Walter, cousin of the three brothers. All were present at the diamond wedding celebration Sunday except Mr. and Mrs. John Walter who were prevented because of Mrs. Walter’s illness.


         Following their marriage, Henry Walter and his bride commenced farming on the 6th Line of Wallace Township. In 1908 they moved to a farm on No. 23 Highway near Gowanstown where their son, Gordon, now resides.


         Twenty years later they moved to Kitchener but remained there only three and one-half years returning to again farm in Wallace Township. For the past 14 years they have lived in Listowel.

Mrs. Walter, born August 2, 1873, in Port Elgin, is still active and names gardening and quilting as her favourite hobbies.


         Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walter of Wallace Township, the bridegroom of 60 years ago, now 85, while not enjoying the same degree of good health as his wife, also likes to work in the garden when able.


Likes Farm Life

         “Young farmers today are very fortunate to have such modern equipment as is available today,” declares Mr. Walter, who still believes farm life is best.


         Both Mr. and Mrs. Walter are members of Calvary Evangelical United Brethren Church now but were formerly members of the 6th Line Wallace Church, where Mr. Walter was a trustee, and both taught Sunday School.


         Besides their son, Gordon, there is one daughter, Veronica, Mrs. Fred Quanz, who with her husband resides with her parents. There are also four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.


         Besides the three sisters of Mrs. Walter already mentioned there are: Mrs. John (Elizabeth) Hirsch, Buffalo; Mrs. Wesley (Ida) Kaiser, Qualicum Beach, BC; and Mrs. Norman (Clara) Ruppel, Kitchener. Another brother of Mr. Walter, Cornelius Walter, resides in Waterloo.

--- End of Record Article ---





D.3 - Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter

We appreciate the information and pictures that have been provided by Janet Brown, Dawn Leng, Jen McDonald-DeGregory, Marjorie Hannis (nee Reptke) and Pearl Brown.” 

If you have an account you can see Janet Brown’s Family Tree at the following link:

W-007 - Lizzie Walter Hienmiller (Henry Walter's sister).jpg

 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter was born June 19, 1873. She married Henry Heinmiller on April 21, 1897 in Perth County, Ontario. Henry was born in East Zorra Township on February 4, 1872.


W-007 - Lizzie Walter Heinmiller

(Henry Walter's sister)


Henry Heinmiller

Henry’s mother was Katherine Heinmiller (1849-1916) and   Step-father was Sebastian Wenzel.

Sebastian married again after his first wife, Catherine Stricker, died. Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine (Katherine) Heinmiller were married on March 5, 1878 in Perth County, Ontario.

Sebastian & Catherine Wenzel.jpg


Sebastian Wenzel and Catherine Heinmiller


Catherine (Katherine) Heinmiller was born on September 28, 1849 in North Easthope Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Katherine was the daughter of Philip Heinmiller and Margaret Gruss.


Katherine Heinmiller had a son, Henry, before she married Sebastian. We do not know Henry’s father’s name or any other information about him.



                        Child of Catherine Heinmiller;

     a. Henry Heinmiller – Born on February 4, 1872 in East Zorra Township, Ontario. He married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walter on April 4, 1897.

Katharine died on November 4, 1916 at the age of 67 in Palmerston, Wellington, Ontario. 



Henry Heinmiller Profile on


Henry and Elizabeth Heinmiller (and their marriage certificate).jpg











Marriage Certificate for

Henry Heinmiller & Elizabeth Walter

April 21, 1897 in Perth County, Ontario











Henry and Lizzie farmed in Wallace Township for more than 30 years, moving to Kitchener about 1927. They were members of Zion E.U.B. Church. Henry died in Kitchener May 10, 1932 following a stroke; Elizabeth surviving him until September 9, 1950. Both are buried at Woodland Cemetery, Kitchener, Ontario.




Peter Walter - Mar 18, 2022 - 1.jpg

Henry & & Elizabeth Heinmiller Family

Back Row:  Mabel (Kartechner), Clayton, Lydia (Reptke) and Edna (Tucker)

Front Row:  Esther, Henry, Henrietta (Dopp), Elizabeth and Victor

About 1915






Children of Elizabeth and Henry Heinmiller:

a.     Clayton Heinmiller – Born March 7, 1898. Married Jean Bundscho born June 4, 1904. Clayton died on April 10, 1975. Jean lived on Cameron St., North in Kitchener. He is buried at Woodland Cemetery, Kitchener, Ontario.


b.     Sarah Heinmiller – Born January 22, 1900 and died February 5, 1900.


c.      Lydiann Heinmiller – Born September 9, 1901. Married Irvin Reptke born September 8, 1898. Lydiann died July 21, 1969 and Irvin died July 10, 1973. Both are buried at Memory Gardens, Kitchener.

Children of Lydia and Irvin Reptke:

                                               i.          Elmer Reptke – Born June 21, 1922.


                                             ii.          Doris Reptke – born August 3, 1923. Married Elmer Weiland born June 27, 1915.

Children of Doris and Elmer Weiland:

1.     Sandra Weiland – born October 29, 1945. Married Brian Clarke born February 11, 1945.

Children of Sandra and Brian Clarke:

a.   Colleen Clarke  

b.   Paul Clarke  


2.     Barbara Weiland – born February 6, 1946. Married Martin Metzger born March 24, 1941.

Children of Barbara and Martin Metzger:

a.   Kimberly Metzger


3.     David Weiland – Born February 6, 1948. Married Sophia Zardecki.

Children of David and Sophia Weiland:

a.   James Weiland


                                            iii.          Pearl Reptke: – Born September 5, 1929. Married Joseph Brown born April 24, 1924. Joseph died on April 8, 1962.

Children of Perl and Joseph Brown:

1.     Sharon Brown – Born June 23, 1948. Married Donald Gerling born December 8, 1946.

Children of Sharon and Donald Gerling:

a.   Kelly Gerling

b.    Kristin Gerling



2.     Robert Brown – Married Beverly Speers


3.     Janet Brown



                                            iv.          Marjorie Reptke – born December 13, 1933. Married Gordon Hannis born September 1, 1918.

Children of Marjorie and Gordon Hannis:

1.     Beverly Hannis

2.     Dawn Hannis


                                              v.          Laverne Reptke – born October 1, 1935: married Betty Weland.

Children of Laverne and Betty Reptke:

1.     Kevin Reptke

2.     Kimberly Reptke

3.     Shane Reptke



d.     Mabel Heinmiller – born August 17, 1903. Married Herman Kartechner born January 1, 1902. They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary December 1974.

Children of Mabel and Herman Kartechner:

                                               i.          Herman (Hermie) Kartechner – Born February 3, 1926 married Molly Weber born March 15, 1925. It has been stated Herman served in Canadian Air Force for 20 years.

Children of Herman and Molly Kartechner:

1.     Virginia Kartechner – born January 16, 1948. Married John King born June 1, 1947.

Children of Virginia and John King:

a.     Charlene King

b.     Gail King

c.      Michael King

2.     Robert Kartechner – Married Donna Gould

Children of Robert and Donna Kartechner:

a.     Christopher Kartechner



                                             ii.          Harold Kartechner – born October 17, 1928. Harold was working with city works department. He went to aid a fellow worker and was overcome by gas and died on October 6, 1954. Buried at Woodland Cemetery, Kitchener.


                                            iii.          Walter Kartechner – born August 14, 1931. Married Nancy Quintern born January 6, 1931.

Children of Walter and Nancy Kartechner:

1.   Deborah Kartechner


                                            iv.          Carl Kartechner – born December 25, 1933. Married Betty Borne born May 2, 1938.

Children of Carl and Betty Kartechner:

1.    Craig Kartechner

2.    Kristin Kartechner

3.    Carla Kartechner

4.    Kay Kartechner

5.    Eva Kartechner


e.     Edna Heinmiller – Born September 8, 1905. Married Alfred (Alf) Tucker born April 18, 1903. Resided at 671 Glasgow Road, Kitchener.

Children of Edna and Alfred Tucker:

                                               i.          June Tucker – born June 9, 1927. Married James Maurer born April 14, 1926.

Children of June in James Maurer:

1.   Paul Maurer –Married Hilda Molnar

Children of Paul and Hilda Maurer:

a.   Julie Maurer – Born September 20, 1973. Died January 9, 1975.

b.   Amy Maurer

2.   Mark Maurer

3.   Peter Maurer



                                             ii.          Ronald Tucker – Born July 1931. Married Patricia Fetterly born June 28, 1936.

Children of Ronald and Patricia Tucker:

1.   William Tucker

2.   Kimberly Tucker Born November 12, 1966, died December 29, 1966.

3.   Shawn Tucker


                                            iii.          Roy Tucker – Born June 23, 1936. Married Erma Schwartzentruber.

