Chapter 9.1
Henry Schneider
By John Quanz
There are many links between the Schneider, Walter, Krotz and Quanz families in the 6th Line of Wallace community. You can read about those relationships in the chapter on George Schneider and Elizabeth Steck. There is one particular family connection I would like to high-lite.
Henry S. Schneider was born January 22, 1845 near Hawkesville, Wellesley Township, Waterloo County. He married Katherine Anna Roppel in 1867. Katherine was born on August 21, 1847 in Germany and came to Canada when she was about 10 years old. Henry and Katherine lived in Port Elgin, Ontario until about 1877 when they moved to Wallace, Perth County, Ontario on a farm. Henry was a carpenter in Port Elgin. Katherine died March 28, 1896 and Henry died November 25, 1927. Both died of “heart trouble” and were buried in the 6th Line Wallace Evangelical (Zion) Cemetery, Canada.
Henry S. Schneider from the 50th Wedding Anniversary photo of his parents and siblings get-together
1885-1886 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
(ballcd2123 originally shared this)
While Henry and Katherine lived in Port Elgin they attended the Evangelical Association church. The Evangelical Association was a group of churches that were often referred to just as “Evangelical(s)”. The Evangelical Association later merged with another group of churches to form the Evangelical United Brethren church. When Henry and Katherine moved to the 6th Line of Wallace the 6th Line Church was part of the Evangelical Association.
During the time they attended the Evangelical Association church in Port Elgin there were special services or meetings taking place both in their church as well as the local Mennonite church. These meetings were known as Revival meetings. The meetings were held almost every night over a period of weeks/months in both churches simultaneously. Some times the pastors would preach in each other’s church. During these Revival meetings many people from both the church and the community either came to a faith in God or renewed their commitment to Him.
The pastor of the Evangelical church, Rev. Jacob Anthes (1836-1874), wrote several letters to his father during that time. These letters are now in the archives of the University of Waterloo. In a letter dated “Port Elgin, 6 March 1869”, he wrote:
Werte Vater Anthes,
Um meinem Versprechen nachzukommen greife ich die Feder um einige Zeilen an dich zu richten [.]
Respected Father Anthes,
As I promised, I take up my pen to direct a few lines to you.
We constantly have good reason to praise and thank God for his mighty work in our midst. The assemblies are all still well attended, and the word of the Cross is always readily accepted by the audience. And this has the particular result of making all those who believe in it blessed, whether they are Swedenborgian, Lutheran, Mennonite, or even Catholic.
Thus far fifty people have converted, and the prayer altar is constantly full of blessing-seekers. Because it is still fairly light, I want to try to write down as many of the names as I can recall: John David and his wife and two daughters; old Cress and his wife and old David’s wife (old David himself is still holding back, but he is not as resistant as before); the Becker family and their parents-in-law; brother-in-law, and sister-in-law; Schneider and his wife; Büschlen and his wife and two sisters-in-law (M. Eby’s daughters); Noah Deuners and his wife together with L. Detweiler’s daughters – and many others besides. Fourteen have let themselves be baptized, and thirty have joined. May God keep them all truly faithful.
The letter continues on; -
Respectfully yours, etc.
J. Anthes
You can see these letters in the University of Waterloo Library, Archives & Rare Books, Waterloo County: Anthes Family Letters
As shown below Henry, Catherine, Margaret and Elizabeth are shown in the 1871 Census record for Saugeen, North Bruce. They were the only Schneider family in that area when the census was taken.
During these Revival Services two things happened that link to us today. One is that Henry and Katherine had a baby girl born in 1873 they named Annie. Annie married Henry Walter, had a daughter named Veronica who married Fred Quanz; they had a son Walter and here I am. The second special thing was that due to his faith in God Henry purchased a Bible and wrote his name in it – he wrote “Henry S. Schneider, Port Elgin, 1873”.
The Bible shown on the left was Henry’s Bible from 1873. It is an 1872 edition of Martin Luther’s translation published in Frankfurt, Germany.
The story about this Bible coming back to our family is related by Mr. Clare Fuller, a former missionary who picks up the story in an article he wrote for the “Bibles for Missions” newsletter;
“Why is this Bible so special? Well, people in Port Elgin were buying Bibles because from 1869 the Evangelical Association congregation experienced a revival that touched all the German-speaking churches in the area, including the United Brethren in Christ, and the Mennonites. Mennonite pastor Solomon Eby was converted and most of his congregation.
In 2013, the University of Waterloo published on-line translations of letters written by Rev Jacob Anthes, the Evangelical Association pastor, giving new details of the revival, including the conversion of a Schneider family!
In the spring of 2014, I saw a large old German Bible someone had put on the shelves for auction items in the processing area at Bibles for Missions. We have had many old Bibles donated over the years, but this one was special to me. The Bible had been owned by a man in Port Elgin, Ontario, in 1873, right in the middle of the time of a revival that practically started my church (the Evangelical Missionary Church). I hoped this Bible was owned by one of those people.
