Chapter 9.0

 George and Elizabeth Steck Schneider


Special Note: The information presented here was gathered from many different documents over a period of 70 years. The main portion of the documents was written by Elsie Welker Thomas but has been augmented with information from the “Schneider Family History - Waterloo” written by William George Schneider (See the inserted notes.) The notes regarding some of the actual references have been lost. If any readers recognize the content and where it may have come from we would appreciate receiving that information so we can credit those references appropriately.


Copyright 2016 by Elsie Welker Thomas and John Quanz

All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced, posted or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. If necessary you can reach the copyright holders though the webmaster of at




My great grandparents


George and Elizabeth Steck Schneider

of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

and to

that one of their descendants named


George Erwin Welker, M.D.


 Compiled by

Elsie Welker Thomas


Dresden, N.Y.



Record of Descendants of George Schneider

         This information is transcribed from a document produced by Elsie Welker Thomas from Dresden, N.Y. in 1946. We thank her for all the work she put into compiling this information.


         We also want to thank Veronica (Frona) Quanz, (nee Walter), for keeping this information and passing it down to us.




         b.      – born

         d.      – died

         N.J.    – New Jersey

         N.Y.   – New York State

         N.Y.C.                   – New York City

         R.R.   – Rural Route (for mail deliver)



Elsie Welker Thomas’ Compiler’s Note

         This genealogy of our own branch was compiled partly from personal research and partly from information sent by various other members of the family.  Material contained herein was in compilers hands some time ago, but it became impossible to prepare it for others until now.

I wish to express indebtedness to Helen Kern, George Wolf, Mary S. Walter, Arthur B  Welker and Marie Welker for facts; Esther Conklin for listing information at New York City Library.  My thanks go to the many gracious people who sent date of families.


         Since starting this record, I have preserved in a scrapbook all pictures and clippings in my possession pertaining to George and Elizabeth Schneider’s family.

As will be noted, the record is incomplete in certain families.  Those, who might have known of antecedents of George or Elizabeth or might have known of other members of the family who came to America, are deceased.


         In the New York City Library are the two books: Snyder Family by Joseph Buchannan 1880; History of the Family Snyder (Schneider).  Compiler has not yet seen these books and is not yet known whether they pertain to our family.  Names of the books are given herein in order to benefit anyone who may have the opportunity to read them.


George Schneider

         George Schneider was born on October 13, 1813.  His home was Malbach, Grossherzogtum, Hessen, north of Baden, Germany.  He married Elizabeth Steck, of the same town, in Germany.  She was born January 4, 1816.  The first child, Baltsar, was born in Germany.


George Schneider - from the 50th anniversary family photo - 1885-1886.jpg         July 1840, George and Elizabeth with two year old Baltsar left Germany for America.  On the vessel July 14, 1840, the second child, Katherina, was born.  The compiler recalls the story from her grandmother, Margaret, sister of Katherina, later called Katherine.  The name of the vessel was Katrina.  The captain offered free return passage if the mother would name the child Katrina after the vessel.  The mother decided otherwise.  Another member of Margaret’s family recalls another version, namely, that Katherina was christened Platina after Captain Plato of the vessel on which she was born.


Note: George Schneider - They immigrated to the Hawkesville area, Waterloo County, in July of 1840. They farmed Lot 12, Concession 6, Wallace from 1868 to 1873. He died February 11, 1897 and was interred at the 6th Line Zion Cemetery, Wallace Township.

Elizabeth lived in Wallace 23 years. She died November 29, 1902 at her son Menno’s home and was interred at the 6th Line Zion Cemetery, Wallace Township. Note from 6th Line EUB Church records – “She was a faithful and consistent member of the Evangelical church. Her end was peace, the mutual sequence to a life of faith and devotion in the Master’s service”.

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo


The family settled in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada where eight other children were born, namely;





Margaretha (Margaret),



Frederica (Ricy).


The family grew their own flax which was homespun into linen cloth by Elizabeth. George died February 11, 1897, Elizabeth died November 29, 1902.  Both died of age and were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery.


Many of the family were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery. According to information received from Clayton Ankemann, by Elsie Welker Thomas, compiler of the original family record, this parcel of land was presented to the community by his grandfather for a burial plot, and it became known as the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery. The family attended the Evangelical Church there.


Notes on George Schneider and Elizabeth Steck


George Schneider and Elizabeth Steck were born Malbach, Groszherzogthum, Hessen, North Baden, Germany. Malbach means “mouth of the brook”. This is a small village in what was in the early 1800s a separate independent state called Hessen, officially known as the “electorate” of Hessen under the Holy Roman Empire. Germany as we know it today did not exist. The maps, which appear earlier in this history, show the exact location of this village, just west of Düsseldorf, and north east of Wiesbaden. The spelling on today’s maps is Malbach.


They traveled by ship in July 1842 to Canada, but along the way their second child, a daughter named Catherine, was born aboard the ship. The name of the ship on which they traveled was the Plato, captained by Richard L Bunting. It sailed from Bremen in Germany and arrived in New York harbor on August 17, 1840. George’s (“Georg” original spelling) occupation on the ship’s manifest is listed as “Weaver”. Upon their arrival they likely traveled west along the Hudson River, and then along the Erie Canal to Buffalo (an area to which members of the family later moved). Their route to Waterloo County would then have been entry into Canada at Niagara, then to Hamilton, Galt, and then to Northeast Hope.


In Canada, George owned four different farm residences, the first of which he purchased upon his arrival, with money which was likely leftover from his selling of property in Germany. He owned Lot 4, Concession 4, North Easthope Township, which he purchased on November 1, 1840. On February 2, 1846 George “Snyder” sold this property to Christian Miller. He then purchased, on February 2, 1848 the east half of Lot 3, Concession 12 ES as a Crown land grant. The small family settled in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario near the village of Hawkesville, on this 100-acre plot. In the 1851 census their residence is noted as a one-story log house with one family living in it. The story is told that the outline of this log cabin can still be seen in the rear wall of the still extant white brick house.


The census (included here) shows that living in the home at that time were: George age 39, Catherine age 36, Balthazar age 13, Catherine age 11, Elizabeth age 9, Henry age 7, George age 5, John age 3, and Margaret. Margaret is noted as having been born that year. The four oldest children, Balthazar, Catherine, Elizabeth, and Henry, were all attending the local school. The religion for all was given as Evangelical. Eventually the rest of their children were born here, making a total of 11 children. In the 1861 agricultural census, they were living on Concession 12 of Wellesley Township, farming 100 acres: 80 were under cultivation, with 55 in crops, 25 in pasture, and the remaining 20 acres wooded, the assessed value of the farm being $ 5,000. On December 13, 1857 George deeded ½-acre for a school, and on May 4, 1868 continued to live on the farm until his death in 1927, having lived and worked there for a total of 50 years!


He survived his wife by 31 years. Upon his death he was survived by 10 children, two sisters, three brothers, 33 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren!

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo



George and Elizabeth Schneider - from the 50th anniversary family photo - 1885-1886.jpg


50th Wedding Anniversary - Family of George and Elizabeth (Steck) Schneider

1885-1886 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Back Row: Friedericke Wolf, George S., Jacob (Jake), Baltsar, Menno, Margaretha Welker

Front Row: John, Elizabeth, George, Elizabeth Detweiler, Henry.

(Katherine had already died by the time this photo was taken.)





On the following pages, children of George and Elizabeth Schneider are designated by the capital letters of the alphabet and are arranged in chronological order of birth.


A.    Baltsar Schneider – born July 1838 in Malbach, Grossherzogtum, Hessen, Germany.  He married Elizabeth Debensee (or Eliza Bebesse) on November 1, 1866 in Waterloo County, Ontario. She died December 10, 1917. Baltsar died September 7, 1914.  Both are buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery.

Children of all Baltsar and Elisa Schneider:

1.     John Schneider – born April 2 1867. Unmarried.  Died March 16, 1928.  He was buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery.



2.     William Schneider – born January 13, 1869.  He married Johanna Wagner born December 30, 1875.  They resided at Gowanstown, R.R. #1, Ontario, Canada.

Children of William and Johanna Schneider:

a.     Ella Schneider – born September 11, 1898; died 1975.


b.     Olena Schneider – born October 4, 1909; died 1970.



3.     Henry Schneider – born January 13, 1869 (twin).  He married Harriet Bonn born May 24, 1885.  They lived in Listowel, Ontario, Canada.  Henry died March 5, 1920.