Children of Roy and Erma Tucker:

1.   Jodi Tucker

2.   Scott Tucker

3.   Heidi Tucker

4.   Kerry Tucker



f.       Esther Heinmiller – Born November 20, 1907. She lived in Kitchener Ontario on North Drive.


g.      Henrietta Heinmiller – Born June 3, 1910. Married Leonard (Len) Dopp born November 29, 1911. Resided on Kelvin Street, Kitchener. No family.


h.     Victor Heinmiller – Born February 16, 1913. Married Blanche Stewart born November 25, 1918. Victor died after a lengthy illness at his home on August 30, 1954. Buried at Woodland Cemetery. Both were members of Zion church, Kitchener. Blanche remarried to Earl Jacob born December 29, 1912.

Children of Victor and Blanche Heinmiller:

                                               i.          Miriam Heinmiller – born January 21, 1944 and died June 7, 1998.


                                             ii.          Harvey Heinmiller – born June 23, 1946. Married Janet Johnston born July 18, 1947. They resided on Krug Street in Kitchener.

Children of Harvey and Janet Heinmiller:

1.     David Heinmiller

2.     Donald Heinmiller

3.     Jennie Heinmiller



D.4 - Cornelius Walter

W-007 - Cornelius and John Walter and John Schneider.jpgCornelius Walter was born in Wallace Township July 7, 1875. He was married on December 20, 1899 to Annie Berndt, daughter of Charles R. Berndt and his wife Margaret Roppel of Bruce Township. Annie was born April 9, 1877. They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township and the 3rd of Wallace Township. Annie died in childbirth, August 29, 1914. She and her child were buried at the 6th Line Cemetery.


Cornelius Walter, John Walter

and John Schneider



         Cornelius remarried on his birthday, July 7, 1915, to Margaret Zinn, daughter of Frederick Zinn and his wife Elizabeth Dippel of Mildmay. Margaret was born October 30, 1874, hence 40 years old at marriage. There was no issue of this union. They retired in Waterloo; Margaret died October 11, 1962 and was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Waterloo. Cornelius died on April 11, 1965.


Children of Cornelius and Annie Walter: (all born on 6th Line Wallace Township.)

a.   Earl Berndt Wesley Walter, born January 7, 1902, went to work in Detroit about 1919, was employed in aircraft construction, and was one of the technicians who made the special plane built for Adm. Byrd’s Arctic Expedition of 1928/29, which is now preserved in the Ford Museum at Dearborn Michigan. Earl married August 4, 1925 to Veronica Kuhn born in Detroit on January 27, 1906. Earl died on June 3, 1952, from coronary thrombosis, while cutting the lawn. He was buried in Royal Oak Cemetery.

Children of Earl and Veronica Walter:

                                                    i.        Wayne Matthew Walter, born November 30, 1927, married on October 6, 1951 to Arlene Leona Wiggins. Arlene was born on October 23, 1929. They lived in Berkeley, Michigan, and then moved to Manistee. In 1975 they took a cruise on their sailboat from Manistee to Florida.

Children of Wayne and Arlene Walter:

a.   Galen Earl Walter - He attended University somewhere in northern Michigan and graduated in December 1975.


                                                  ii.        Audrey Ellen Walter, born April 6, 1933, an office worker for several years. Married Gerald (Gerry) Sheldon on May 15, 1965. Many Canadian cousins attended this lovely wedding. They resided in Troy Michigan, and in 1975 moved to Ortonville, Michigan. Gerry was born October 4, 1937.

Children of Audrey and Jerry Sheldon:

a.   Les Matthew Sheldon – He was active in hockey.

b.   Curtis Walter Sheldon



b.   Ethel Margaret Victoria Walter was born October 28, 1904. She married on November 3, 1924 to George Brennan of Toronto, who was born March 15, 1898. George enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1940, and achieved the rank of Lieutenant, and Training Officer.  An auto accident at Camp Borden severely injured him, resulting in permanent impairment of his lower limbs. They moved to Halliburton, operating a souvenir shop, made and sold leather craft products. George did beautiful leather craft. Ethel was a telephone exchange operator for many years. George died on January 8, 1972.


Children of Ethel and George Brennan:

                                                    i.        Collin Poole Brennan - Born January 13, 1928, served in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, which took him around the world. In 195? he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, serving as pilot officer on the Hudson’s Bay patrol of Winnipeg and the Atlantic Coast patrol out of Halifax. He married Ann Marjorie Brocklehurst at Oshawa. He retired from the Air Force and served a while on the custodial staff of the new Millbrook Reformatory, then join the Department of Transport and Communications, in Radio and Television work, Traffic Control, etc. They resided in Toronto, more specifically Oak Ridges, North of Toronto. Collin remarried to Yvonne Smits Holtman.


Children of Collin and Ann Brennan:

1.   Collin Scott Brennan

2.   Judith Ann Brandon


Children of Collin and Yvonne Brennan:

1.     Lisa Brennan

2.     Michael David Brennan



                                                  ii.        Carolyn Margaret Brennan, born May 28, 1940 in Halliburton, was employed at Toronto – Bell Telephone Company. Carolyn married Philip Norman Trent. Phil is an accountant in the Treasury Branch, Ontario Provincial Government, in Toronto. They resided in Downsview.

Children of Carolyn and Phil Trent:

1.     Jason Trenton Trent

2.     Dorian Trent



c.    Leslie Elton Walter – born on December 2, 1906. In 1924 he followed his brother Earl to Detroit. He was employed by Mr. Fisher of Fisher Bodies Incorporated, for several years, as a gardener and chauffeur. He married on March 17, 1934 to Catharine ”Kit” Miller, who was born in Scotland on May 6, 1910 (she came to Detroit in April 1930). Les later became a long-term employee of Sears, Roebuck and Company, arranging roofing contracts. Kit later was engaged by the same firm as a Personnel Manager. They resided in Detroit it and after their children moved to California, they resided in Bakersfield California.


Children of Les and Kit Walter:

                                                    i.        Ronald Neil Walter – born February 2, 1936. He attended University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, graduating with a degree of A.B. in January 1958, and A.M. in June 1960. He decided on a teaching career. He married June 21, 1958 to Susan Calvert Verry of Detroit. Sue was born February 20, 1937 and was a graduate of Albion College. They lived in Lavonia, Michigan until July 1964 when they moved to California, where Ron was offered the post of Guidance Counselor in a High School. Their children were born in Detroit.             Ronald’s second wife was Wilma Sigler Martin. There were no children from this union.


Children of Ronald and Susan Walter:

1.   Cheryl Lee Walter

2.   Brian Scott Walter




                                                  ii.        Leslie Gordon Walter – born October 7, 1939. He graduated from Michigan State University in June 1961 with a degree of Bachelor of Science aiming at a career in education. He married on August 19, 1961 to Carol Newell, a talented artist, she attended Wayne State University. Carol was born on December 24, 1939. Shortly after the wedding they left Detroit for Bakersfield, California, where he was teaching. Gordon was baptized by his uncle, Phillips Silcox at Toronto on February 19, 1949.


Children of Leslie Gordon and Carol Walter:

1.    Lori (Loren) Walter

2.    Craig Walter



d.     Marjorie Emily Cecelia Walter – Born November 15, 1908 (or Nov 10, 1908), moved to Waterloo with parents, then to Toronto in 1926. She was engaged in domestic work, active in Carlton Street United Church, and attended night school in Matriculation subjects for the next several years. She married on September 28, 1935 to Albert Phillips Silcox of Toronto, born March 11, 1906. Phil graduated from Victoria College in 1933 with B. A. Degree, was a student in United Theological College, Montréal, preparing for the United Church ministry. He was ordained June 10, 1936. Their first pastorate was in Briercrest, Saskatchewan, and in Moose Jaw and a northern Québec area near Val d’Or.


In July 1942 Phillips enlisted in the Canadian Army Chaplaincy Service. In September 1943, while Phillips was en-route to England, Marjorie and sons moved to their home north of Pickering Ontario. Phil returned to civilian life in September 1946. Phillips entered the Ontario Civil Service as a Parole Officer in Toronto, transferred in October 1947 to the Industrial Farm, Burwash, as Assistant Superintendent. Marjorie took an active part in several community activities, and church committees. They moved to Lorne Park, Ontario in October 1953 when Phil was with the Ontario Probation Service in New Toronto. Marjorie found employment of various kinds in local merchant’s center. Phil died on November 6, 1971.


Note: Through the courtesy of Marjorie and Phil, this record has been made possible to you. Phil did a great amount of research on the Walter family, which Marjorie has kindly shared. Though Phil has passed on to better life up there, we are greatly indebted to him for his good works.