Unfortunately the man’s name, Henry Schneider or Snyder (both were written inside the covers) was a common one. In books and on the internet, I found several people of that name, but the details did not fit.”
[ John Quanz: Clare did find one reference that he followed up. He found a reference on our website at that referred to a Henry Schneider who was in Port Elgin and had a daughter born there in 1873. Her name was Annie. Clare emailed me and was able to confirm through us that the owner of this Bible was our Henry Schneider.]
From Clare; “The next week at “Bibles for Missions”, I was dismayed that the Bible had been put in a box for recycling. Our store policy, for good reason, does not allow workers to buy items that have been set aside for recycling. I pleaded with our manager, Darlene, anyway, saying I would pay any price. Thankfully, she allowed me to take the Bible. I am so glad she did.
Eventually, I was able to track down descendents of the original owner. In May, a great-grandson [Walter Quanz] and great-great-grandson [John Quanz] of Henry came to joyfully reclaim the Bible.” [Clare did ask that when and if we were finished with the Bible he would like it to go into the Archives of the Evangelical Missionary Church.]
These Revival meetings had a profound effect on both the Evangelical Association church and Mennonite church. The Evangelical Association, later the EUB church, on the 6th Line of Wallace was a strong church leading the local ministry and planting several new churches in the area including Calvary EUB Church in Listowel. Henry and all our families played key roles in the ministry of this church. One of the elders of the Mennonite church, Solomon Eby, went on to develop and lead the Reformed Mennonite Church denomination which later became the United Missionary Church, the Missionary Church and interestingly the western part of the EUB Church merged with the Missionary Church to form what is now the Evangelical Missionary Church. In eastern Canada the EUB Church merged with the United Church and now the 6th Line Evangelical United Brethren Church is the Zion United Church still ministering in our community.
For me there is a special tie in that my Dad grew up in the 6th Line Church and with the impact this church had on his life and his growing faith in God he provided leadership in the Evangelical Missionary Church locally and provincially.
Notes on Henry S Schneider
Those who knew his son Henry Schneider remember him as being a very patient man. He was a prosperous farmer and took an active interest in politics (from Henry Schneider History Book).
Henry sold the farm to his son Edward Schneider in 1919, who in turn later sold it to John George’s son Melvin in 1928, after Henry had passed away. The house was destroyed by fire. Melvin sold the farm in 1942 Elmer and Saloma (Schneider) Detweiler, keeping the farm in the family, as Saloma was Edward’s daughter.
Henry’s daughters Annie, Mary, and Adeline married brothers Henry, John and Daniel Walter, while Rachel married their cousin Simon Walter! They all stayed on the 6th Concession of Wallace and farmed there for most of their lives. Pearl Bender’s comment on all this interconnected marrying was: “that confuses the issue at all “!
Bessie remembers that her Grandpa Henry looked just like he does in the pictures, as he always had that beard. He gave Bessie a beautiful plate with three ladies on, which was made in Bavaria.
Schneider – Grandma Katherine, Annie, Lizzie, Maggie,
Grandpa Henry Schneider
His obituary in the Listowel Banner notes that the “late Mr. Schneider was a prosperous farmer and took an active interest in politics. He united with the Evangelical church at Port Elgin when a young man“. He died of a brain hemorrhage brought on by arteriosclerosis which occurred on November 24, resulting in his death the next day, Nov. 25, 1927, at age 82 years, 10 months and 3 days. He was attended by Dr. Pratt.
Further interesting details are in the recollections about Grandpa Schneider written by Mabel Fry included in this book.
Notes on Catherine Anna Roppel
Catherine came to Canada at the age of 10 or 11 with her sister, Kate, who was 16 years old in 1857 or 1858. Their brother George had come to Canada in 1854, and they most likely came to join him, before the rest of the family came over in 1863, when Catherine would have been about 16 years old.
They may have lived with their brother and/or aunt who had emigrated previously from Germany. Catherine lived near Port Elgin, Bruce County, prior to her marriage. On the day that she died, Henry walked to Wallaceville, and Catherine had a stroke. She had been baking bread and doing other household duties until about 11 AM, when she complained of feeling weak. She soon became unconscious and passed away the same day at 8 PM on March 28, 1896.
Her obituary in the Listowel Standard on April 13, 1896 noted that “Mrs. Schneider was an exceptionally kind and agreeable person and to be acquainted with her was to esteem and respect her. She was a faithful adherent of the Evangelical church and we have no doubt as to her future.” After her death her daughters Mary, Rachel, and Adeline helped to raise the seven children, ages 5 to 19 and each eventually left home to get married.
Further details, please see Dorrell (Walter) Boles recollections, included with this project.