Children of Henry and Harriet Schneider:

a.     William Schneider – born September 27, 1913.  Married Ruby Dunbar born 1917.


b.     Margaret Schneider – born April 26, 1916. She married Edwin Laws.



4.     Edmund Schneider - born December 3, 1878.  Married Jennie Rock born April 3, 1885.  Home was in Stratford, Ontario.  Edmund died March 2, 1939.

Children of Edmund and Jennie Schneider:

a.     Fred Schneider – born June 22, 1907.


5.     Elizabeth Schneider – born 1870 and died 1877.



6.     Margaret Schneider – born 1872 and died 1877.



7.     George Schneider – born 1874 and died 1877.


The last three children were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery.


B.    Katherina (Katherine) Schneider – born July 14, 1840 on board a ship in the Atlantic Ocean, left her home in Waterloo, Canada to reside in Bennington, N.Y.  She married John Barnhardt (Barney) Welker. They married in 1860 in Bennington, Wyoming County, New York, USA. They settled on the Bennington, N.Y. farm later owned by a son of J.B. Welker, namely, Arthur B. Welker.  They started housekeeping in the wooden structure which is the rear of the present building.  The brick portion was added in 1875.  Katherine died March 28, 1872 1871 in her home on Moscow Road, Bennington, NY.  “Black diphtheria”, “meningitis”, “spotted fever” are causes listed from various sources.  She was buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, N.Y.


Children of Katherine and J.B. Welker:


1.     Moses Welker – born January 31, 1862 and died March 23, 1872.  The cause is listed from various sources - “black diphtheria”, “meningitis”, “spotted fever”. He was buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, N.Y.


As noted, he died five days before his mother.  As also noted, there was a question as to the cause of their deaths. Compiler’s father, Dr. George Welker, once told compiler that cause was never known definitely; that, in those days, diagnosis were often difficult or incorrect.  Some diseases as known today were unknown then.  March 23, 1872, Moses’ father drove by horse and buggy to Warsaw, N.Y.  In order to buy an organ for Moses who was musical.  In fact, he showed so much talent that he was to receive a musical education.  Moses was apparently quite well that morning.  At night when his father returned, Moses was dead.  Symptoms had been sudden high temperature, black spots on body, sudden death.


Five days later, leaving two other small children, the mother died of the same disease.



2.     Franklin (Frank) Welker (M.D.) – born July 20, 1867.  He married Louise Amanda Hoppe of Oakland, California on October 12 1897.  Louise Hoppe was born March 21, 1871.  They resided at Highland, N.Y.  Dr. Frank, as he was called among his cousins, died July 17, 1935 of myocarditis and hypertension.  He is buried in a Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, N.Y.


Children of Franklin and Le Wes Welker:

a.     Gertrude Catharine Welker –born September 14, 1900.  She married Edward Lauz Rohdenburg of Englewood, N.J. on April 21, 1924.  Edward was born April 30, 1897 and was a biological chemist with E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Company (Inc.) In New Brunswick, N.Y.  They resided at 73 Clive Street, Metuchen, N.J.


b.     Marian Hoppe Welker, PH. D.  – born April 5, 1905.  Archaeologist.  She had written a book to be published.  She was employed in the Army Signal Corps as of 1946 and resided in Washington, D.C up.



3.     Elizabeth Welker – born 1870.  Dates, written by her father in German script in his Family Bible, now in the possession of Arthur B. Welker, are faded and said to be partially illegible.  Died 1870.  Month and day are illegible for some reason.  Cause is said to have been “yellow fever”.  Here again, compiler’s father once said that he does not remember that they knew the cause of her death.  She is buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, N.Y.



4.     Edward Phillip Welker (Ed) – born February 20, 1871.  He married Emma E. (Etta) Schroeder of Attica, N.Y.  Edward died April 10, 1930 of shock following injuries.  Buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Attica, N.Y.

Children of Edward and Emma Welker:

a.     E. Marie Welker – born November 25, 1905.  University of Buffalo graduate.


b.     Edna Margaret Welker – born June 20, 1909.  University of Buffalo graduate. She worked in professional social service work in Buffalo, N.Y.  Mrs. Edward Welker, Marie and Edna Welker resided at 2318 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y.


C. Elizabeth Schneider – born November 2, 1842 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, OntarioShe married Daniel K Detweiler on October 30, 1866 in Waterloo County, Ontario. Daniel was born 1843.  They lived in Wallace, Ontario.  Elizabeth died in 1914 and Dan died on May 7, 1916.  Both were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery, Ontario Canada.


Children of Elizabeth and Daniel Detweiler:


1.     John Detweiler – as of 1946 John’s wife, Adeline Wilhelm, had passed away and he lived with his daughter, Leta and family at New Hamburg, Ontario.  John is about 15 months older than his brother, George.

Children of John Detweiler:

a.     Leta Detweiler –Mrs. Wilford Segmiller, New Hamburg, Ontario.

b.     Lloyd Detweiler – Unmarried.  Silo builder.

c.      Elvera Detweiler   

d.     Alvin Detweiler

e.     Eldon Detweiler

f.       Son Detweiler



2.     George Detweiler – born 1871 or 1872.  Family Bible states 1871 but Birth Certificate 1872.  He never bothered to find out which was right, he said.  He knew that he was about 15 months younger than his brother, John.  George married Mary Schaefer.  There were no children.  Home address was 75 Cedar Street, Galt, Ontario.  George had a grocery business.



3.     Jacob Aaron Detweiler– born March 26, 1874. Jake married Nellie Thusnelda Wetzel who was born June 19, 1876 they lived at 193 Strange Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


Children of Jacob and Nellie Detweiler:

a.     Elmer Stewart Detweiler – born May 27, 1902.  He married Soloma Schneider, daughter of Edward Schneider, son of Henry Schneider, sister of Elizabeth Schneider Detweiler.  They lived at Gowanstown, on Edward Schneider‘s former place.


Children of Elmer and Saloma Detweiler:

i.       Lois Marlene Detweiler - born July 4, 1936.

ii.     Mervin Virgil Stewart Detweiler - born July 17, 1942.

iii.    Calvin B. Detweiler – born August 10, 1945. He married Barbara Fallis.


b.     Tena Elizabeth Detweiler - born February 20, 1905.  She married Ayrton Clarence Dahmer who was born on September 6, 1902.  They resided at 17 Pine Street, Kitchener, Ontario.

Children of Tena and Ayrton Dahmer:

i.       Blanche Eileen Dahmer - born July 14, 1923.  She married Ralph Clifford Black who was born February 11, 1920.  They resided at 589 Norfolk Street, Simcoe, Ontario. Divorced.

ii.     June Aldene Dahmer - born May 29, 1925 at home. She married Louis Mucci.

iii.    Donald Earl Dahmer - born October 31, 1926 at home.

iv.    Edna Mae Dahmer - born August 14th, 1929 at home.


c.      Edna Mildred Detweiler - born November 29, 1910.  She married Nelson Otto Bordman who was born September 27, 1907.  They resided at 150 Mill Street, Kitchener, Ontario.

Children of Edna and Nelson Bordman:

i.       Eileen Mildred Bordman - born June 25, 1929.

ii.     Ruby Thusnelda Bordman - born July 19, 1913.



4.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Sarah Detweiler - born June 27, 1878.  She married John Balser who was born July 1, 1878.  Lizzie lived at Wellesley, Ontario and ran a grocery store.

Children of Lizzie and John Balser:

a.     Pearl Elvera Balser - born January 17, 1907.  She married Thomas Layton Gilbert who was born March 19, 1902.  They lived at Thamesford, Ontario.

Children of Pearl and Thomas Gilbert:

i.       Elizabeth Mae Gilbert - born November 4, 1933 and died September 20 three, 1935 of “heart” problems.  Elizabeth is buried in an Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.

ii.     Glenn Wayne Gilbert - born November 15, 1936.

iii.    Gweneth Gilbert - born August 28, 1940.

iv.    Son - born January 30, 1942.  He died the same day and was buried in the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.

v.      Robert Gilbert – born August 17, 1945.

vi.    Sharon Gilbert – born May 8, 1949.


b.     Minerva May Balser - born July 20, 1910.  She married Eugene Smith and they resided at 2017 Woodlawn Avenue, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 

Children of Minerva and Eugene Smith;

i.       Ronald Trent Smith - born April 28, 1943.

ii.     Karen B. Smith – born November 10, 1946. She died on April 2, 1958 from pneumonia.


c.      William Earl Baltsar - born July 2, 1914.  Unmarried.  He was in the Air Force in WW II, stationed at Moncton, N.B. when the compiler last heard in 1946. William married Margaret Shirley Bishop on June 2, 1945. They had a family.