Children of Marjorie and Phillips Silcox:

                                                    i.        David Phillips Silcox – born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on January 28, 1937. Educated at Sudbury, Earl Haig Collegiate in Willowdale, and Port Credit Secondary School. He attended the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953, as Queen’s Scout representative from northern Ontario. David worked on the survey crew on construction of No. 69 Highway at Burwash. In 1957 he entered Victorian College, graduating with B. A. Degree in 1960. On a Canada Council grant he went to England in June 1962 to attend Courtland Institute and studied also on the continent, privately, and remained there until September 1964.


                                                  ii.        Graham Cornell Silcox – born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on June 7, 1938. Attended school in Cooksville, then had employment with Toronto Township surveyor’s teams as of 1964. From infancy he was keenly interested in nature and developed varied interests from Hot Rod racing, fishing, hunting, skin and scuba diving, boating and pigeon racing.


                                                 iii.        Kenneth Charles Silcox – born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on June 6, 1940. Attended school in Lorne Park graduating Grade 13 in 1959. Attended Victoria College for the Christmas term 1959 but left to take a long tour by bus and motorcycle around Western Canada and Southwest United States. Kenneth attended Lakeshore Teachers College, New Toronto in 1960 – 61. He taught school for one year west of Sudbury, and then attended Waterloo Lutheran University in Arts 1962 – 63. Taught school the next fall at Wanup; then was employed as ski instructor etc. near Craighurst until April 1964 and at Banff, Alberta for the following summer. During the fall he returned to Worthington for employment in one of the mines of International Nickel Company. During his secondary school years he was deeply involved in extracurricular activities; athletic, literary, social and entertaining, winning the “K” award for general participation.


                                                 iv.        Louis Hubert Ross Silcox – born in Oshawa, Ontario on July 8, 1947. Attended Lorne Park School (Grade XIII), was a member of the Cavalier Rover Crew and of the Mississauga Canoe Club. He paddled with the Mississaugas during the summers of 1961, 1962, and 1964; in the Juvenile War Canoe Dominion Championship teams of 1962, and 1964 and the Junior Dominion Championship of 1964. Also played rugby on the school team and was active in social life at Lorne Park.

Louis married Nancy Tucker.



e.     Anita Matilda Permella Walter (Buffett and Orr) – born in Wallace Township, June 13, 1910. She moved with her parents to Waterloo in 1924 and about 1929 went to Toronto to work. She married on February 1, 1930 to Benjamin Henry Buffett, who was born on January 21, 1907 in Pembroke Ontario. He was an electrician in the Toronto area where they lived. Ben died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage on June 27, 1960. His remains were cremated and deposited at Toronto Crematory.


Thereafter Anita took a course at Shaw’s Business College and later was employed in the office of a Toronto lumber company. She remarried on June 2, 1962 to Orville Orr, a widower of Toronto who was about to retire from the lumber company. Orville, born July 1, 1900, had lived most of his life in the east end of Toronto. They moved to Bass Lake, 2 miles west of Orillia. Orville died in May 1974 and was buried at Orillia. Anita returned to Toronto.


Children of Anita and Ben Buffett:

                                                    i.        Beverley Anita Buffett – born in Toronto on November 25, 1937. She was baptized at her home by her uncle Phillips Silcox in February 1938. She took a course on comptometer operation and was engaged in office work until the summer of 1961, when she flew to England for a month’s holiday. In June 1962 she returned to England to find work and stay for a year. To her amazement, and everyone else’s, the first opportunity was with the staff of gardeners attending the Royal residences. She was assigned to Clarence House, residence of the Queen Mother Elizabeth, for several months. Returning to Toronto in the spring of 1964, she lived in Scarborough. Later she moved to California.



                                                  ii.        Arlene Coral Buffett – born in Toronto on February 10, 1941. She was employed for a few months in office work prior to her marriage on June 3, 1961 to Franklin Sargeant. A son Stephen was born to them in 1962, but a few months later they separated and divorced in the spring of 1964; Stephen being taken into the Sargeant family home. Arlene remarried to Edward Albert Bissell and is believed living in West Hill.



f.       Stillborn Son – the stillborn son born at the time of Annie’s death on August 29, 1914 was not named.



D.5 - John Ehrenfried Walter

MB-16 - John & Mary Walter - 1933 - with Donald Quanz, Marguerite Quanz standing and Marie Bender who died at 5 months.jpg         John Ehrenfried Walter was born in Wallace Township on February 14, 1879. He married on December 18, 1901 to Mary Schneider, sister of his brother Henry’s wife, a daughter of Henry Schneider and Catharine Roppel. Mary was born in Port Elgin, Ontario on October 2, 1875.






John & Mary Walter – 1933

Donald Quanz, Marguerite Quanz standing and Marie Bender

who died at 5 months







MB-45 - John and Mary Walter nee Schneider - ggchildren Arden and Susan Bridge - Jan 1959.jpg







John and Mary Walter (nee Schneider)

Great Grand-Children

Arden and Susan Bridge

Jan 1959




They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township all their lives. They were active members of Zion E.U.B. Church. Mary died at their farm on November 28, 1960 and John on June 6, 1963. Both are buried in the 6th Line Cemetery.


Children of John and Mary Walter:

a.   Pearl Walter – born December 10, 1903; died December 13, 1903.


b.   Leta Idona Walter – born August 10, 1906 in Wallace Township.

MB-09 - Leta & Wes Walter at 6th Line Home where Gordon was born.jpg


MB-12 - Leta and Ervin Quanz Wedding Sep 29, 1926 - Harry Q, Iona Ruppel Hancock, Rev L Pletsch.jpgWes Walter and Leta Walter - 1909 - at 6th Line Home where Gordon was born. The doll was from Grandpa Henry Schneider.  Leta could never play with it because she had to keep it nice.









Leta and Ervin Quanz Wedding

Sep 29, 1926

Harry Quanz, Iona Ruppel Hancock,

Rev L Pletsch

MB-11 - Ervin and Leta Quanz Wedding - Sep 29, 1926.jpgMB-12










Ervin and Leta Quanz Wedding

Sep 29, 1926






She married on September 29, 1926 to Ervin John Quanz at her home on the Concession 7, Wallace Township, Ontario. Ervin was born on February 6, 1903, son of John Quanz and wife Carrie Zinn, farmers of Wallace Township. Ervin is a brother to Fred Quanz. The Leta and Ervin farmed for several years, located one crossroad East of Highway between the fourth and 6th concessions. Later they moved to her father’s farm (Homestead) and shared the home with John and Mary till the deaths of the elderly couple. They continued on here for some years and later resided in Listowel, where they built their home.


MB-61 - Ervin and Leta Quanz 50th Anniv, Iona, Donald, Ross, Ervin, Marguerite, Leta in front - Sep 1976.jpg






Ervin and Leta Quanz

         50th Anniversary

Iona, Donald, Ross, Ervin, Marguerite,

Leta in front - Sep 1976








Ervin passed away on August 3, 1981 and Leta passed away on March 6, 1990. They are buried in Fairview Cemetery, Listowel, Ontario.              Children of Leta and Ervin Quanz:

                                                    i.        Marguerite Marie Quanz – born May 8, 1929. She married on July 16, 1949 to Donald Elmer Bridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bridge of Palmerston. The wedding was doubled with Walter Quanz and Ruby Bramhill. They were married at the 6th Line Evangelical United Brethren Church, Wallace, Ontario. Many friends and relatives joined in celebrating Marguerite and Don’s 25th wedding anniversary at Fordwich Community Centre they resided in Fordwich for many years. Donald passed away on January 21, 2000 and is buried at 6th Line United Church Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario. Marguerite passed away on March 24, 2022 at Royal Terrace, Palmerston, Ontario.



MB-21 - Donald and Marguerite Bridge - July 16, 1949.jpg




Don & Marguerite Bridge

Wedding - July 16, 1949






MB-22 - Don and Marguerite Wedding.jpg















Children of Marguerite and Donald Bridge:

1.     Arden Donald Bridge

2.     Susan Marguerite Bridge


                                                ii.          Donald Ervin Quanz - born February 17, 1933 in Wallace Township, Ontario. A school teacher for some time but later worked at the head office of Mutual Life Insurance Company. On September 29, 1956 he married to Eleanor Gertrude Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Nelson of Gowanstown. Eleanor was born on December 16, 1937 in Wallace Township, Ontario. Eleanor possessed a musical talent, and was employed with Ontario Die Company in Waterloo. They resided in Kitchener.