Source - Schneider Family History – Waterloo
Henry S Schneider Family at Gordon Bender’s
Henry Schneider and Catherine Roppel Family Photo - taken before 1897
Back Row: Elizabeth (Lizzie), Mary, Annie, Margaret (Maggie), Rachael (Ricca), John George
Front Row: Edward, Henry, Clara, Catherine, Ida, Adeline
Taken before 1897 probably in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Children of Henry and Catherine Schneider:
1. Margaret (Maggie) Schneider – born July 3, 1868 in Port Elgin, Ontario. She married Darwin S. Melvin who was born July 23, 1867 in Bennington, New York. Maggie lived in Port Elgin until she was nine years of age. She and Darwin were married on February 8, 1888 in Wallace, Perth County, Ontario. Margaret and Darwin lived in the region near Attica, New York. Margaret was a practical nurse.
Darwin died on August 29, 1915 in Attica, New York where they had made their home and where Maggie continued to live.
2. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Schneider – born January 30, 1870 in Port Elgin, Ontario. She married John Hersch. Lizzie and John resided on their Hiersch homestead in East Bennington for several years before moving to Attica village. In 1902 they moved to 95 Cordova St., Buffalo. Later they moved to 192 East Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY. Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo
S-003 - Annie and Lizzie Schneider
3. George Schneider – born December 22, 1871 in Port Elgin, Ontario.
Notes on George Schneider - George died at the age of 6 or 7. There is a story believed connected with him. As a young boy, living on the 6th of Wallace, he swallowed a marble. When his mother Catherine noticed that he was choking, she called to Elizabeth to help her with the boy, to recover the marble. Catherine went to pray in the bedroom, asking God to please spare her child and to not let him die this way. The report indicates that her prayer was answered. George was spared at that time but was taken another way later on.
Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo
4. Annie Schneider – born August 2, 1873 at Port Elgin, Ontario. She married Henry Walter and retired in Listowel, Ontario, Canada.
S-004 - Annie Schneider and Henry Walter
Wedding - Feb 1, 1895
Notes on Annie Catharine Schneider - Annie and Henry farmed in Wallace Township, moving to Kitchener in the fall of 1928, and returning to Wallace in 1932, farming Lot 27 S ½ on Concession 7 of Wallace Township until 1940, when they retired to Listowel. Annie died at the home of her daughter, Frona, in Listowel. Death was attributed to a heart condition. She was a member of Calvary EUB church in Listowel.
Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo
5. Mary Schneider – born October 2 1875 in Port Elgin, Ontario. She married John E. Walter – born February 14, 1879. They resided at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.
Notes on Mary Schneider - John and Mary must have lived on Concession 7, Lots 31 and 32, N ½’s, as Leta was born there.
6. John G. Schneider – born February 5, 1878 in Wallace, Ontario. He married Margaret Wilhelm who was born on January 16, 1883. They lived at R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.
7. Rachel (Ricca) Schneider – born June 5, 1880 in Wallace, Ontario. She married Simon Walter who was born January 13, 1879. Their address was R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario.
8. Edward Schneider – born January 24, 1883 in Wallace, Ontario. He married Anna (Annie) Roberts who was born on December 6, 1862. They lived at 8 Rose Street, Kitchener, Ontario, and also on Glasgow Street, Kitchener, Ontario.
S-030 - Ed Schneider
Notes on Edward Schneider - They farmed in Wallace Township, and then moved to Kitchener. In 1924 they were listed as Congregation members at the Wallace 6th Line EUB Church, along with son Robert Franklin, and father Henry. Edward died from a stroke. Anna was in Sunnyside Home in Kitchener and died at the age of 96. – Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo
9. Adeline Schneider – born May 13, 1885 in Wallace, Ontario. She married Daniel Walter who was born on August 9, 1885. They lived for several years near R.R. #1, Gowanstown, Ontario and then moved to Stamford Centre, Ontario, 6 miles out of Niagara Falls, Ontario.
10. Ida Schneider – born February 9, 1888 in Wallace, Ontario. Ida married in 1909 to Wesley Kaiser who was born May 10, 1885 (or 1888). They had a store business and lived in Viceroy, Saskatchewan.
Notes on Ida Schneider - Ida came east to visit relatives in Ontario on July 1977. While visiting with her sister, Clara, Ida had a heart attack on July 12, 1977. She died at the K-W Hospital on July 13, 1977 and was buried in Nanaimo, BC. She had moved to Viceroy to live with her daughter Manota (Peggy), and later moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. She was 89 years old, and her last wish was to visit her only remaining sister, Clara Ruppel of Kitchener. They had 10 days together before her heart attack.
Source - Schneider Family History - Waterloo
11. Clara Schneider – born June 20, 1890 in Wallace, Ontario. On December 12, 1917, Clare married Norman Ruppel who was born on May 28, 1888. They lived at 11 Chestnut Street, Kitchener, Ontario.
Henry S. Schneider
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