D.   Henry S. Schneider - born January 22, 1845.  He married Katherine Roppel who was born August 21, 1847.  They lived in Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada until about 1877 when they moved to Wallace, Perth County, Ontario on a farm.  Henry was a carpenter in Port Elgin.  Katherine died March 28, 1896 and Henry died November 25, 1927 at his home.  Both died of “heart trouble” and were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical (Zion) Cemetery, Canada.




Henry S. Schneider from the 50th Wedding Anniversary photo

of his parents and siblings get-together

1885-1886 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Notes on Henry S Schneider

Those who knew his son Henry Schneider remember him as being a very patient man. He was a prosperous farmer and took an active interest in politics (from Henry Schneider History Book).


Henry sold the farm to his son Edward Schneider in 1919, who in turn later sold it to John George’s son Melvin in 1928, after Henry had passed away. The house was destroyed by fire. Melvin sold the farm in 1942 Elmer and Saloma (Schneider) Detweiler, keeping the farm in the family, as Saloma was Edward’s daughter.

Henry’s daughters Annie, Mary, and Adeline married brothers Henry, John and Daniel Walter, while Rachel married their cousin Simon Walter!















S-002 - Schneider - Grandma Katherine, Annie, Lizzie, Maggie, Grandpa Henry Schneider






They all stayed on the 6th Concession of Wallace and farmed there for most of their lives. Pearl Bender’s comment on all this interconnected marrying was:  “that confuses the issue at all “! Bessie remembers that her grandpa Henry looked just like he does in the pictures, as he always had that beard. He gave Bessie a beautiful plate with three ladies on, which was made in Bavaria.


His obituary in the Listowel Banner notes that the “late Mr. Schneider was a prosperous farmer and took an active interest in politics. He united with the Evangelical church at Port Elgin when a young man“. He died of a brain hemorrhage brought on by arteriosclerosis which occurred on November 24, resulting in his death the next day, Nov. 25, 1927, at age 82 years, 10 months and 3 days. He was attended by Dr. Pratt.

Further interesting details are in the recollections about Grandpa Schneider written by Mabel Fry included in this book.


Notes on Catherine Anna Roppel

Catherine came to Canada at the age of 10 or 11 with her sister, Kate, who was 16 years old in 1857 or 1858. Their brother George had come to Canada in 1854, and they most likely came to join him, before the rest of the family came over in 1863, when Catherine would have been about 16 years old.


They may have lived with their brother and/or aunt who had emigrated previously from Germany. Catherine lived near Port Elgin, Bruce County, prior to her marriage. On the day that she died, Henry walked to Wallaceville, and Catherine had a stroke. She had been baking bread and doing other household duties until about 11 AM, when she complained of feeling weak. She soon became unconscious and passed away the same day at 8 PM on March 28, 1896.


Her obituary in the Listowel Standard on April 13, 1896 noted that “Mrs. Schneider was an exceptionally kind and agreeable person and to be acquainted with her was to esteem and respect her. She was a faithful adherent of the Evangelical church and we have no doubt as to her future.” After her death her daughters Mary, Rachel, and Adeline helped to raise the seven children, ages 5 to 19 and each eventually left home to get married.

Further details, please see Dorrell (Walter) Boles recollections, included with this project.

Picture Source - Schneider Family History – Waterloo

Henry S Schneider Family at Gordon Benders.jpg 














Henry S Schneider Family

 at Gordon Bender’s








Henry and Catherine Roppel Schneider Family Photo - taken before 1897.jpg


Henry Schneider and Catherine Roppel Family Photo - taken before 1897

Back Row: Elizabeth (Lizzie), Mary, Annie, Margaret (Maggie), Rachael (Ricca), John George

Front Row: Edward, Henry, Clara, Catherine, Ida, Adeline

Taken before 1897 probably in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada





Children of Henry and Catherine Schneider:

1.     Margaret (Maggie) Schneider – born July 3, 1868 in Port Elgin, Ontario.  She married Darwin S. Melvin who was born July 23, 1867 in Bennington, New York.  Maggie lived in Port Elgin until she was nine years of age.  She and Darwin were married on February 8, 1888 in Wallace, Perth County, Ontario. 

Notes on Margaret [Maggie] Schneider - Margaret and Darwin lived in the region near Attica, New York. Margaret was a practical nurse.

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo


Darwin died on August 29, 1915 in Attica, New York where they had made their home and where Maggie continued to live. 


Children of Maggie and Darwin Melvin:

a.     Maude A.  Melvin – born June 18, 1889.  She married Philip Reiner of Bennington, New York who was born on November 16, 1883.  Their address was Attica, New York. 

Children of Maude and Phillip Reiner:

i.       Margaret E. Reiner – born October 9, 1910 at Bennington, New York.  She married Joseph Pfaff on April 21, 1938 who was born on July 21, 1909 at Reichenbach by Lahr, Baden, Germany.  Their address was also Attica, New York. They had two daughters.

Children of Margaret and Joseph Pfaff;

1.     Nancy Pfaff

2.     Carolyn Pfaff


ii.     Dorothy Reiner –born October 23, 1912 at Bennington, New York.  She married John Clark on December 24, 1936.  John was born on October 3, 1910 in the Banneckburn, Scotland.  They lived in Attica, New York.

Children of Dorothy and John Clark;

1.     John Phillip Clarke, Junior - born on June 7, 1943 at Warsaw, New York.

2.     Bruce Clarke

3.     Keith Clark


iii.    Darwin P.  Reiner – born June 13, 1915 at Bennington, New York.  He married Genevieve Maxon on May 10, 1941.  Genevieve was born November 25, 1918 at Bennington, New York. 

Children of Darwin and Genevieve Reiner;

1.     David Phillips Reiner – born August 28, 1943.

2.     Rita Reiner

3.     Marcia Reiner

4.     Roger Reiner

5.     Barbara Ann Reiner


iv.    Lloyd A Reiner – born March 2, ’19 18 at Bennington, New York.  He married Arlene Ingersoll on March 14, 1942. 

 Children of Lloyd and Arlene Reiner;

1.     Lloyd A. Reiner, Jr. who was born on March 30, 1943 in Attica, New York.

2.     4 more children


v.      Robert W. Reiner – born June 28, 1920 at Bennington, New York. Lived in Attica, New York. He married Norma Louis Green and had a family.


vi.    Beatrice E. Reiner – born February 1, 1922 at Bennington, New York.  She married George E. Pfaff on December 31, 1941.  George was born on March 21, 1914. The Pfaffs lived in Attica, New York.

      Children of Beatrice and George Pfaff;

1.     Eric Carroll Pfaff – born September 13, 1942 at Bennington, New York.  Eric died on September 13, 1942. 

2.     5 other children.


vii.  Phoebe Ann Reiner – born May 15, 1925 at Bennington, New York. She married Richard Forgnone at Tonawanda, New York on January 12, 1943.  Richard was born on February 23, 1921.  They lived in Attica, New York.


viii.  John Paul Reiner – born June 4, 1931 at Bennington, New York.



b.     Flossie Melvin – born May 15, 1894 in Bennington, New York.  She married but secured a divorce, taking her own name.  Her address was 360 Seward Street, Rochester, New York.  Their daughter:

i.       Iona Melvin - was born on December 22, 1916.  She married Dorman B. Harvey.  They lived at 47 Tremont Avenue, in Hampton, New York and had one child:

1.      Sharon Ann Harvey - born August 29, 1943.


c.      Phoebe Melvin – born March 3 1899 in Bennington, New York.  She married the Louis Friedman in Buffalo, New York on September 29, 1930.  Louis was born on October 9, 1903.  They had no children.  They resided on West Avenue, Attica, New York.



2.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Schneider – born January 30, 1870 in Port Elgin, Ontario.  She married John Hersch

Notes on Elizabeth (Lizzie) Schneider - Lizzie and John resided on their Hiersch homestead in East Bennington for several years before moving to Attica village. In 1902 they moved to 95 Cordova St., Buffalo. Later they moved to 192 East Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY. Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo











S-003 - Annie and Lizzie Schneider





Children of Elizabeth and John Hersch;

a.     Franklin Hersch

b.     Leta Hersch

c.      Lora Hersch

d.     Irene Hersch

e.     Naomi Hersch










S-050 - Emma Welker, Johnny Hersch, Lizzie

 - Rochester, NY






3.     George Schneider – born December 22, 1871 in Port Elgin, Ontario. 

Notes on George Schneider - George died at the age of 6 or 7. There is a story believed connected with him. As a young boy, living on the 6th of Wallace, he swallowed a marble. When his mother Catherine noticed that he was choking, she called to Elizabeth to help her with the boy, to recover the marble. Catherine went to pray in the bedroom, asking God to please spare her child and to not let him die this way. The report indicates that her prayer was answered. George was spared at that time but was taken another way later on.