MB-47 - Donald and Eleanor Quanz, girl, Doug Krotz, Howard Bender, Murray Nelson, Helen Nelson, Iona Quanz, Elsie Nelson - Sep 29, 1956.jpg
MB-47 - Donald and Eleanor Quanz, girl, Doug Krotz, Howard Bender, Murray Nelson, Helen Nelson, Iona Quanz, Elsie Nelson - Sep 29, 1956


Donald & Eleanor Quanz



Donald & Eleanor Quanz


Donald passed away on April 6, 1998. He is buried at 6th Line United Church Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario.



Children of Donald and Ellen are Quanz:

1.   Steven Donald Quanz

2.    Jennifer Lynne Quanz

3.   Murray Spencer Quanz



                                            iii.          Iona Marlene Quanz – born March 11, 1939 on Con 6 of Wallace Twp.

By Iona Johnston

Iona Marlene Quanz, third child of Ervin and Leta (Walter) Quanz, Iona attended S.S. No. 7 Wallace Public School and then Norwell District Secondary School in Palmerston. Following graduation in 1956, Iona was employed at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Kitchener.


Iona and John Douglas Johnston were married on July 16, 1960, at the 6th Line Zion Evangelical United Brethren Church, Wallace Township. Doug, the youngest son of Huston and Edith Johnston, was born on January 8, 1934 in Maryborough Township.


MB-48 - Doug Johnston and Iona Marlene Quanz Wedding - Jul 16, 1960 - Wally J, Marguerite, Susan, Ross, Lois J, Don, Marie Karges Forrieter, Doug, Mary Grace, Youngblut.jpg
Doug Johnston and Iona Marlene Quanz Wedding

- Jul 16, 1960 –

           L-R: Doug and Iona Johnston, Wally Johnston, Marguerite Bridge, Susan Bridge, Ross Quanz, Lois Johnston, Don, Marie Karges, Doug Youngblut, Mary Grace Hunt.  MB-48









After their wedding, Doug and Iona farmed on Concession 1 of Elma Township until 1991 and then moved to their residence on the outskirts of Listowel. They had no children.




Iona and Doug Johnston







                                           iv.          Ross Wesley Quanz – born February 5, 1942 on Con 6 Wallace Twp.

By Ross and Karen Quanz


Ross was the fourth child of Ervin and Leta Quanz. He attended S.S. No. 7 Wallace Public School and Norwell District Secondary School in Palmerston. He also spent four years in the 4H Club. After finishing school he worked at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Listowel.


Ross married Karen Porterfield of Listowel on September 9, 1961. Karen was born on December 29, 1942. They moved to Elmwood in 1962, where Ross worked for the Co-op (Farmer's Co-operative) in Sales and Accounting. Five years later they moved to Mildmay where he worked at the Co-op as Branch Accountant. In 1982 they moved to Port Elgin where Ross was the Manager of the Co-op. In 1992 he accepted a Sales Manager position at Bluewater Agromart, near Kincardine, until the fall of 2001, when he decided to take early retirement.


During the moving years, Karen worked at Eatons in Hanover, owned and operated a Stedman's type store in Mildmay, then worked in the retail business at the Pioneer Bakery and Lovat's Gift and Stationary in Port Elgin, until the fall of 2001.


Ross and Karen had three children; Ross "Jeffery", Valerie Lynn, and Chadwick Ervin.


Ross and Karen were active in the churches and the communities where they lived, serving in many different positions. They still enjoy lots of special events but are slowing down as they start to enjoy their retirement years, now living in Kingston, and trying to spend some time at their winter home in Thonotosassa, Florida.

Ross & Karen Quanz Family 1997
`Ross & Karen Quanz Family

Back Row: Valerie, Brad Beaver, Tanya, Chad Quanz, Lisa, Jeff Quanz

Middle Row: Todd, Kaitlin Beaver,

Front Row: Ross, Eric, Alexandra, Karen






















MB-92 - Ross and Karen Quanz - 50th Anniv - Sep 2011 - Married Sep 9, 1961.jpg




Ross and Karen Quanz - 50th Anniversary

Sep 2011



Married Sep 9, 1961








Children of Ross and Karen Quanz:

a.   Ross Jeffrey Quanz

b.   Valerie Lynn Quanz

c.    Chadwick Ervin Quanz



c.    Wesley Henry Walter – Born in Wallace Township, October 26, 1907. 

MB-08 - Leta & Wes Walter - 1907.jpg







Leta & Wes Walter





He was married on December 9, 1939 at Calvary Church, Listowel all to Marie Opfer, daughter of Henry A Opfer and wife Ellinda Schell.  They farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township, until Wesley’s death on October 22, 1963.  Their first daughter lived only three days, thereafter they adopted two children.








Wes & Ida Kaiser (nee Schneider)

50th Anniversary





Children of Wesley and Marie Walter

                                                    i.        Anna Lynne Walter – born September 30, 1946; died October 3, 1946.

                                                  ii.        Brian Walter

                                                 iii.        Patricia Walter


d.   W-036 - Quanz, Boettger - Aunt Clara, Clara Walter.jpgClara Lovina Walter - Born July 1, 1910 in Wallace Township.  She married Gordon Bender on September 30, 1931 at her parents’ home.  Gordon was the son of Peter Bender and his wife Agnes (nee Loggins).  Gordon was born on September 20, 1903. He had two brothers – Norman and Herbert. Clara and Gordon farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township, later retiring to Listowel.




Aunt Clara, Clara Walter






Children of Clara and Gordon Bender:

                                                    i.        Marie Eleanor Bender – born March 17, 1933.  Died August 2, 1933.


                                                  ii.        Howard J Bender – born August 14, 1934 in Wallace Township; he married Doreen Hewitt.  They resided on the 6th Line of Wallace Township.

Children of Howard and Doreen Bender:

1.     Barbara Bender

2.     Bradley Bender

3.     Barry Bender

4.     Bonnie Bender


                                                 iii.        Walter Wesley Bender – born December 31, 1935 and died January 2, 1936.


                                                 iv.        Lorraine C.  Bender – born December 9, 1936.  She married Herbert Henkenhoff.  They farmed in the Underwood area in Ontario.

Children of Lorraine and Herbert Henkenhoff:

1.   Donna Henkenhoff

2.   Pauline Henkenhoff

3.   Tracy Henkenhoff


                                                   v.        Marlene E Bender – born May 2, 1940.  She married James Henderson they resided in Listowel, Ontario.

Children of Marlene and James Henderson:

1.   Kelly Henderson

2.   Lorie Lynn Henderson

3.   Andrew Henderson


                                                 vi.        Orville G Bender – born January 3, 1943.  Orville and Shirley Krotz reside in Listowel Ontario. Shirley died on March 13, 1971.

Children of Orville Bender and Shirley Krotz:

1.   Kimberly Bender

2.   James Bender


Orville remarried to Grace Galloway who had two children from a former marriage.  Those children are:

3.   David

4.   Caroline

They’ve lived in Listowel Ontario. Orville and Grace divorced.


                                               vii.        Dianne Bender – born March 1, 1947.  Married Robert Henkenhoff, a brother to Herbert (Lorraine’s husband).  They farmed near Underwood Ontario.

Children of Dianne and Robert Henkenhoff:

1.   Michael Henkenhoff

2.   Leanne Henkenhoff


                                              viii.        Adele Bender – She married Pat Murphy and they resided in Kitchener Ontario.

Children of Adele and Pat Murphy:

1.   Shawn Murphy

2.   Sheri Murphy




D.6 - Daniel Wesley Walter

        Daniel Wesley Walter was born in Wallace Township on August 9, 1885.  He married on February 20, 1907 to Adeline Schneider who was born May 13, 1885 in Wallace Township.  Adeline was a sister of Annie and Mary, wives of Henry and John Walter.  Adeline was the daughter of Henry Schneider and Catharine Roppel.  Daniel and Adeline farmed on the 6th of Wallace Township until 1943, when they moved to Stamford Centre, and Saint David’s, near Queenston, Ontario.  Here Dan was employed by Bright’s Wines Limited as a “Vine Dresser” in their extensive vineyards.  Previous to their move to the Niagara District, Dan was in wide a high demand in Wallace Township as a skillful butcher for farm butchering.  Dan died in December, 1972, in his 88th year.  Adeline died on September 21, 1974 in her 90th year.  Both were interred in Saint David’s United Church Cemetery.


Children of Daniel and Adeline Walter:

a.   Selina Mary Walter – born in Wallace Township on July 16, 1907.  She married Edward Norman McIlroy at her parents’ home.  Edward was born on January 14, 1904, a son of Mr. And Mrs. John McIlroy of the 3rd of Wallace Township.  They farmed in Wallace Township for a time, then moved to Saint David’s, until his death on April 29, 1959.  They were members of Saint David’s United Church.  Selina then lived at Niagara Falls.


Children of Selena and Edward (Ted) McIlroy:

                                                    i.        Donald McIlroy – born September 23, 1929.  He married Betty Niven.  They resided at Saint David’s.  Don passed away December 26, 1974.

Children of Donald and Betty McIlroy:

1.   Larry McIlroy

2.   Lorne McIlroy

3.   Edward McIlroy

4.   Timothy McIlroy


                                                  ii.        Marilyn McIlroy – born April 9, 1937.  She married Clifford Brodhagen.  They resided in Thorold Ontario.

Children of Marilyn and Clifford Brodhagen:

1.   Kevin Brodhagen

2.   Karen Brodhagen

3.   Kalvin Brodhagen

4.   Kris Brodhagen


                                                 iii.        Wayne McIlroy – born October 19, 1941 in Wallace Township.  He married Carol Usher.  They resided in Niagara-On-The-Lake.

Children of Wayne and Carol McIlroy:

1.   Deborah McIlroy

2.   Brendan McIlroy


                                                 iv.        Sharon McIlroy – born July 19, 1945.  Married John Dyck.  They resided in Simcoe.

Children of Sharon and John Dyck:

a.   Chrisann Dyck

b.   Patricia Dyck


                                                   v.        Bryan McIlroy – born December 1, 1949.  He married Heather Pennanen and they resided in Niagara Falls Ontario.



b.   Nellie Walter – born May 18, 1910 in Wallace Township.  She married at Zion Church Parsonage, Wallace Township to Clayton Good, son of Mr. And Mrs. William Good of the 3rd of Wallace Township.  They moved to Saint David’s area around 1940, where Clayton was employed in Bright’s vineyards.  Nellie work here for a period of time too.  They retired in Niagara Falls, Ontario.


Children of Nellie and Clayton Good:

                                                    i.        Alice Adeline Good – born January 21, 1931.  She married Harold Everett Page on June 10, 1951.  Everett was employed by the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission.  They lived in the Niagara area.

Children of Alice and Everett Page:

1.   Susan Page

2.   Jeffrey Page


                                                  ii.        Ross Good – born September 14, 1936.  He married Bernice Bradley.  They’ve lived in Niagara Falls.

Children of Ross and Bernice Good:

1.   Danny Good

2.   Dwayne Good

3.   Shelley Good


                                                 iii.        Douglas Good - born November 14, 1946. Douglas married Pauline Jodouin.


c.    Myrtle Ida Walter – born in Wallace Township on May 11, 1912.  She married on September 16, 1939, at the bride’s home, to Morgan L. Pletch.  He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pletch of Alsfelt.  Morgan was born in Mildmay, on May 27, 1906 and for many years operated a garage business in Mildmay where he died of cancer on May 19, 1964.


Children of Myrtle and Morgan Pletch:

                                                    i.        Karen Pletch – born June 27, 1942.  She married Gary Thompson and they resided in Stoneycreek.

Children of Karen and Gary Thompson:

1.     Kary Ann Thompson

2.     Brent Thompson


                                                  ii.        John Pletch – born November 2, 1947.  He married Patricia Little.

Children of John and Patricia Pletch:

1.   Susan Pletch

2.   Amanda Pletch



d.   Floyd Walter – born February 4, 1914.  He was in the service during World War II and went overseas in December 1943.  Floyd served in the army in Italy and Northwest Europe.  He was employed with Canada Packers, Harriston.  Floyd married Elsie Hughes and they resided in Harriston.


e.   Doris C. Walter – born in Wallace Township on August 13, 1918.  She married at her parents’ home on August 5, 1939 to John Heuckroth, son of Caleb and Mrs. Heuckroth of 6th Line Wallace Township.  John (Jack) was born on May 2, 1913.  After their marriage, they lived in Listowel for a time, and then moved to Galt.  Here Jack operated an auto-body repair garage.  It is believed Doris was employed with Walker Stores.  They resided in Galt Ontario.



Children of Doris and John (Jack) Heuckroth:

                                                    i.        Eleanor Heuckroth – born June 4, 1942.  She married Robert Grant.  Eleanor graduated from Stratford teachers college in 1962.  They lived in London Ontario.

Children of Eleanor and Robert Grant:

1.   Laurie Grant

2.   Jamie Grant



f.    John (Jack) Vernon Walter – born June 11, 1927.  He married Dorothy Radford on June 4, 1949.  She was a daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Harold Radford.  They resided in Saint Catharines Ontario.


Children of John (jack) and Dorothy Walter:

                                                  i.          Vernon Walter – He married Donna Steinhoff and they’ve lived in Saint Catharines Ontario.

                                                ii.          Colin Walter – born February 21, 1946. Married.






W-001E - Katharine Kate Walter.jpgE.  Katharine (Kate) Walter

Kate was born on January 4, 1845 in Eschelbach, Baden, Germany. She married Ehrenfried A Bender on August 23, 1864 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It is said they had 14 children - seven sons and seven daughters. One of the sons was Rev. John Bender.



Katharine Kate Walter









Ehrenfried A Bender, son of Johann Ehrenfried Bender and Katharina Elisabetha Gilbert, was born on 11 Sep 1843 in Eschelbach, Heidelberg, Baden, Germany. He died on 6 Feb 1917 at the age of 73 in Ayton, Grey County, Ontario, Canada.       


Children of Katharine Walter and Ehrenfried A Bender:

1. Peter Bender was born on 18 Jun 1865 in Germany. He died on 20 Sep 1922 at the age of 57 in Stratford, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.



2. Margaret Bender was born in 1871. She died on 22 Sep 1893 at the age of 22 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada.



3. Annie Bender was born about 1873 in Wallace Township, Perth County. She died on 30 Mar 1913 at the age of 40 in Bruce, Ontario, Canada.



4. Barbara Bender2 was born on 4 Aug 1874 in Ontario, Canada. She died in 1951 at the age of 77 in Ontario, Canada. Barbara Bender and Ludwig Fretz were married on 2 Aug 1899 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Ludwig Fretz was born on 12 Jan 1874 in Normanby. He died on 31 Jan 1935 at the age of 61 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


     Children of Barbara Bender and Ludwig Fretz:

a. Louis Gordon Fretz was born on 2 May 1900 in Ontario, Canada. Louis Gordon Fretz and Beata Louise Mohr were married on 23 Jul 1928 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Beata Louise Mohr was born about 1906 in Ontario, Canada.


b. Marie Magrita Catherine Fretz was born on 25 Oct 1901 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Marie Magrita Catherine Fretz and Edgar Albert Weppler were married on 10 Aug 1921 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Edgar Albert Weppler was born about 1893 in Normanby, Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died in 1970 at the age of 77.


c. Fritz Henry Carrol Fretz was born on 9 May 1903 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Fritz Henry Carrol Fretz and Helen C Brennan were married. Helen C Brennan was born about 1908 in Canada.


d. Barbara Oleda Fretz was born on 17 Apr 1905 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died in 1986 at the age of 81 in Ontario, Canada.


e. Wilfred Earl Fretz was born on 21 Jul 1907 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


f. Dorothy Cecilia Amelia Fretz was born on 10 May 1909 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died in 1956 at the age of 47 in Oxford County, Ontario, Canada. Dorothy Cecilia Amelia Fretz and Harold Henry Mohr were married on 7 Aug 1929 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Harold Henry Mohr was born about 1905 in Milverton, Ontario, Canada. He died on 5 Sep 1975 at the age of 70 in London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Dorothy Cecilia Amelia Fretz and Harold Henry Mohr:

i. Joyce Marie Mohr was born on 26 Apr 1930 in Ontario, Canada. She died on 1 Sep 2011 at the age of 81 in Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll, Ontario.


g. Albert Jacob Fretz was born on 19 Apr 1911 in Listowel, Ontario, Canada. He died on 15 Jul 1990 at the age of 79 in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada. Albert Jacob Fretz and Mary Katherine Campbell were married. Mary Katherine Campbell was born on 4 Sep 1909. She died on 7 May 1988 at the age of 78.

Children of Albert Jacob Fretz and Mary Katherine Campbell:

i. James Douglas Fretz was born on 2 Dec 1939. He died on 7 Nov 2018 at the age of 78 in Brussels, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. James Douglas Fretz and Barbara Ann Turnbull were married. Barbara Ann Turnbull was born in 1946. She died on 7 Aug 2017 at the age of 71 in Brussels, Huron County, Ontario, Canada.


h. Loreen L Fretz was born about 1913 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died in 1997 at the age of 84 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


i. Herman Fretz was born about 1915 in Ontario, Canada.