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo



4.     Annie Schneider – born August 2, 1873 at Port Elgin, Ontario.  She married Henry Walter and retired in Listowel, Ontario, Canada.








S-004 - Annie Schneider and Henry Walter

Wedding - Feb 1, 1895







Notes on Annie Catharine Schneider - Annie and Henry farmed in Wallace Township, moving to Kitchener in the fall of 1928, and returning to Wallace in 1932, farming Lot 27 S ½ on Concession 7 of Wallace Township until 1940, when they retired to Listowel. Annie died at the home of her daughter, Frona, in Listowel. Death was attributed to a heart condition. She was a member of Calvary EUB church in Listowel.

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo



Children of Annie and Henry Walter:

a.     Veronica Walter – born December 30, 9, 1895.  She married Fred Quanz who was born on March 5, 1895. They lived on the 6th Line of Wallace Township with brief periods in both Kitchener and Elmira and then moved back to the 6th Line of Wallace Township.  They retired to Listowel, Ontario and then moved to Palmerston Ontario where they lived until they passed away.

Children of Veronica and Fred Quanz:

i.       Harry Laverne Quanz – born September 2, 1921.  He married Betty Zurbrigg who was born on September 22, 1920.

ii.     Walter John Quanz – born March 13, 1928. Walter married Ruby Bramhill who was born on May 31, 1930.


b.     Gordon Walter – born May 30, 1898.  On September 26, 1922 he married Almeda Quanz who was born on October 11, 1899.  They lived at Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of Gordon and Almeda Walter;

i.       Ivan Weldon Walter – born March 5, 1929.

ii.     Ila Dorrell Walter – born November 2, 1933.



5.     Mary Schneider – born October 2 1875 in Port Elgin, Ontario.  She married John E. Walter – born February 14, 1879.  They resided at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

Notes on Mary Schneider - John and Mary must have lived on Concession 7, Lots 31 and 32, N ½’s, as Leta was born there.


Children of Mary and John Walter:

a.     Leta Walter – born August 10, 1906.  She married Ervin Quanz – born February 6, 1903.  They lived at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of Leta and Ervin Quanz:

i.       Marguerite Marie E. Quanz – born May 8, 1929.

ii.     Donald E. Quanz – born February 17, 1933.

iii.    Iona Marlene Quanz – born March 9, 1939.

iv.    Ross Wesley Quanz – born February 5, 1942.


b.     Wesley H. Walter – born October 26, 1908.  He married Marie Opfer who was born December 4, 1920. They lived at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

c.      Clara L. Walter – born July 1, 1910.  She married Gordon Bender who was born on September 20, 1903. Their address was R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of Clara and Gordon Bender:

i.       Howard J.  Bender – born August 14, 1934.

ii.     Lorraine C.  Bender – born December 9, 1936.

iii.    Marlene E.  Bender – born May 2, 1940.

iv.    Orville G.  Bender – born January 3, 1943.

v.      Dianne Bender – born March 1, 1947.  She married Robert Henkenhoff who was born in March of 1942.

vi.    Adele Bender –She married Pat Murphy.



6.     John G. Schneider – born February 5, 1878 in Wallace, Ontario.  He married Margaret Wilhelm who was born on January 16, 1883.  They lived at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of John and Margaret Schneider:

a.     Bessie Schneider – born December 13, 1911. She married Roy Dippel.

Children of Bessie and Roy Dippel;

i.       Leon Schneider – born May 3, 1933.

b.     Melvin Schneider – born November 12, 1905.

c.      Gordon Schneider – born February 1, 1907.



7.     Rachel (Ricca) Schneider – born June 5, 1880 in Wallace, Ontario.  She married Simon Walter who was born January 13, 1879.  Their address was R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of Ricca and Simon Walter:

a.     Pearl Elisabeth Walter – born January 12, 1905.  Married Robert Bender who was born September 8, 1899.  They resided at Gowanstown, Ontario

Children of Pearl and Robert Bender:

i.       Wilfrid Simon Bender – born June 14, 1929.

ii.     Audrey Margaret Bender – born August 16, 1931.

iii.    Kenneth Robert Bender – born March 2, 1936.

iv.    Murray “Ross” Bender – born April 3, 1938.

v.      Walter Laverne Bender – born January 28, 1941.


b.     Edna Barbara Walter – born September 27, 1906.  She married George Koepke who was born June 15, 1900.  They lived at Elmira, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Edna and George Koepke:

i.       Helen Mae Koepke – born January 26, 1933 (or January 28, 1933).

ii.     Walter “Elwood” Koepke – born January 2, 1935.

iii.    Wayne Mervyn Koepke – born January 31, 1936.

iv.    Wray Ernst Koepke – born November 19, 1937.



c.      Clara “Margaret” Walter – born July 20, 1908.  Unmarried.  Lived near Gowanstown, Ontario, Canada.


d.     Roy Simon Walter – born August 3, 1911.  He married Clara Saloma Bender who was born January 21, 1919.  They lived near Gowanstown, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Roy and Clara Walter:

i.       Neil Edwin Walter

ii.     Stuart Walter

iii.    Janet Walter

iv.    Allan Walter


e.     Idona Mae Walter – born April 7, 1914.  She married Ralph Krotz who was born May 6, 1910.  They lived near Gowanstown, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Idona and Ralph Krotz;

i.       Larry Krotz

ii.     John Krotz



8.     Edward Schneider – born January 24, 1883 in Wallace, Ontario.  He married Anna (Annie) Roberts who was born on December 6, 1862.  They lived at 8 Rose Street, Kitchener, Ontario, and also on Glasgow Street, Kitchener, Ontario.
















S-030 - Ed Schneider




Notes on Edward Schneider - They farmed in Wallace Township, and then moved to Kitchener. In 1924 they were listed as Congregation members at the Wallace 6th Line EUB Church, along with son Robert Franklin, and father Henry. Edward died from a stroke. Anna was in Sunnyside Home in Kitchener and died at the age of 96. – Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo



Children of Edward and Annie Schneider:

a.     Robert Franklin (Frank) Schneider – born January 1, 1907.  He married Emma Jamison.  Their address was to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Frank and Anna Schneider:

i.       Lois Ann Schneider – born April 3, 1939.

ii.     Larry Robert Schneider – born July 16, 1943.


b.     Saloma Catherine Schneider – born March 19, 1909.  She married Elmer Stewart Dettweiler who was born May 27, 1902, the son of Jacob and Nellie Dettweiler.  They lived on the farm that formally was that of Saloma’s father in Gowanstown, Ontario.

Children of Saloma and Elmer Detweiler:

i.       Lois Marlene Detweiler – born July 4, 1936.

ii.     Marvin Virgil Detweiler – born July 17, 1942.

iii.    Calvin Detweiler – born August 10, 1945.


c.      Mabel Elizabeth Schneider – born November 5, 1910.  She married Lloyd Frey of Kitchener, Ontario.

Children of Mabel and Lloyd Frey:

i.       Ronald Lloyd Frey – born September 26, 1933.

ii.     Carol Elizabeth Frye – born January 13, 1941.


d.     Dorothy Frederick Schneider – born May 27, 1915.  She married Albert Schmidt who went overseas in July 1941.  The last the compiler heard, he was in England as a doctor’s orderly and Dorothy and children were with her parents.

Children of Dorothy and Elbert Schmidt:

i.       Anna Lorraine Schmidt – born October 22, 1934.

ii.     Donald Albert Franklin Schmidt – born November 8, 1938.

iii.    Glenn Carl Schmidt – born March 18, 1941.










Ed Schneider - Cutting Trees








9.     Adeline Schneider – born May 13, 1885 in Wallace, Ontario.  She married Daniel Walter who was born on August 9, 1885.  They lived for several years near R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario and then moved to Stamford Centre, Ontario, 6 miles out of Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Children of Adeline and Daniel Walter:

a.     Selena Walter – born July 16, 1907.  She married Edward McIlroy who was born January 14, 1904.  They lived in Saint David’s, Ontario where the Post Office was Stamford Centre, Ontario.  They’ve lived a mile from her sister Nellie.


Children of Selena and Edward McIlroy:

i.       Donald McIlroy – born September 23, 1929.

ii.     Marilyn McIlroy – born April 9, 1937.

iii.    Wayne McIlroy – born October 19, 1941.

iv.    Sharon McIlroy – born July 19, 1845.

v.      Bryan McIlroy – born December 1, 1949.


b.     Nellie Walter – born May 18, 1910.  She married Clayton Good who was born September 13, 1906.  They lived at Stamford Centre, Ontario.

Children of Nellie and Clayton Good:

i.       Alice Good – born January 21, 1931.

ii.     Rose Good – born September 14, 1936.

iii.    Douglas Good – born November 14, 1946.


c.      Myrtle Walter – born May 11, 1912.  She married Morgan Pletsch who was born on May 27, 1906.  They lived in Mildmay, Ontario.

Children of           Myrtle and Morgan Pletsch:

i.       Karen Pletsch – born June 27, 1942.

ii.     John Pletsch – born November 2, 1947.


d.     Floyd Walter – born February 4, 1914.  He was in the Armed Services and was based at Camp Borden the last the compiler heard.


e.     Doris Walter – born August 13, 1918.  She married Jack Heuckroth who was born May 2, 1913.  They lived at 35 Elliott Street, Galt, Ontario.

Children of Doris and Jack Heuckroth:

i.       Eleanor Heuckroth – born June 4, 1942.


f.       Jack Walter – born June 11, 1927. Married and had a family.


10.  Ida Schneider – born February 9, 1888 in Wallace, Ontario.  Ida married in 1909 to Wesley Kaiser who was born May 10, 1885 (or 1888).  They had a store business and lived in Viceroy, Saskatchewan.








S-035 -Wes Kaiser Wedding

Gordon Kaiser, Wes Kaiser, Ida Schneider, Clara Schneider, Phoebe Melvin



Notes on Ida Schneider - Ida came east to visit relatives in Ontario on July 1977. While visiting with her sister, Clara, Ida had a heart attack on July 12, 1977. She died at the K-W Hospital on July 13, 1977 and was buried in Nanaimo, BC. She had moved to Viceroy to live with her daughter Manota (Peggy), and later moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. She was 89 years old, and her last wish was to visit her only remaining sister, Clara Ruppel of Kitchener. They had 10 days together before her heart attack.

Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo



Children of Ida and Wes Kaiser:

a.     Manota Ann Kaiser – born March 2, 1914.  She married Ross Sargent who was born August 21, 1910. 

Children of Manota and Ross Sargent:

i.       Patricia Anne Sargent – born September 22, 1941.

ii.     Heather Sargent – born September 30, 1945.

iii.    Trevor Sargent



11.  Clara Schneider – born June 20, 1890 in Wallace, Ontario.  On December 12, 1917, Clare married Norman Ruppel who was born on May 28, 1888.  They lived at 11 Chestnut Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.













S-041 – Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruppel

 - nee Clara Schneider






Children of Clare and Norman Ruppel:

a.     Idona Ruppel – born October 30, 1919.  She married Basil Hancock who was born April 29, 1915.  They lived at the same address as Idona’s parents.




E.  George Schneider – born April 9, 1847 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Canada.  He married Mary Wagner who was born February 28, 1854.  They made their home in Woolwich Township (Creekbank, Ontario), Canada.  Mary died on June 3, 1930.  One source states the cause as “stroke”; another as “old age”.  George died December 7, 1930 due to hernia.  Both were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery (now labeled as at corner of Line 89 and Road 165).


Children of George and Mary Schneider:

1.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Schneider – born February 28, 1875.  She married Edward B. Snyder (no relation) who was born April 22, 1864.  They made their home in R.R. #1 Elmira, Ontario, Canada.  Edward died on July 3, 1941 as a result of a tumour in the bladder.  He was buried in the Elmira Cemetery.  Lizzie Snyder maintained her own rooms in her home which was occupied by her son, Lloyd.


Children of Elizabeth and Edward Snyder:

a.     Viola May Snyder – born March 8, 1895.  She married Irvin Mohr, a farmer, on September 15, 1915.  They lived at R.R. #3, New Hamburg, Ontario.  Irvin was the brother of Mrs. Enoch Schneider.

Children of Viola and Irvin Mohr:

i.       Ralph Wellesley Mohr – born July 21, 1916.  He was in the Armed Services and overseas in World War II.


ii.     Robert Franklin Mohr – born April 18, 1918.  He married Erna Eidt.  Robert had his own farm at R.R. #4, Stratford, Ontario.

Children of Robert and Erna Mohr:

1.     Richard Mohr – born November 9, 1940.


iii.    Ruby Mildred Mohr – born January 1, 1920.  She married Mahlon Ruby, a factory foreman who was in the services in World War II.  Their address was Box 104, Tavistock, Ontario.

Children of Ruby and Mahlon Ruby:

1.     Howard Ruby – born February 25, 1940.

2.     Verel Ruby – born March 25, 1942.

3.     Fred Neil Ruby – born June 15, 1946.

4.     Carl Murray Ruby – born January 27, 1948.


iv.    Clifford Ward Mohr – born August 21, 1921.  He assisted on the home farm.


v.      Willard Alexander Mohr – born February 27, 1922.  He was employed by another farmer. He married Alma Rose and they had 6 children.


vi.    Verna Margaret Mohr – born August 19, 1924.  She was at home as of 1946. She married Howard Herald and had 7 children.


vii.  Mabel Jean Mohr – born May 25, 1926.  As of 1946 she was at home during the summers but in winter she was employed by a Physician. She married Fred Rose and had 7 children.


viii.  Alfred Murray Mohr – born January 9, 1928.


ix.    Dorothy Fern Mohr – born March 2, 1929.


x.      Ross Clarence Mohr – born April 16, 1931 and died July 29, 1953.


xi.    Gerald Irvin Mohr – born May 13, 1935.



b.     Lloyd Wilfrid Snyder – born June 16, 1896.  He married Roberta Groff on June 15, 1927.  They resided on the “home” farm, at R.R. #1, Elmira, Ontario.

Children of Lloyd and Roberta Snyder:

i.       Lorne James Snyder – born November 12, 1929.

ii.     Murray Ross Snyder – born March 3, 1931.

iii.    Betty Jean Snyder – born December 6, 1933.



c.      Irla Louise Schneider – born June 23, 1898.  She married Orville Shantz on September 10, 1919.  Orville was employed in a factory.  They resided at R.R. #1, St George, Ontario.

Children of Irla and Orville Shantz:

i.       Stuart Laverne Shantz – born July 15, 1920.  He served overseas in World War II.

ii.     Homer Glen Shantz – born October 7, 1922.  He was in the Armed Services in World War II.

iii.    Sanford Grant Shantz – born August 30, 1925.



d.     Nellie Norma Snyder – born March 20, 1900.  She married Amos Shoemaker, a foreman in a factory, on September 16, 1925.  They lived at 72 Wood Street, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Nellie and Amos Shoemaker:

i.       Grace Madeline Shoemaker – born August 1, 1926.

ii.     Bruce Edward Shoemaker – born December 25, 1929.



e.     Vera Myril Snyder – born October 26, 1901.  She married Clayton Mohr, farmer, on June 10, 1925.  Their address was R.R. #2, Baden, Ontario, which was 3 miles distant from Viola and Irvin Mohr.

Children of Vera and Clayton Mohr:

i.       Walter Laverne Mohr – born May 4, 1926.

ii.     Donald John Mohr – born December 26, 1927.

iii.    Idella Fern Mohr –born October 18, 1931.



f.       George Edward Snyder – born November 15, 1906.  He married Dorothy Reiber on April 8, 1939.  George was an accountant in a bank. They resided at 5327 Musset Avenue, Montreal, Quebec. They also lived in Kitchener on Franklin Street.

Children of George and Dorothy Snyder:

i.       Paul Edward Snyder – born January 23, 1940. 

ii.     Richard Snyder



g.      Walter Sheldon Snyder – born September 22, 1908.  He married Adeline Krueger on May 18, 1940.  Walter was a farmer and lived at R.R. #4, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Children of Walter and Adeline Snyder;

i.       Lynn Snyder – born February 21, 1944.

ii.     Grant John Snyder – born November 2, 1946.



h.     Myrtle Dorothy Snyder – born January 26, 1912.  She married Eldon Krueger on May 25, 1940.  They lived at 195 Lancaster East, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.  Eldon was employed by a grocery firm.



i.       Howard Elgin Snyder – born September 18, 1917.  Unmarried.  He was a farmer living at R.R. #2, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.