5. Amelia Bender2 was born on 17 Oct 1875 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. She died about 10 Mar 1960 at the age of 84 in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. Amelia Bender and William Edward Collison were married on 28 Jun 1899 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. William Edward Collison was born on 10 Nov 1874 in Palmerston, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died about 23 Oct 1950 at the age of 75 in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Amelia Bender and William Edward Collison:

a. John Pearson Collison was born on 26 Jun 1900 in Ontario, Canada. He died on 11 Apr 1971 at the age of 70 in Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, United States. John Pearson Collison and Elizabeth Cromwell Bordon were married on 1 Jan 1929 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Elizabeth Cromwell Bordon was born (date unknown).


b. William Earley Collison was born on 17 May 1903 in Grey, Ontario, Canada. He died on 14 Jul 1966 at the age of 63 in Montréal, Quebec, Canada. William Earley Collison and Della Elizabeth Phillips were married. Della Elizabeth Phillips died in 1940.

Children of William Earley Collison and Della Elizabeth Phillips:

i. Mary Aileen Collison was born on 24 Apr 1929 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She died on 21 Dec 2010 at the age of 81 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Mary Aileen Collison and Richard Dillon Weekes were married. Richard Dillon Weekes was born in 1925. He died in 1997 at the age of 72.



6. Jacob B Bender was born on 1 Jun 1877 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died about 1954 at the age of 77.



7. Michael Bender was born on 29 Jun 1878 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. He died on 1 Aug 1878 at the age of 0 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada.



8. John Ehrenfried Bender2 was born on 4 Oct 1879 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died in 1964 at the age of 85 in Port Credit, Peel, Ontario, Canada. John Ehrenfried Bender and Ernestina Hehn were married. Ernestina Hehn was born on 26 Apr 1883 in Normanby, Ontario, Canada. She died on 21 Mar 1945 at the age of 61 in Welland, Ontario, Canada.


Children of John Ehrenfried Bender and Ernestina Hehn:

a. Lloyd Hehn Bender was born on 28 Jun 1908 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., Ontario Canada. He died on 8 Aug 1997 at the age of 89 in Tarrant, Texas, USA. Lloyd Hehn Bender and Orpha Ruth Panke were married on 28 Mar 1931 in Niagara, New York, USA. Orpha Ruth Panke was born on 13 Oct 1907 in Pembroke, Ontario, Canada. She died on 1 Feb 1980 at the age of 72 in Pembroke, Renfrew, Ontario, Canada.


b. Graham John Bender was born on 9 Jan 1913 in Ayton, Normanby Township, Grey County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 26 Sep 2001 at the age of 88 in Arlington, Tarrant, Texas, United States. Graham John Bender and Mildred Veronica Snyder were married on 9 Oct 1937 in North Easthope, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Mildred Veronica Snyder was born on 31 Mar 1915 in North Easthope, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 19 Feb 2011 at the age of 95 in Arlington, Tarrant, Texas, United States.


c. Paul Laverne Bender was born on 4 Apr 1923 in Didsbury, Mountain View, Alberta, Canada. He died on 17 Feb 1980 at the age of 56 in Welland, Ontario, Canada.



9. Elisabeth Bender was born on 29 Apr 1880 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 1 Aug 1934 at the age of 54 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.



10. Caroline Bender2 was born on 4 Mar 1881 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. Caroline Bender and William McKenzie Cumming were married. William McKenzie Cumming was born about 1879 in Bruce County, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Caroline Bender and William McKenzie Cumming:

a. Avis Ruth Cumming was born about 1914 in Ontario, Canada. Avis Ruth Cumming and Harold Richard Vickers were married on 21 Aug 1933 in Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada. Harold Richard Vickers was born about 1907 in Renfrew, Ontario, Canada.



11. Christina Bender was born on 28 Aug 1882 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. She died on 8 Oct 1882 at the age of 0.



12. Frederick Burkhardt Bender2 was born on 29 Mar 1883 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 7 Aug 1965 at the age of 82 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Frederick Burkhardt Bender and Lydia Karges were married on 3 Jun 1908 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Lydia Karges was born on 5 Sep 1885 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 29 Jun 1946 at the age of 60 in Listowel Home, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Frederick Burkhardt Bender and Lydia Karges:

a. Helen Catherine Bender was born on 27 Mar 1909 in Listowel, Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 30 Jan 1992 at the age of 82 in Elmira, Ontario, Canada. Helen Catherine Bender and Lawrence Allen Kaufman were married on 28 Mar 1934 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Lawrence Allen Kaufman was born about 1895 in Wallace Twp, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


b. Garfield Lloyd Bender was born on 23 May 1912 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 31 Jan 1997 at the age of 84 in Kitchener, Waterloo Regional, Ontario, Canada. Garfield Lloyd Bender and Flora Coltart Nicol were married on 23 Apr 1935 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Flora Coltart Nicol was born on 16 May 1904 in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada. She died on 12 Oct 1988 at the age of 84 in Ontario, Canada.

Children of Garfield Lloyd Bender and Flora Coltart Nicol:

i. Marjorie Jane Bender was born on 9 Mar 1936. She died on 31 Mar 2013 at the age of 77.


c. Olive Bender was born on 12 May 1915 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., Ontario Canada. He/she died on 23 Mar 1986 at the age of 70 in Wallace Twp., Perth Co., Ontario Canada.


d. Bruce Bender was born on 22 Aug 1927. He died in Feb 1984 at the age of 56.



13. Christina Bender2 was born on 29 Jan 1886 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 5 Feb 1959 at the age of 73 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Christina Bender and Louis Ludvig Herman were married on 5 Feb 1907 in Alsfeldt, Grey, Ontario, Canada. Louis Ludvig Herman was born on 7 Apr 1885 in Ontario. He died on 30 Apr 1970 at the age of 85 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.


Children of Christina Bender and Louis Ludvig Herman:

a. Walter Ernest Herman was born on 29 Jul 1907 in Ayton, Ontario, Canada. He died on 20 Nov 1982 at the age of 75 in Comox, British Columbia, Canada. Walter Ernest Herman and Marjorie Helen Hall were married on 8 Oct 1930 in Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada. Marjorie Helen Hall was born on 1 Apr 1910 in Dartmouth, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She died on 13 Jul 2008 at the age of 98 in Comox, British Columbia, Canada.

Children of Walter Ernest Herman and Marjorie Helen Hall:

i. William Walter Herman was born on 25 Jun 1934 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. He died on 16 May 2003 at the age of 68 in Comox, British Columbia, Canada.



b. Roy Bender Herman was born on 14 Aug 1908 in Grey, Ontario, Canada. He died on 20 Dec 1991 at the age of 83 in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. Roy Bender Herman and Eva Bernice Reid were married on 15 Sep 1930 in Chase, British Columbia, Canada. Eva Bernice Reid was born about 1912 in Saskatchewan, Canada.



14. Adam Bender2 was born on 10 Oct 1886 in Brotherston, Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died about 1954 at the age of 68 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Adam Bender and Ida L Noble were married on 29 Jan 1913 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Ida L Noble was born about 1893 in Newbridge, Ontario, Canada.



15. Emma Catharine Bender2 was born on 19 Feb 1890 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Emma Catharine Bender and Louis Green were married on 13 Apr 1909 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. Louis Green was born in Jun 1882 in Ontario, Canada. He died in 1926 at the age of 44 in Ontario, Canada.


Children of Emma Catharine Bender and Louis Green:

a. Margaret Helen Green was born on 12 Dec 1910 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. She died on 16 Apr 1912 at the age of 1 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada.


b. Lillian Elizabeth Green was born on 28 Apr 1912 in Howick Township, Huron County, Ontario, Canada. Lillian Elizabeth Green and Robert Mervyn Henry were married on 21 May 1930 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Robert Mervyn Henry was born on 31 Mar 1905 in Huron County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 6 Apr 1957 at the age of 52 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.  

Children of Lillian Elizabeth Green and Robert Mervyn Henry:

i. George Louis Henry was born on 21 Nov 1935 in Mornington Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. He died on 22 Jul 1994 at the age of 58 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


c. Myrtle Evelyn Green was born about 1916 in Ontario, Canada. Myrtle Evelyn Green and Fleming Wilson McNichol were married on 6 Sep 1934 in Listowel, Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Fleming Wilson McNichol was born on 14 May 1904 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.


d. Florence Irene Green was born about 1918 in Ontario, Canada.



      1. "Public Member Tree," database, (http:/ accessed 9 March 2022), "Patricia Bender Family Tree" family tree by Patricia Bender, profile for Catharine Walter.

      2. "Public Member Tree," database, (http:/, "Patricia Bender Family Tree" family tree by Patricia Bender.




1. Katharine "Kate" Walter1 was born on 4 Jan 1845 in Eschelbach Baden Germany. Name: Catherine Bender
Gender: Female
Catherine Bender
in the Canada, Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Birth Date: 4 Jan 1845
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 16 May 1911
Death Place: Grey County, Ontario, Canada
Cemetery: Ayton Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: Ayton, Grey County, Ontario, Canada
Has Bio?: Y
Spouse: Ehrenfried A. Bender
Children: Peter BenderMargaret Bender
She died on 16 May 1911 at the age of 66 in Grey, Ontario, Canada. Source: Patricia Bender Family Tree - Patricia Bender - - Catharine Walter -






F.  Gottfried Walter

         Gottfried was born on December 13, 1847 in Buffalo, New York, United States and he died before 1861.





G.  Michael Walter

By Perry Brisbin

The information here is from the book compiled by Perry Brisbin titled;

“The Family of Johann Peter Walter - 1810 to 1995”

Researched by Phillips Silcox, Dorrell Boles and Perry Brisbin.

W-001Mike - Michael Walter.jpg





         Michael was a son of Johann Peter Walter & Katharina Bender. Michael was born on June 18, 1855 and died on September 27, 1932. He married Barbara Heinmiller who was born Nov. 28, 1853 and died on February 18, 1915.




Michael Walter

W-001 Mike



         Michael was born in Woolwich Township on June 18, 1855.  About 1863 he came with his parents to Wallace Township where they settled on the old Walter homestead.  He married Miss Barbara Heinmiller on Mar. 5, 1878. Barbara was born Nov. 28, 1853 in East Zorra Township. They had two sons, Simon and Noah, and two daughters, Anna (if Mrs. George Mohr) of Stratford, and Adeline. 


         After their marriage they settled on the first side road west of the Highway #23 on the seventh concession.  Michael Walter bought Lot 28, Concession 6, Wallace Township from his older brother Jacob in 1895. He sold the land to his son Noah in 1932. Noah farmed there with his maiden sister Adeline, until they retired to Listowel in 1951.




Michael and Barbara Walter - Simon, Annie, Noah, Adeline.jpg

Michael and Barbara Walter Family

Rear: Simon, Annie, Noah, Adeline

Front: Michael, Barbara



         Barbara had been bedridden for over six years before her death on February 18, 1915.


         Michael passed away on Tuesday, September 27, 1932, at the age of 79 years.  His death came after a serious illness of about a day, though more or less ailing for many years, but generally able to be about.  The day previous to his death he contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia, along with a slight paralysis. (See his obituary below.) He was living on the farm on the sixth line at the time of his death, having his son Noah, and daughter, Adeline, at home at the time.



Funeral Notice Card for Barbara Walter read as follows;

-- Barbara –

Beloved wife of Michael Walter

Aged 61 Years, 2 Months and 21 Days.

The Funeral

Will leave the family residence, Lot 28,

Concession 6, Wallace Township, on Sunday, the

21st inst., at 1:30 p.m., for the 6th line

Evangelical Church Cemetery, where

interment will take place.



Obituary for Michael Walter;

Wallace Resident Died On Tuesday

Michael Walter Came From

Woolwich When a Young

Boy; Lived in Wallace Township




          On Tuesday, September 27, 1932, sixth concession, Wallace Township, lost one of its most highly respected and aged residents in the passing away of Mr. Michael Walter at the age of 79 years.  His death came after a serious illness of about a day, though more or less ailing for many years, but generally able to be about.  The day previous to his death he contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia, along with a slight paralysis, which overcame his physical frame.

          He was much devoted to his home and family, loving the Word of God and gave readily ready support to God’s work, being a member of the Evangelical church.  He joined the church after his conversion as a young man and remained true to the end.  The deceased was born in Woolwich Township on June 18, 1855.  About 1863 he came with his parents to Wallace Township where they settled on the old Walter homestead where Mr. Daniel Walter now resides.  In 1878 he entered into holy wedlock with Miss Barbara Heinmiller, who was taken to her eternal rest seventeen years ago.

          The union was blessed with two sons, Simon and Noah, and two daughters, Anna (Mrs. George Mohr) of Stratford, and Adeline.  After their marriage they settled on the first side road west of the highway on the seventh concession.  Later they moved to the farm where he resided at the time of his death, having his son Noah, and daughter, Adeline, at home.  He leaves to mourn two sons, two daughters, one grandson, four granddaughters and two great-grandchildren.

          The funeral services will be held on Friday, September 30 at 1:30 pm, from the house, thence to the Evangelical church, Wallace Township, for public service.  Rev.  C.R. Kauth will officiate.  Interment will be made in the sixth line cemetery.


         Children of Michael Walter and Barbara Heinmiller;

G.1 Simon Walter – married Rachel F Schneider (Nicknamed Ricci)

1.     Pearl Elizabeth Walter – married Robert Martin Bender

2.     Edna Barbara Walter – married George Koepke.

3.     Margaret Walter

4.     Roy Walter – married Clara Bender.

5.     Idona Walter – married Ralph Krotz


G.2 – Annie Walter - married George Mohr.


G.3 – Adeline Walter


G.4 – Noah Walter



G.1 - Simon Walter

         Simon Walter was born on Jan. 13, 1879 in Ontario. He married Rachel Fredericka Schneider (Nicknamed Ricci) on 3 Feb 1904 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada. Rachel Fredericka Schneider, daughter of Henry S Schneider and Anna Catherine Roppel, was born on June 5, 1880 in Wallace Township, Ontario, Canada. Their farming was a mixed operation.  They farmed in Wallace Township until retiring to Listowel in 1953.


         Simon Walter was assessor of Wallace Township for 17 years and also secretary of the Marion Beaver Cheese and Butter Company.  He, along with his family and the help of his neighbour N. J.  Krotz, operated the Wallace Township Beef Ring for several years.  About 32 families had shares and weekly, during the summer months, a beast was slaughtered.  The carcass would be cut into 16 shares and the farmers would come with their cotton bags to pick up the week’s meat supply. They bought their first car in 1920.  Also in 1923 they installed a Delco Light System in their house. Rachel died on May 31, 1962 at the age of 81. Simon died on Oct. 31, 1962. (See obituaries below.)



Simon Walter Family - Idona, Margaret, Roy, Edna, Pearl, Simon, Rachel.jpg
Family of Simon Walter

Idona, Margaret, Roy, Edna, Pearl

Simon, Rachel



Idona, Edna, Roy, Pearl, Margaret.jpg

Simon Walter’s Family

Idona, Edna, Roy, Pearl, Margaret



Obituary for Mrs. Simon Walter (nee: Rachel Fredericka Schneider)

Mrs. Simon Walter, 81, of 466 York north, died suddenly at her home on Friday.  Death was attributed to a heart condition.

          Born on June 5, 1880 on concession six, Wallace Township, she was the former Rachael Schneider, a daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. Henry S Schneider.  She lived in Wallace Township until moving to Listowel in 1953.  She was a member of Calvary EUB Church.

          Her marriage to Mr. Walter took place on February 3, 1904, in Wallace Township.  He survives along with one son, Roy of Wallace Township; four daughters, Mrs. Bert (Pearl) Bender and Mrs. Ralph (Idona) Krotz, both of Wallace Township; Mrs. George (Edna) Koepke of Kitchener and Miss Margaret Walter of Listowel; three sisters, Mrs. Dan Walter of Thorold; Mrs. Wesley Kaiser of Qualiam Beach, BC, and Mrs. Norman Ruppel of Kitchener; 15 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

          The body rested at the Harrison – Gibson Funeral Home, 480 Main west, Listowel, until noon on Monday when removal was made to Calvary EUB Church for service at 2:30 pm, Rev. John Huether officiated.

          Burial was in the EUB Cemetery, concession six, Walter Township.



Obituary for Simon Walter.

Simon Walter, 83, of 466 York Avenue north, Listowel, died here on Wednesday.

          Born in Wallace Township on January 13, 1879, he was the son of the late Michael Walter and his wife Barbara Heinmiller.  He farmed in Wallace until retiring to Listowel in 1953.  For many years he was township assessor and secretary treasurer of the Marion Beaver Cheese and Butter Company.  He was a member of the sixth line Evangelical United Brethren Church, until moving to Listowel when he transferred his membership to Calvary EUB Church, Listowel.

          His marriage to Rachael Schneider took place in 1904. She predeceased him.

Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Bert (Pearl) Bender, and Mrs. Ralph (Idona) Krotz, both of Wallace Township; Mrs. George (Edna) Koepke of Kitchener and Miss Margaret Walter of Listowel; one son, Roy Walter of Wallace Township; 15 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

          The body is resting at the Harrison – Gibson Funeral Home, 480 Main Street west until Friday noon when removal will be made to Calvary Church for service at 2:00 PM, conducted by Rev. John W. L.  Huether.