2.     Enoch Schneider – born at Lexington, Waterloo County, Canada on June 17, 1880.  He married Frederica (Ricy) Mohr who was born on May 9, 1881 at New Hamburg, Ontario.  Ricy was a sister to Irvin Moore who married Enoch’s niece, Viola Snyder.  Enoch and Ricy made their home at R.R. #1, Elmira, Ontario.  Enoch died October 6, 1937 of “Bright’s Disease”.  Ricy, who resided at 24 Arthur Street North, Elmira, Ontario after her husband’s death, died January 19, 1945 at the Kitchener Hospital. “Heart”.  Both were buried at 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery, Perth County, Ontario.


Children of Enoch and Ricy Schneider:

a.     Annie Marie Schneider – born March 18, 1908.  She married J. Amos Wilkinson of Wallenstein, Ontario on October 10, 1931.

Children of Annie and Amos Wilkinson:

i.       George Robert Wilkinson – born September 1, 1932 at R.R. # 1, Elmira, Ontario.

ii.     Ruth Frances Wilkinson – born November 7, 1933 at Wallenstein, Ontario.

iii.    Russell Winston Wilkinson – born April 22, 1941 at Wallenstein, Ontario.


b.     Irvin Schneider – born May 4, 1910.  He married Rosaleen Beisel of R.R. # 1, Elmira, Ontario on April 16, 1938.

Children of Irvine and Rosaleen Schneider:

i.       William George Schneider – born December 11, 1939 at R.R. # 1, Elmira, Ontario.

ii.     Elgin Arthur Schneider – born February 11, 1941 at R.R. # 1, Elmira, Ontario.

iii.    Eva Marie E. Schneider – born November 21, 1942 at R.R.  # 1, Elmira, Ontario.

iv.    Gregg Albert Schneider – born October 23, 1946.

v.      Earl Leo Schneider

vi.    Earla Mary Ann Schneider

vii.  John Harold Schneider


c.      Eva Mabel Schneider – born February 20, 1916.  She married Leo B. Haist of Fenwick, Ontario on June 15, 1940.  Leo was a relative of compiler’s mother, Ophelia Horton Welker on the latter’s maternal side.

Children of Eva and Leo Haist:

i.       Doreen Eleanor Haist – born July 28, 1941 at Fenwick, Ontario.

ii.     Glenna Margaret Haist – born January 23, 1943 at Fenwick, Ontario.



3.     Mary Ann Schneider – born September 4, 1886.  She married Solomon Bender, of R.R. # 1, Elmira, Ontario.

Children of Mary Ann and Solomon Bender:

a.     Stanley Bender – born July 18, 1905 and died on April 11, 1925.


b.     Margaret Bender – born May 22, 1907.  She married Albert George Schaefer in October 1942 at 26 Water Street, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.


c.      Claire Bender – born July 22, 1917.  He lives at home.





F.     John (Snyder) Schneider – born March 29, 1849 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Canada.  On March 10, 1874 he married Mary Welker who was born on October 8, 1851 (daughter of Bernhardt Welker).  John and Mary lived on the farm in Bennington, New York where her father and mother first settled and which they bought from her father.  Jesse, son of John and Mary, lived on the place as of 1946.  John died May 26, 1891 in East Bennington, New York State, USA.  He had grippe then suffered rheumatism. Later, he had a cold followed by pneumonia.  Mary died October 28, 1940 of old age.  Both are buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


Children of John and Mary Schneider:

1.     George B. Schneider – born 1874.  He became suddenly ill, was sick only a short time and died May 24, 1881.  The doctor was unable to diagnose the cause.  He had not been thought dangerously ill.  He was buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


2.     Helen Schneider – born February 20, 1878.  She married Jacob Kern of Bennington, New York who was born June 29, 1873.  They resided in Bennington, New York on a farm very near her parents’ home.

Children of Helen and Jacob Kern:

a.     Margaret Kern – born August 6, 1901.  She married Oscar Yung of Buffalo, New York on August 17, 1927.  Oscar was a New York Central Rail Road mail clerk on the Buffalo to New York City run.  They resided at 92 Beverly Road, Buffalo, New York.

Children of Margaret and Oskar Yung:

i.       Ruth Evelyn Yung – born May 16, 1928.

ii.     Kenneth Oskar Yung – born December 18, 1932.

iii.    Donald Yung – born January 19, 1935.


b.     Walter Kern – born April 5, 1903.  Unmarried.  He lived at R.R. number one Attica, New York.


c.      Florence Kern – born August 22, 1909 and died on March 16, 1934 of scarlet fever.  She was buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


d.     Arthur Kern – born November 28, 1912.  Unmarried.


e.     Lloyd Kern – born February 21, 1915. He married Rose Morach of Wayland, New York.

Children of Lloyd and Rose Kern:

i.       Robert Lloyd Kern – born December 17, 1943. 

ii.     Ronald Arthur Kern – born April 30, 1946.

iii.    Nancy Helen Kern



3.     Charles Schneider – born June 4, 1880 and died August 18, 1893.  He was buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.



4.     Jesse Schneider (Snyder) – born August 4, 1887.  Unmarried.  He lived at R.R. #1 Attica, New York.



5.     Fred Schneider (Snyder) – born December 6, 1889.  He married Bessie Veardsley of New York, New York.  Divorced.

Children of Fred and Bessie Snyder:

a.     Virginia Snyder – born October 8, 1915.  She married Walter Vreeland of Brooklyn on December 5, 1942.

Children of Virginia and Walter Freeland:

i.       Walter J.  Freeland – born August 29, 1945.  Sayville, Long Island.

ii.     Susan Freeland – born February 8, 1948.


b.     Howard Snyder – born January 27, 1917.  Unmarried.  In military service during World War II.


Fred Schneider – 2nd Marriage – He married Irene Stallkneckt of Brooklyn, New York.  They lived at 395 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.  Fred was associated with the Sheffield Milk Company.





G.   Margaretha (Margaret) Schneider - born April 30 1851 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario.  After her sister Katherina’s death, Margaret came to Bennington, New York from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada to keep house for her brother-in-law, John Bernhardt (Barney) Welker, who was left with two children, Franklin and Edward.  Later, John Bernhardt Walter married Margaret Schneider (his second marriage).  To them four children were born.  J. B. Welker died on July 11, 1908 at the age of 73 years 3 months, of cancer of the stomach.  Margaret died April 18, 1940 at the home of her son Arthur.  She lacked 12 days of being 89 years of age.  She died following a stroke which occurred 1½ years prior to death.  Both were buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


Children of Margaret and JB Welker:

1.     Elizabeth (Libbie) Welker – born March 17, 1873.  She married Rev. George Fox of Grove, New York.  He was born April 1, 1868 in Germany having come to this country at 17 years of age.  He died October 18, 1939 of cancer of the bladder.  He is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Fredonia, New York.

 Children of Lydia and George fox:

a.     Esther Fox – born August 25, 1899.  Nurse.  She married George Conklin of Mount Ivy, New York.  He served in World War I.  They resided at 97 Arden Street, New York, 34, New York.


b.     Ruth Ann Fox – born June 23, 1904.  She was a graduate of Utica Conservatory of Music.  She was a teacher of piano.  She married Paul Wilbur of Dunkirk, New York who was an auditor.

Children of Ruth Ann and Paul Wilbur:

i.       Gretchen Fox Wilbur –born October 27, 1937 at 79 East 7th Street, Dunkirk, New York.



2.     George Erwin Welker, M.D.  – born August 16, 1875.  He married Ophelia Horton, nurse, of Buffalo, New York on March 5, 1902.  She was born July 14, 1878.  George Welker died August 24, 1943 of cerebral haemorrhage, essentially hypertension.  Ophelia Welker resided at Dresden, New York.  George was buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Penn Yan, New York.


Children of George and Ophelia Welker:

a.     Elsie Margaret Welker – born April 2, 1903 in Geneva, New York.  She was a graduate of Syracuse University.  She was an inspector in the Child Welfare Division of the State Department of Social Welfare for several years.  She married Wayne Thomas of Factoryville, Pennsylvania.  Wayne was born on January 27, 1900 in Butte, Montana.  He was a graduate of Syracuse University and owner and manager of Arborists, Inc.  They resided at Dresden, New York.

Children of Elsie and Wayne Thomas:

i.       Annette Margaret Thomas – born July 24, 1933.

ii.     Elaine Louise Thomas – born January 14, 1936.


b.     Erwin John Welker – born April 26, 1905 in Dresden, New York.  He was a distributor for Socony Oil Company.  He resided in Dresden, New York.  He married Augusta (Peggy) Nielsen, of the town of Torrey, who was born on November 1, 1902 in Sindal, Denmark near Hjorring.  She was a graduate of Meaker's Business School, Elmira, New York.

Children of Erwin and Peggy Welker:

i.       Raymond Erwin Welker – born June 9, 1930.

ii.     Carroll George Welker – born November 10, 1933.

iii.    Dale Winston Welker – born April 1, 1938.

iv.    Karen Kirstein Welker – born August 12, 1943.


c.      Leland Arthur Welker – born July 21, 1907 in Dresden, New York.  He was a graduate of Bliss Electrical School, Washington, DC and Superintendent of the Penn Yan Municipal Light and Power Company.  He resided at 151 West Lake Road, Penn Yan, New York.  He married (first marriage) Dorothy King of Brooklyn, New York, who was born October 20, 1904 and died August 6, 1937 of heart failure during an asthma attack.  She was buried in Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan, New York.

Children of Leland and Dorothy Welker:

i.       Robin Leyland Welker – born December 28, 1931.

Leland married (second marriage) Evelyn Stead of Penn Yan, New York.  She was a graduate of Genesco State Normal School and became a Kindergarten Teacher.

Children of Leland and Evelyn Welker:

i.       John B. Welker – born September 27, 1942.


3.     Arthur Welker – born March 17, 1882.  He resided on the homestead in Bennington, New York.  He married Phillippine Smith of Warsaw, New York on November 29, 1889.

Children of Arthur and Phillippine (Phil) Welker:

a.     Lois Elizabeth Welker – born October 17, 1912.  She was a graduate of the University of Rochester. M.A.  She taught in High School.  She married Arthur Poelma of Albion, New York on December 27, 1941.  He was a graduate of Cornell University with graduate work at Cornell University and Oswege Normal School.  He taught in High School.  They resided in Albion, New York. R.D.

Children of Lois and Arthur Poelma:

i.       Gretchen Ann Poelma – born June 21, 1945.


b.     Doris Margaret Welker – born February 6, 1914.  She was a graduate of Rochester Business Institute.  She married J.  Warren Monch (Mench) of Park Ridge, Illinois on August 23, 1941.  He had a Ph.D. and was in the Research Department of Eastman Kodak Company.  They lived at 132 Rodessa Road, Rochester 12, New York.

Children of Doris and Warren Monch (Mench):

i.       John Warren Monch (Mench) II – born February 26, 1946.


c.      Eleanor Irene Welker – born September 11, 1915.  She was a graduate of the University of Rochester School of Nursing.  She was a member of staff for one year; did graduate work in Public Health Nursing at Syracuse University, and was a School Nurse.  She joined the Army Air Corps as an Army Flight Nurse, Second Lieutenant, serving overseas.  She was discharged at the end of 1945.  Her address was Attica, New York, R.D. living at home with her father, while attending Columbia University.


d.     Vera Grace Welker – born April 4, 1920.  She was a graduate of Meyer Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, New York and worked as a Nurse and Counsellor at a labour camp.  She became a Nurse Cadet on Home Combat Duty and received a Federal Scholarship to New York University for advanced courses in Public Health Nursing.  Vera married First Lieutenant Jarman George Kennard of Ithaca, New York on December 27, 1944.  He was in the Air Corps as navigator on a bomber overseas.  He was the sole survivor when the bomber was shot down.  He was taken prisoner, escaped, retaken as prisoner and hospitalized.  He was repatriated on September 26, 1944 on the MS Gripsholm.  They resided at Ithaca, New York.


e.     Arlene Helen Welker – born February 28, 1923.  She entered Genesee State Normal School.  She joined the WAVES and served at Sampson Naval Base as Librarian SIC.  Later she received an advanced rating of Y3C.  She married Kjell Sture Goranson in April 1946.  He was born in Sweden and was a Chemical Engineer.  They lived in Lufkin, Texas.


f.       Paul Gilbert Welker – born January 26, 1930.



4.     Lloyd A. Welker – born April 1888.  The day of month of birth is illegible in the Family Bible.  He died July 8, 1889 of “membrane croup” or “diphtheria”.  Compiler’s father remembered it been diagnosed as “diphtheria”.  There was little help in those days for that disease.  One method was to burn out the throat - a horrible procedure with recovery doubtful.  It was not used on Lloyd.  He was buried in the Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.




H.   Jacob (Jake) (Snyder) Schneider – born December 1, 1852 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario.  He married Fredericka (Ricy) Minkel, of East Bennington, New York, on May 10, 1887.  Jacob came to the USA settling on a farm in East Bennington, New York.  The surname Schneider was spelled Snyder “on this side”.  In 1927 they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.  Jacob died of age on March 8, 1940 in East Bennington, New York State, USARicy had stomach trouble.  She died October 19, 1930.  Both were buried in Summit View Cemetery, Bennington, New York.


Children of Jacob and Ricy Snyder:

1.     Edward George Snyder – born August 4, 1878.  He married Cora M Myers of East Bennington, New York on January 24, 1906.  They lived at Attica, New York (Rural Delivery).

Children of Edward and Cora Snyder:

a.     Viola Mabel Snyder – born November 26, 1910.  She married William Yablonsky of Auburn, New York on July 17, 1934. They lived in Attica, New York.

Children of Viola and William Yablonsky:

i.       William Arthur Yablonsky – born October 12, 1936.

ii.     Robert Arnold Yablonsky – born February 22, 1942.


b.     Katherine Rose Snyder – born November 17, 1913.  She married Lawrence Williams of Ithaca, New York on June 29, 1940.  They lived at Attica, New York.


c.      Marian Elizabeth Snyder – born June 21, 1920.  She married Donald H. Taylor of Warsaw, New York on October 25, 1941.  When the compiler last heard, Donald was in military service in World War II and Marian was in Attica.


Children of Marian and Donald Taylor:

i.       Donald Edward Taylor, Jr.  – born January 10, 1943.

ii.     Sharon Eleanor Snyder – August 31, 1947.

iii.    Michael Jeffrey Snyder



2.     Nellie Mae Snyder – born June 24, 1881.  She married Fred Erhardt of East Bennington, New York on November 29, 1900.  Fred died April 30, 1944 of heart trouble. Nellie died on March 30, 1948. They were buried at Summit View Cemetery, East Bennington, New York.


Children of Nellie and Fred Erhardt:

a.     Elsie Marie Erhardt – born August 29th, 1903.  She married Howard Churchill Jr. of Elba, New York (Rural Delivery) on September 18, 1926.  Their post office address was Batavia, New York.

Children of Elsie and Howard Churchill:

i.       Donald Howard Churchill – born June 27, 1932.

ii.     Marjorie and Churchill – born August 10, 1935.


b.     Irving Arthur Erhardt – born August 23, 1906.  He married Mabel Stocking of Batavia, New York on July 7, 1928.  The present address is Batavia, New York (Rural Delivery).

Children of Irving and Mabel Erhardt:

i.       Dorothy Irene Erhardt – born September 26, 1929.

ii.     Betty Mae Erhardt – born May 9, 1931.

iii.    Virginia Marie Erhardt – born August 28, 1932.

iv.    Franklin Arthur Erhardt – born May 23, 1937.

v.      Joanne Audrey Erhardt – born August 31, 1940.

vi.    Gloria Jean Erhardt – born May 13, 1947.


c.      Frederica (Freda) Mae Erhardt – born April 1, 1908.  Married Harold Stringham of Alexander, New York on April 18, 1931.  They lived on the Erhardt homestead in East Bennington, New York.

Children of Frieda and Harold Stringham:

i.       Beverly Elaine Stringham – born May 5, 1932.

ii.     Paul Francis Stringham – born December 24, 1937.


d.     Dorothy Elizabeth Erhardt – born July 15, 1911.  She married Claude Goetz of Attica, New York on April 9, 1932.  They resided at Alexander, New York (R.F.D.).