          Burial will be in the sixth line EUB Cemetery, Wallace Township.



Home of Simon Walter

Simon Walter Home.jpg



         Children of Simon Walter and Rachel Schneider;

1.     Robert Bender Family - Bert, Pearl, Wilfred, Audry, Ken, Ross, Walter.jpgPearl Elizabeth Walter – Pearl was born on Jan. 12, 1905 in Perth County, Ontario. She married Robert Martin Bender on Jun. 20, 1928 in Perth County, Ontario. Robert, son of Martin Bender and Margaret Bender, was born Sept. 8, 1899 in Wallace Township, Ontario and died Jan. 18, 1985 at the age of 85.  Robert and Pearl farmed on the sixth line of Wallace Township.  They retired in 1978 and Pearl lived in Listowel.








Pearl and Robert Bender Family   

Bert, Pearl, Wilfred, Audrey

Ken, Ross, Walter





Robert Bender Family 2.jpg

Family of Robert Bender

Bruce, Walter, Wilfred, Verna, Ken, Ross, Richard

Pearl, John, Elaine, Steven, Charlene, Everdina, Audrey, Randy, Bert

Kevin, Lorraine, Barbara, Daryl


          Children of Pearl Walter and Robert Bender;

                                                    i.     Wilfred Simon Bender – born Jun. 14, 1929. He married Verna Knapp on Oct. 12, 1963. Verna was born Jun. 15, 1935.  Wilfred worked at a furniture factory in Hanover before he retired.

Children of Wilfred Bender and Verna Knapp;

1.     Bruce Robert Bender – Bruce married Dawn Saxon

            Children of Bruce Bender and Dawn Saxon;

a.     Cassidy Rose Bender



2.     Barbara Ann Bender – She married Philip Waddington.  Barbara worked at Walker District Community Support Services and Phillip worked at Interforest Veneer Factory.

Children of Barbara Bender and Philip Waddington;

a.     Jessica Lee Ann Amanda Waddington

b.     Brenda Lee Samantha Waddington

c.      Rebecca Grace Waddington


Barbara & Philip Waddington, Brenda, Rebecca, Jessica.jpg










Barbara & Philip Waddington

Philip is holding Brenda and

Barbara holding Rebecca and Jessica









3.     Brenda Lee Bender – Born Sept. 20, 1969; died Jun. 17, 1970.


4.     John Steven Bender



                                                  ii.     Audrey Bender – Audrey was born on Aug. 16, 1931.  Audrey taught piano in Waterloo.  Unmarried.


                                                 iii.     Ken Robert Bender – Ken was born Mar. 2, 1936.  He married Everdina Exel on June 3, 1961.  Everdina was born August 26, 1939. She retired from the CIBC in Palmerston. Ken and Everdina farmed on the 4th line of Wallace Township.

   Children of Ken Bender and Everdina Exel;

1.     Charlene Audrey Bender – born Aug. 2, 1962.  She married Glenn Hayden on Sep. 12, 1981.  When farmed on the third line of Wallace Township.  Charlene was a Red Cross Homemaker.

      Children of Charlene Bender and Glenn Hayden;

a.     Scott Kenneth Hayden

b.     Brian Stephen Hayden

c.      Robert Thomas Hayden

d.     Wayne Charles Hayden

e.     Justin Bradley Hayden

f.       Christine Everdina Hayden


2.     Richard Gerald Bender


3.     Daryl Robert Bender


Everdina & Ken Bender Family.jpg

Everdina and Ken Bender Family

Charlene & Glen Hayden, Daryl Bender,

Brian, Scott, Robert Hayden, Everdina & Ken Bender,

Justin, Wayne, Christine Hayden


                                                 iv.     Murray Ross Bender – He was born Apr. 3, 1938 and died Feb. 20, 1986. Unmarried.


                                                   v.     Walter Laverne Bender – He was born 28, 1941. He married Elaine Joyce Kennedy.  Walter retired from the Royal Bank.  They lived in Mississauga, Ontario.  Elaine and their son Kevin worked at C. S. I.  Promotion Awards.

               Children of Walter Bender and Elaine Kennedy;

1.     Kevin Laverne Bender

2.     Lorraine Joyce Bender Lorraine worked at a Math Consulting firm.

3.     Randy David Bender

4.     Steven Robert Bender




Walter Bender Family - Lorraine, Elaine, Walter, Steven, Kevin, Randy.jpg
Family of Walter and Elaine Bender

Lorraine, Elaine, Walter,

Steven, Kevin, Randy




2.     Edna Barbara Walter – Edna was born Sep. 27, 1906 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario. She married George Israel Koepke on Jun. 18, 1930 in Wallace Township, Perth County, Ontario. George was born on Jun. 15, 1900 in Wilberforce Twp, Ontario and died Apr. 23, 1988 at the age of 87 in Ontario Canada.

Children of Edna Walter and George Koepke;

                                                    i.     Joyce Helen May Koepke – Helen was born Jan. 28, 1933. Unmarried.  Helen worked with the Waterloo Board of education.


                                                  ii.     Walter Elwood Koepke – Elwood was born on Jan. 2, 1935. He married Vera Kennedy. Vera was born on Dec. 29, 1935.

Elwood took over the family farm on the eighth of Peel Township, Wellington County.  They moved to Palmerston and enjoyed going to Glenn’s farm on the fourth line Minto to help him.

Children of Elwood Koepke and Vera Kennedy;

1.     Murray Elwood Koepke – Murray married Corrine Arlene Wright.  Murray was a carpenter in Edmonton.

      Children of Murray Koepke and Corrine Wright;

a.     Leanne Koepke


2.     Glenn Kenneth Koepke


3.     Ronald Norman Koepke – Ronald married Geraldine Mary Burns. Ron worked in a glass factory in Vancouver.

      Children of Ronald Koepke and Geraldine Burns;

a.     Bethany Koepke

b.     Chelsea Koepke


4.     Lyle George Koepke – Lyle was born Sep. 5, 1965 and died Oct. 7, 1972.


5.     Ivan Graham Koepke – Ivan married Denise Bell.  Ivan was a welder in Waterloo, Ontario.






Elwood and Vera Koepke.jpg










Elwood & Vera








Koepke Boys - Glenn, Ivan, Murray, Ron, Baby Lyle.jpg









Elwood & Vera Koepke Boys

Glenn, Ivan, Murray, Ron, Baby Lyle








                                                 iii.     Wayne Mervyn Koepke – Wayne was born on Jan. 21, 1936. He married Jesse Graham on May 28, 1960. Jesse was born Jun. 15, 1940.  Wayne was a Project Engineer and Product Manager at Magna Industries in Guelph, Ontario.

Children of Wayne Koepke and Jesse Graham;

1.     Jeffrey Paul Koepke – Jeff married Catherine Ann Moore. Jeff worked in Kingston, Ontario.


2.     Jennifer Ann Koepke – Jennifer married John Albert Inthof.  John was the minister at Lakeshore Evangelical Missionary Church in North Bay.

Children of Jennifer Koepke and John Inthof;

a.     Brittany Inthof


3.     Ian Koepke – Ian married Laura.  Ian was a Chartered Accountant at Dominion of Canada Insurance Toronto, Ontario. Laura was Receptionist at the Medical Clinic in Newmarket.



Wayne Koepke Family - John Inthof, Jennifer, Jeffrey, Catherine, Ian, Laura.jpg

Wayne & Jesse Koepke Family

John Inthof, Jennifer, Jeffrey, Catherine, Ian, Laura




Wayne Koepke Family - Brittany Inthof.jpg







Brittany Inthof





Wayne Keopke Family - Ian, Wayne, Jessie, Jeffrey, Jennifer.jpg









Wayne Koepke Family

Ian, Wayne, Jessie,

Jeffrey, Jennifer










                                                 iv.     Wray Ernest Koepke – Wray was born on Nov. 19, 1937. He married Claudette Paquin.  Wray worked for the Ministry of Energy and Resources of Canada in Ottawa.

Children of Wray Koepke and Claudette Paquin;

1.     Jocelyn Marie Koepke – Jocelyn had worked for a computer program company.


2.     Daniel Koepke – Daniel had a managerial position with Canada Post.



Wray Koepke Family - Wray, Claudette, Jocelyne, Daniel.jpg

Wray Koepke Family

Wray, Claudette, Jocelyne, Daniel










George Koepke Fam - Wayne, Wray, Helen, Elwood, Edna, George.jpg
Family of George and Edna Koepke

Wayne, Wray, Helen, Elwood

Edna, George


3.     Clara Margaret Walter - Margaret was born on Jul. 20, 1908 in Perth County, Ontario