Children of Dorothy and Claude Goetz:

i.       Ruth Elizabeth Goetz – born November 14, 1932.

ii.     Marilou Irene Goetz – born March 31, 1934.

iii.    Nancy May Goetz – born August 22, 1935.

iv.    Wayne Claude Goetz – born April 8, 1937.

v.      Lynn Harvey Goetz – born June 5, 1938.

vi.    Patricia Ann Goetz – born January 24, 1941.

vii.  Joan Carol Goetz – born December 5, 1942

viii.  Sandra Violet Goetz – born October 14, 1944.

ix.    Cecelia Marie Goetz – born March 2, 1947.


e.     Mildred Caroline Erhardt – born July 22, 1915.  She married Vernon E. Pettibone of Attica, New York on August 29, 1935.  They resided at Attica, New York.

Children of Mildred and Vernon Pettibone:

i.       John Ernest Pettibone – born March 7, 1940.

ii.     Linda Marie Pettibone – born November 29, 1943.


f.       Carol Virginia Erhardt – born November 29, 1919.  She married Arthur Bagg of Attica, New York (where they resided) on December 2, 1937.

Children of Carol and Arthur Bagg:

i.       Dora Marie Bagg – born May 5, 1938.

ii.     Nora Marie Bagg – born May 5, 1938.


g.      Evelyn Ruth Erhardt – born December 1, 1923.  She married Charles E Fox on January 30, 1946.  They resided in Queens Village, Long Island.



3.     William Henry Snyder – born October 23, 1882.  He married Hildegard Ulrich of East Bennington, New York on December 5, 1913.  She was born in Germany coming to America when she was a young girl.  Their address when married was Attica, New York (Rural Delivery).

Children of William and Hildegard Snyder:

a.     Gladys Caroline Snyder – born September 24, 1913.


b.     Milton Ulrich Snyder – born February 6, 1915.  He married Monica E McKernan of Attica, New York on October 12, 1939.

Children of Milton and Monica Snyder:

i.       Patricia Ann Snyder – born September 24, 1940.

ii.     James Milton Snyder – born May 17, 1946.

iii.    Robert Alan Snyder – born June 14, 1948.


c.      William Harold Snyder, Jr. – born July 9, 1923.  When compiler last heard, he was in military service in World War II.


d.     Joyce Hildegard Snyder – born November 3, 1933.



4.     Harry Benjamin Snyder – born June 22, 1889.  He married Lena Reiner of Bennington, New York, sister of Phillip Reiner, on March 18, 1922.  He died of cancer in 1938 or 19 29.  He was buried at Summit View Cemetery.  Their address had been Attica, New York (R.F.D.).

Children of Harry and Lena Snyder:

a.     Ronald Harry Snyder – born July 27, 1923.  He served overseas in World War II and was wounded.  When he returned he lived at home with his father.


b.     Laurene Ethel Snyder – born December 12, 1924.  She married Frederick C Krause of Bennington, New York where they resided.

Children of Laurene and Frederick Krause:

i.       James David Krause – born May 30, 1942.

ii.     Robert Allen Krause – born February 2, 1947.


c.      Velma Eileen Snyder – born May 30, 1927.



5.     Leigh Franklin Snyder – born March 27, 1893.  He married Helen Churchill of Elba, New York on July 18, 1917.  They lived at Genesee Street, Attica, New York.

Children of Leigh and Helen Snyder:

a.     Lorna Elaine Snyder – born February 6, 1921.  She married Lynn Mitchell of Attica, New York on July 4, 1942.  When compiler last heard, Mr. Mitchell was an officer in the Navy during World War II.

Children of Lorna and Lynn Mitchell:

i.       Judith Ann Mitchell – born June 10, 1943.

ii.     Mary Helen Mitchell – born January 1, 1946.

iii.    David Lynn Mitchell


b.     Arlene Churchill Snyder – born August 17, 1922.  She married Richard L Roth of Attica on December 24, 1941.  They resided at 29 Glenwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York.

Children of Arlene and Richard Roth:

i.       Gary Richard Roth – born April 27, 1944.

ii.     Donald Lee Roth – born March 13, 1948.

iii.    Karen Ann Roth


c.      Leola Helen Snyder – born March 14, 1930.



I.  Menno Schneider – born February 6, 1856 near Hawkesville, in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario.  He married Caroline Daumier who was born November 27, 1858 and continued to live in Canada.  Menno died on October 4, 1937 and Caroline died May 10, 1938.  Both were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery, Canada.


Children of Menno and Caroline Schneider:

1.     John H. Schneider – born April 27, 1879.  Unmarried.  Died May 7, 1954.


2.     Daniel Schneider – born August 4, 1881.  Unmarried.  Died September 5, 1955.


3.     Catherine (Katie) Schneider – born January 31, 1883.  Unmarried.  Died March 7, 1939.


4.     George Schneider – born March 29, 1886 and died April 10, 1886. (Original dates shown were b. April 15, 1885; d. December 31, 1886)


5.     Emma Schneider – born April 9, 1888.  She married Robert Thompson.  No children.  She died January 18, 1942. (original dates were b. April 24, 1888; d. January 18, 1942)


6.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Schneider – born May 21, 1895.  Married John Bolander who was born January 1, 1887 (Original date b. January 13, 1886).  They lived at R.R. #1 Gowanstown, Ontario.  Lizzie died on June 11, 1968.

Children of Lizzie and John Bolander:

a.     Cora Bolander – born May 26, 1916.


b.     Earl Bolander – September 22, 1923.  He married Dorothy Burton who was born on June 25, 1929.

Children of Earl and Dorothy Bolander:

i.       Wayne Bolander


c.      Aaron Schneider – born July 9, 1890.  He married Myrtle Irene Coulter who was born May 1, 1900.

Children of Aaron and Myrtle Schneider:

i.       Grace Schneider – born July 28, 1918.  She married Elwood Newbigging who was born May 1, 1917

ii.     William Aaron Schneider – born September 12, 1922.

iii.    Edith Florence Schneider – born September 14, 1924.


J. Fredericke (Ricy) Schneider – born September 22, 1858 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario.  She married John Wolf on May 10, 1878 and they resided at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.  Fredericke died on June 27, 1931.  John died on December 12, 1937.  Both are buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical Cemetery, Ontario.



Children of Ricy and John Wolf:

1.     Clara Wolf – married Solomon Deckert, Gowanstown, Ontario.  Compiler believes that she had two daughters and four sons.  Two of the boys were in military service in World War II.

a.     Alfred Wolf

b.     Edgar Wolf

c.      Victor Wolf

d.     Wilfred Wolf

e.     Alveretta Wolf

f.       Bernice Wolf


2.     Elizabeth (Lizzie) Wolf – married Emerson Kaufman.  No children.  They’ve lived in Palmerston, Ontario.


3.     George Wolf – married Alvera McDowell who died August 26, 1934 of a heart attack, following an operation two days previously.  They lived at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.



K.    Ferdinand Schneider – born October 19, 1878 in Wellesley Township, Waterloo County, Ontario. He married Mary Ann Welker. They farmed 12 acres part of Lot 20, Concession 5, Wallace from 1890 – 1898. He died October 29, 1898 and was interred in the 6th Line Zion Cemetery, Wallace Township, Ontario.


Note: Ferdinand Schneider was not in the Elsie Welker Thomas but has been augmented with information from the “Schneider Family History” written by William George Schneider.


S-052 - Schneider Family

Back Row: Mary Walter, John Schneider, Lizzie Hersch, Annie Walter,

Adeline Walter, Ed Schneider, Rachel (Ricy) Walter.

On Grass: Clara Ruppel, Dan Walter, Ida Kaiser.






S-063 - Schneider Family – 1940’s

Back Row: Annie Walter, Mary Walter, Lizzie (Elizabeth) Hersch, John Schneider, Ricky (Rachel) Walter, Edward Schneider, Maggie (Margaret) Melvin, Adeline Walter.

Seated: Ida Kaiser, Clara Ruppel





--- End ---



Copyright 2016 by Elsie Welker Thomas and John Quanz

All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced, posted or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. If necessary you can reach the copyright holders though the webmaster of at


This information is transcribed from a document produced by Elsie Welker Thomas from Dresden, N.Y. in 1946. We thank her for all the work she put into compiling this information.


We also want to thank Dorrell Boles (nee Walter) and Veronica (Frona) Quanz, (nee Walter), for keeping this information and passing it down to us.


Special Note: The information presented here was gathered from many different documents over a period of 70 years. The main portion of the documents was written by Elsie Welker Thomas but has been augmented with information from the “Schneider Family History” written by William George Schneider.


The notes regarding some of the actual references have been lost. If any readers recognize the content and where it may have come from we would appreciate receiving that information so we can credit those references appropriately.